We are pleased to present a comprehensive list of reputable scholarly journals that are indexed by Scopus. These journals cover a wide range of academic disciplines and have been rigorously vetted to meet the highest standards of quality and impact in the research community. Researchers and academics can rely on the information and findings published in these journals for their research and academic pursuits. The list of Scopus Indexed Journals serves as a valuable resource for those looking to stay informed about the latest developments and breakthroughs in their respective fields. By consulting this list, scholars can ensure they are engaging with reputable sources that have been recognized for their excellence in scholarship and research.
List of Scopus Indexed Journals
Sopus indexed journals - P -
Browse the journal titles

Print-ISSN Source Title available in the Scopus
1052-1372 P and T
0147-8389 PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology
1026-2881 Pachyderm
0030-851X Pacific Affairs
0927-538X Pacific Basin Finance Journal
1038-2097 Pacific Conservation Biology
1361-374X Pacific Economic Review
1225-4657 Pacific Focus
1015-7867 Pacific health dialog : a publication of the Pacific Basin Officers Training Program and the Fiji School of Medicine
0030-8684 Pacific Historical Review
0030-8730 Pacific Journal of Mathematics
1348-9151 Pacific Journal of Optimization
1023-9499 Pacific Journalism Review
0030-8803 Pacific Northwest Quarterly
0279-0750 Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
0951-2748 Pacific Review
1444-5921 Pacific Rim Property Research Journal
0030-8870 Pacific Science
0163-9234 Package Printing
0030-9117 Packaging Digest
0048-2676 Packaging News
0894-3214 Packaging Technology and Science
1746-5095 Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material
1611-2490 Paddy and Water Environment
0030-9346 Padiatrische Praxis
0030-9230 Paedagogica historica
1330-1403 Paediatria Croatica
1330-724X Paediatria Croatica, Supplement
1155-5645 Paediatric Anaesthesia
0269-5022 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology
1174-5878 Paediatric Drugs
1526-0542 Paediatric Respiratory Reviews
1205-7088 Paediatrics and Child Health
1751-7222 Paediatrics and Child Health (United Kingdom)
2046-9047 Paediatrics and international child health
0103-863X Paideia
0090-5674 Paideuma
1674-8530 Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering
0304-3959 Pain
1524-9042 Pain Management Nursing
1526-2375 Pain Medicine
1533-3159 Pain Physician
1530-7085 Pain Practice
1203-6765 Pain Research and Management
2090-1542 Pain Research and Treatment
0884-3848 Paint and Coatings Industry
1476-0274 Paint and Resin Times
1520-281X PAJ - Journal of Performance and Art
0552-9034 Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences
1028-8880 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
1812-1837 Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology
0556-3321 Pakistan Journal of Botany
1680-4465 Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science
1727-4915 Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
1996-7195 Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
1682-024X Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences
1680-5194 Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
1011-601X Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences.
0030-9885 Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
1012-9367 Pakistan Journal of Statistics
1816-2711 Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research
0030-9923 Pakistan Journal of Zoology
0304-4904 Pakistan Paediatric Journal
0048-2757 Pakistan Textile Journal
0253-8318 Pakistan Veterinary Journal
0122-8285 Palabra Clave
1867-1594 Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
0031-0182 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
0375-0299 Palaeontographica Abteilung B: Palaeophytologie
0375-0442 Palaeontographica, Abteilung A: Palaozoologie - Stratigraphie
1094-8074 Palaeontologia Electronica
0078-8562 Palaeontologia Polonica
0031-0239 Palaeontology
1871-174X Palaeoworld
0883-1351 Palaios
0031-0220 Palaontologische Zeitschrift
1567-2158 PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology
0094-8373 Paleobiology
0883-8305 Paleoceanography
0031-0301 Paleontological Journal
1342-8144 Paleontological Research
0031-0328 Palestine Exploration Quarterly
0031-0387 Pallas
1478-9515 Palliative & supportive care.
