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Scopus Indexed Journals - U -

Sopus indexed journals List U
Scopus indexed journals

Scopus indexed journals - U -

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The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus. You can browse for a journal using the links below. Alternatively, you can perform a search for a specific journal title by following the instructions provided in the search box.
Below is The Collection of All  Journals, by ISSN and Title, as ranked by Scopus.
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P-ISSN                   E-ISSN                    SOURCE TITLE                                        
1946-1968 :  1524-0436 :  U.S. Army Medical Department journal
2304-0122 :  0000-0000 :  Ufa Mathematical Journal
2071-0194 :  2071-0186 :  Ukrainian Journal of Physics
1438-8782 :  0172-4614 :  Ultraschall in der Medizin
1096-0910 :  0161-7346 :  Ultrasonic Imaging
2288-5943 :  2288-5919 :  Ultrasonography
1469-0705 :  0960-7692 :  Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
1521-0758 :  0191-3123 :  Ultrastructural Pathology
2291-6830 :  2291-6822 :  Uncertain Supply Chain Management
2050-6414 :  2050-6406 :  United European Gastroenterology Journal
1615-5297 :  1615-5289 :  Universal Access in the Information Society
2332-3299 :  2332-3280 :  Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
2332-3361 :  2332-3353 :  Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering
2174-0933 :  1698-5117 :  Universia Business Review
2084-3828 :  0860-0120 :  Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica
1913-5440 :  0833-2207 :  University of Toronto Medical Journal
0718-2376 :  0716-498X :  Universum
2301-3869 :  2301-3850 :  Unmanned Systems
2000-1967 :  0300-9734 :  Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences
1468-4519 :  1357-5317 :  Urban Design International
1469-8706 :  0963-9268 :  Urban History
2183-7635 :  0000-0000 :  Urban Planning
1476-7244 :  0811-1146 :  Urban Policy and Research
2199-6679 :  2199-6687 :  Urban Rail Transit
1753-5077 :  1753-5069 :  Urban Research and Practice
1360-063X :  0042-0980 :  Urban Studies
1744-9006 :  1573-062X :  Urban Water Journal
1855-8399 :  0353-6483 :  Urbani Izziv
2069-6469 :  2069-0509 :  Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions
2175-3369 :  0000-0000 :  Urbe
2194-7236 :  2194-7228 :  Urolithiasis
1423-0399 :  0042-1138 :  Urologia Internationalis
0974-7834 :  0974-7796 :  Urology Annals
1735-546X :  1735-1308 :  Urology journal
2352-0779 :  0000-0000 :  Urology Practice
1938-5439 :  1537-6176 :  Ursus
1758-390X :  1758-3896 :  US Cardiology Review
1758-3926 :  1758-3918 :  US Endocrinology
1758-4019 :  1758-4000 :  US Neurology
1573-1391 :  0924-1868 :  User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction
1741-6183 :  0953-8208 :  Utilitas
2477-9555 :  1316-5216 :  Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana
2154-9648 :  1045-991X :  Utopian studies