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Scopus Indexed Journals - Q -

We are pleased to present a comprehensive list of reputable scholarly journals that are indexed by Scopus. These journals cover a wide range of academic disciplines and have been rigorously vetted to meet the highest standards of quality and impact in the research community. Researchers and academics can rely on the information and findings published in these journals for their research and academic pursuits. The list of Scopus Indexed Journals serves as a valuable resource for those looking to stay informed about the latest developments and breakthroughs in their respective fields. By consulting this list, scholars can ensure they are engaging with reputable sources that have been recognized for their excellence in scholarship and research.

List of Scopus Indexed Journals

Sopus indexed journals - Q -

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Scopus Indexed Journals


Print-ISSN      Source Title available in the Scopus 
0253-8253     Qatar Medical Journal
1001-4322     Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams
1000-680X     Qiche Gongcheng/Automotive Engineering
1000-0054     Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University
1460-2725     QJM - Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians
1590-2595     Quaderni di Geofisica
0226-8043     Quaderni d'Italianistica
0393-0645     Quaderni Italiani di Psichiatria
0301-6307     Quaderni storici
0033-4987     Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica
1138-5790     Quaderns
0211-5557     Quaderns de l'Institut Catala d'Antropologia
1142-2785     Quadrature
0014-9527     Quaerendo
0137-477X     Quaestiones Geographicae
1607-3606     Quaestiones Mathematicae
0033-5053     Quaker history
1049-7323     Qualitative Health Research
1077-8004     Qualitative Inquiry
1352-2752     Qualitative Market Research
1052-0147     Qualitative Report
1468-7941     Qualitative Research
1176-6093     Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management
1478-0887     Qualitative Research in Psychology
1939-8441     Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise
1443-9883     Qualitative Research Journal
1473-3250     Qualitative Social Work
0162-0436     Qualitative Sociology
1733-8077     Qualitative Sociology Review
1575-5460     Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
2159-676X     Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health
1582-2559     Quality - Access to Success
0033-5177     Quality and Quantity
0748-8017     Quality and Reliability Engineering International
1757-8361     Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods
0968-4883     Quality Assurance in Education
1087-8378     Quality Assurance Journal
0898-2112     Quality Engineering
1353-8322     Quality in Higher Education
1479-1072     Quality in Primary Care
1335-1745     Quality Innovation Prosperity
1063-8628     Quality Management in Health Care
0962-9343     Quality of Life Research
0033-524X     Quality Progress
1684-3703     Quality Technology and Quantitative Management
1469-7688     Quantitative Finance
1768-6733     Quantitative InfraRed Thermography
1570-7156     Quantitative Marketing and Economics
1063-7818     Quantum Electronics
1533-7146     Quantum Information and Computation
1570-0755     Quantum Information Processing
0375-7471     Quartar
1098-3708     Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
0033-5533     Quarterly Journal of Economics
1470-9236     Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
1747-0218     Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
0049-8599     Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture
0033-5606     Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
0033-5614     Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics
1824-4785     Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
1554-0626     Quarterly Journal of Political Science
0033-5630     Quarterly Journal of Speech
0035-9009     Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
0033-569X     Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
0033-9008     Quarterly Report of RTRI (Railway Technical Research Institute) (Japan)
0033-5770     Quarterly Review of Biology
1062-9769     Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
1050-9208     Quarterly Review of Film and Video
0033-5835     Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics
0277-3791     Quarternary Science Reviews
1561-2848     Quasigroups and Related Systems
1142-2904     Quaternaire
1771-1150     Quaternaire, Supplement
1871-1014     Quaternary Geochronology
1040-6182     Quaternary International
0033-5894     Quaternary Research
0828-9999     Quebec Journal of International Law
0033-6041     Queen's quarterly
0929-8592     Queeste
0033-6297     Quest
0774-5524     Questions Liturgiques
1542-7730     Queue
0257-0130     Queueing Systems
0100-4042     Quimica Nova
1579-7414     Quintana
0033-6572     Quintessence International
0329-2665     Quinto Sol
0048-6493     Quinzaine Litteraire