0269-2163 Palliative Medicine
0253-3200 Palpu Chongi Gisul/Journal of Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
0191-6122 Palynology
0031-0506 Pamatky Archeologicke
0031-0514 Pamietnik Literacki
1937-8688 Pan African Medical Journal
1319-6995 Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery
1537-1964 Panacea
1809-9009 Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences
1064-9735 Panamerican Mathematical Journal
0885-3177 Pancreas
1424-3903 Pancreatology
0031-0808 Panminerva Medica
1452-595X Panoeconomicus
0031-0603 Pan-Pacific Entomologist
0031-1049 Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia
1405-7425 Papeles de Poblacion
0149-9890 Papeles del Psicologo
0218-4540 Paper Asia
0958-6024 Paper Technology
0031-1138 Paper, Film and Foil Converter
1933-3684 Paper360
0031-1227 Paperboard Packaging
0031-1243 Paperi ja Puu/Paper and Timber
0031-126X Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
1056-8190 Papers in Regional Science
0006-128X Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
0068-2462 Papers of the British School at Rome
0343-0758 Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature
1730-802X Papers on Global Change IGBP
0031-1294 Papers on Language and Literature
0210-2862 Papers: Revista de sociologia
0031-1480 Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal
0362-1596 Parabola
0264-8334 Paragraph
1353-4645 Parallax
1089-795X Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT
0167-8191 Parallel Computing
0129-6264 Parallel Processing Letters
1252-607X Parasite
0141-9838 Parasite Immunology
1756-3305 Parasites and Vectors
0031-1820 Parasitology
1383-5769 Parasitology International
0932-0113 Parasitology Research
0031-1847 Parazitologiia
1529-5192 Parenting
0313-6221 Parergon
0031-2037 Paris Review
0735-9462 Park Science
1353-8020 Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
1768-6520 Parlement[s]
0031-2290 Parliamentary Affairs
0264-2824 Parliamentary History
0260-6755 Parliaments, Estates and Representation
0048-3028 Parnassus
0031-2355 Parola del Passato
1565-3668 Partial Answers
1743-8977 Particle and Fibre Toxicology
0934-0866 Particle and Particle Systems Characterization
0272-6351 Particulate Science and Technology
1674-2001 Particuology
1354-0688 Party Politics
1120-0650 Passato e Presente
0031-2746 Past and Present
0264-3944 Pastoral Care in Education
0031-2789 Pastoral Psychology
1015-2008 Pathobiology : journal of immunopathology, molecular and cellular biology
2049-632X Pathogens and Disease
2047-7724 Pathogens and Global Health
0031-2983 Pathologica
0369-8114 Pathologie Biologie
0031-3025 Pathology
1082-9784 Pathology Case Reviews
1320-5463 Pathology International
1219-4956 Pathology Oncology Research
0344-0338 Pathology Research and Practice
2042-003X Pathology Research International
0928-4680 Pathophysiology
1178-1653 Patient
0738-3991 Patient Education and Counseling
1177-889X Patient Preference and Adherence
1754-9493 Patient Safety in Surgery
0031-2991 Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentalnaya Terapiya
1433-7541 Pattern Analysis and Applications
0031-3203 Pattern Recognition
1054-6618 Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
0167-8655 Pattern Recognition Letters
0031-322X Patterns of Prejudice
0737-8939 PC World (San Francisco, CA)
0887-9672 PCI Journal
1079-7440 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
0161-956X Peabody Journal of Education
1078-1919 Peace and Conflict
1082-7307 Peace and Conflict Studies
1079-2457 Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
1040-2659 Peace Review
1554-480X Pedagogies
1392-0340 Pedagogika
0165-0645 Pedagogische Studien
1468-1366 Pedagogy, Culture & Society
1135-8831 Pediatria Catalana
1139-7632 Pediatria de Atencion Primaria
1734-1531 Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna
1135-4542 Pediatria Integral
0391-5387 Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica
0031-3939 Pediatria Polska
1507-5532 Pediatria Wspolczesna
0905-6157 Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
1017-5989 Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
1093-5266 Pediatric and Developmental Pathology
0090-4481 Pediatric Annals
1545-5009 Pediatric Blood and Cancer
1092-9126 Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual
0172-0643 Pediatric Cardiology
0031-3955 Pediatric Clinics of North America
1529-7535 Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
0164-1263 Pediatric Dentistry
