The main aim of the International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics [ISSN 0974-7117 (Print), ISSN 0973-8347 (Online)] is to publish refereed, well-written original research articles, and studies that describe the latest research and developments in the area of mathematics and statistics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of mathematics, statistics and interdisciplinary research. International Journal of Mathematics & Statistics is a peer-reviewed online journal and is published Three times a year.
International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (IJMS) was reviewed, abstracted and indexed in the past by the Mathematical Reviews; MathSciNet; Zentralblatt für Mathematik (Zentralblatt MATH); Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts (STMA-Z), Current Index to Statistics (CIS) [ The Current Index to Statistics (CIS) is a joint venture of the American Statistical Association & Institute of Mathematical Statistics, USA], International Abstracts in Operations Research (IAOR), Indian Science Abstracts; Academic keys; JournalSeek, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, International Statistical Institute (ISI, Netherlands) Journal Index, IndexCopernicus, Getcited…
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