0736-8046 Pediatric Dermatology
1399-543X Pediatric Diabetes
0749-5161 Pediatric Emergency Care
1565-4753 Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews
0899-8493 Pediatric Excercise Science
0888-0018 Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
1726-1708 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Immunopathology
0891-3668 Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
0931-041X Pediatric Nephrology
0887-8994 Pediatric Neurology
1016-2291 Pediatric Neurosurgery
0097-9805 Pediatric nursing
2047-6310 Pediatric Obesity
0898-5669 Pediatric Physical Therapy
8755-6863 Pediatric Pulmonology
0301-0449 Pediatric Radiology
0031-3998 Pediatric Research
1546-0096 Pediatric Rheumatology
0179-0358 Pediatric Surgery International
1397-3142 Pediatric Transplantation
2151-321X Pediatric, Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology
0031-4005 Pediatrics
1875-9572 Pediatrics and Neonatology
0191-9601 Pediatrics in Review
1328-8067 Pediatrics International
1213-0494 Pediatrie pro Praxi
0479-7876 Pediatriya
0031-4056 Pedobiologia
1002-0160 Pedosphere
2167-8359 PeerJ
1936-6442 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
1778-3712 Pelvi-perineologie
1546-3427 Penn State Environmental Law Review
0031-4439 Pennsylvania dental journal
0553-5980 Pennsylvania Geographer
0031-4528 Pennsylvania history
0031-4587 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
0031-4749 Pensamiento
0031-4773 Pensee
1376-0963 Pensee Plurielle
1478-5315 Pensions
2041-3599 PentecoStudies
0196-9781 Peptides
1517-7599 Per Musi
0301-0066 Perception
0031-5125 Perceptual and Motor Skills
1038-2909 Perfect Beat
0185-2698 Perfiles Educativos
0188-7653 Perfiles Latinoamericanos
1477-6456 Performance Apparel Markets
2211-2669 Performance Enhancement and Health
0166-5316 Performance Evaluation
0163-5999 Performance Evaluation Review
0898-5952 Performance Improvement Quarterly
1467-8047 Performance Measurement and Metrics
1352-8165 Performance Research
0267-6591 Perfusion
1470-1804 Pergamon Materials Series
1224-984X Perichoresis
0972-2408 Perinatology
0031-5303 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
0303-7800 Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering
0324-6051 Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering
1416-3837 Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences
0324-5853 Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering
0553-6626 Periodica Polytechnica: Civil Engineering
0369-8963 Periodico di Mineralogia
1806-0374 Periodico Tche Quimica
0031-5362 Periodicum Biologorum
0906-6713 Periodontology 2000
1556-7931 Perioperative Nursing Clinics
0896-8608 Peritoneal Dialysis International
1045-6740 Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
1617-4909 Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
1350-4126 Personal Relationships
0191-8869 Personality and Individual Differences
1932-8621 Personality and Mental Health
0146-1672 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
1088-8683 Personality and Social Psychology Review
1949-2715 Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
1741-0541 Personalized Medicine
0031-5826 Personnel Psychology
0048-3486 Personnel Review
0031-5850 Persoonia
1413-9936 Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao
1708-1890 Perspective infirmiere : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du Quebec
0907-676X Perspectives
1210-762X Perspectives
0031-5982 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
0258-2236 Perspectives in Education
1559-4122 Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association
1177-391X Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry
2211-968X Perspectives in Medicine
1433-8319 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
0031-5990 Perspectives in Psychiatric Care
1757-9139 Perspectives in Public Health
2210-7622 Perspectives in Vaccinology
1531-0035 Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy
1570-5854 Perspectives on European Politics and Society
1569-1500 Perspectives on Global Development and Technology
0840-8750 Perspectives on Labour and Income
1045-7097 Perspectives on Political Science
1537-5927 Perspectives on Politics
1745-6916 Perspectives on Psychological Science
1063-6145 Perspectives on Science
1538-6341 Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
1360-3108 Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education
1465-6493 Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
0128-7680 Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology
0128-7702 Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities
1511-3701 Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science
1574-1192 Pervasive and Mobile Computing
0100-204X Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
1517-6398 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical
1519-0501 Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada
1517-7491 Pesquisa odontologica brasileira = Brazilian oral research
0101-7438 Pesquisa Operacional
0100-736X Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira
1518-2398 Pesquisas em Geociencias
1526-498X Pest Management Science
0048-3575 Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
0970-3012 Pestology
1556-8598 PET Clinics
1337-7027 Petroleum and Coal
0965-5441 Petroleum Chemistry
0306-395X Petroleum Economist
1876-3804 Petroleum Exploration and Development
1354-0793 Petroleum Geoscience
1002-106X Petroleum Refinery Engineering
0020-3076 Petroleum Review
1672-5107 Petroleum Science
1091-6466 Petroleum Science and Technology
1362-363X Petroleum Technology Quarterly
0869-5911 Petrology
0129-1122 PetroMin
1793-1851 Petromin Pipeliner
1529-9074 Petrophysics
0258-8102 Peuce
0177-7726 Pferdeheilkunde
1012-5302 Pflege
0945-1129 Pflege Zeitschrift
0031-6768 Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology
1318-3362 Phainomena
0031-6849 Pharma Times
0031-6857 Pharmaca
1388-0209 Pharmaceutical Biology
1078-0467 Pharmaceutical biotechnology
1671-2838 Pharmaceutical Care and Research
1139-6202 Pharmaceutical Care Espana
0091-150X Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
1083-7450 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology
0273-8139 Pharmaceutical Engineering
1531-2135 Pharmaceutical Formulation and Quality
0079-1393 Pharmaceutical historian
0031-6873 Pharmaceutical Journal
1463-1245 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer
1178-2595 Pharmaceutical Medicine
1945-3337 Pharmaceutical Outsourcing
1049-9156 Pharmaceutical Processing
0724-8741 Pharmaceutical Research
1918-5561 Pharmaceutical Reviews
1735-403X Pharmaceutical Sciences
1539-1604 Pharmaceutical Statistics
1543-2521 Pharmaceutical Technology
0164-6826 Pharmaceutical Technology Europe
1424-8247 Pharmaceuticals
1389-2827 Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law
1999-4923 Pharmaceutics
0031-6911 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
2211-1042 Pharmacien Hospitalier et Clinicien
1170-7690 PharmacoEconomics
1612-3727 PharmacoEconomics - German Research Articles
1590-9158 PharmacoEconomics - Italian Research Articles
1695-405X Pharmacoeconomics - Spanish Research Articles
1053-8569 Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
1744-6872 Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
1462-2416 Pharmacogenomics
1178-7066 Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
1470-269X Pharmacogenomics Journal
0975-3575 Pharmacognosy Journal
0973-1296 Pharmacognosy Magazine
0974-8490 Pharmacognosy Research
0973-7847 Pharmacognosy Reviews
1734-1140 Pharmacological Reports
1043-6618 Pharmacological Research
0031-6997 Pharmacological Reviews
0031-7012 Pharmacology
0163-7258 Pharmacology and Therapeutics
0091-3057 Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior
1827-8620 Pharmacologyonline
0363-4655 Pharmacopeial Forum
0176-3679 Pharmacopsychiatry
0277-0008 Pharmacotherapy
1752-6752 PharmacoVigilance Review
1560-2214 Pharmacy Education
0031-7047 Pharmacy in history
1448-207X Pharmacy News
1885-642X Pharmacy Practice
0003-0627 Pharmacy times
1105-4999 Pharmakeftiki
1010-5409 Pharma-Kritik
2213-4344 PharmaNutrition
0031-711X Pharmazeutische Industrie
0031-7136 Pharmazeutische Zeitung
0048-3664 Pharmazie in Unserer Zeit
2075-2164 Pharmeuropa bio & scientific notes
0141-1594 Phase Transitions
1568-7759 Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
0031-7217 Phi Delta Kappan
0031-7454 Philippine Agricultural Scientist
0048-3818 Philippine Journal of Nursing
0031-7683 Philippine Journal of Science
0031-7705 Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine
0115-4451 Philippine Political Science Journal
2244-1093 Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints
0119-9641 Phillippine Journal of Internal Medicine
0031-7977 Philological Quarterly
0031-7985 Philologus
0048-3893 Philosophia
2244-1875 Philosophia (Philippines)
1529-1634 Philosophia Christi
0031-8019 Philosophia Mathematica
0031-8035 Philosophia Reformata
1281-2463 Philosophia Scientiae
0379-8402 Philosophica
1386-9795 Philosophical Explorations
0190-0536 Philosophical Investigations
1478-6435 Philosophical Magazine
0950-0839 Philosophical Magazine Letters
0951-5089 Philosophical Psychology
0031-8094 Philosophical Quarterly
0031-8116 Philosophical Studies
1364-503X Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
0962-8436 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
0294-1805 Philosophie
0031-8159 Philosophische Rundschau
0031-8183 Philosophisches Jahrbuch
0031-8191 Philosophy
2210-5433 Philosophy & Technology
0190-0013 Philosophy and Literature
0031-8205 Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
0048-3915 Philosophy and Public Affairs
0031-8213 Philosophy and Rhetoric
0191-4537 Philosophy and Social Criticism
1747-9991 Philosophy Compass
0031-8221 Philosophy East & West
0031-8248 Philosophy of Science
0048-3931 Philosophy of the Social Sciences
0031-8256 Philosophy Today
1747-5341 Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine
1071-6076 Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology
0031-8280 Phlebologie
0939-978X Phlebologie
0268-3555 Phlebology
1286-0107 Phlebolymphology
0031-8299 Phoenix
0031-8388 Phonetica
0952-6757 Phonology
1042-6507 Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements
2213-5979 Photoacoustics
1474-905X Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
0556-3860 Photochemistry
0031-8655 Photochemistry and Photobiology
0905-4383 Photodermatology Photoimmunology and Photomedicine
1572-1000 Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
0099-1112 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
0031-868X Photogrammetric Record
1432-8364 Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation
1754-0763 Photographies
1549-5418 Photomedicine and Laser Surgery
1387-974X Photonic Network Communications
1674-9251 Photonic Sensors
1569-4410 Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
2080-2242 Photonics Letters of Poland
0731-1230 Photonics Spectra
0166-8595 Photosynthesis Research
0300-3604 Photosynthetica
0031-8868 Phronesis
0858-1088 Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin
0031-8884 Phycologia
1322-0829 Phycological Research
1519-1397 Phyllomedusa
0378-4371 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
0921-4526 Physica B: Condensed Matter
0921-4534 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
0167-2789 Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
1386-9477 Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures
1120-1797 Physica Medica
0031-8949 Physica Scripta
1862-6254 Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letetrs
1862-6300 Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
0370-1972 Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research
1862-6351 Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics
1114-3800 Physical and Chemical News
0270-3181 Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
0194-2638 Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
1478-3967 Physical Biology
1463-9076 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
1874-4907 Physical Communication
1740-8989 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
0272-3646 Physical Geography
1047-9651 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America
1029-9599 Physical Mesomechanics
0928-5105 Physical Oceanography
1094-1622 Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
1098-0121 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
0556-2813 Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
1550-7998 Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
1539-3755 Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
0031-9007 Physical Review Letters
1098-4402 Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
1554-9178 Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research
2160-3308 Physical Review X
0031-9023 Physical Therapy
1466-853X Physical Therapy in Sport
0091-3847 Physician and Sportsmedicine
0898-2759 Physician executive
1036-3831 Physicist
0137-1282 Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
1753-3562 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B
0031-9104 Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
0342-1791 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
1474-7065 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
0031-9120 Physics Education
0836-1398 Physics Essays
0031-9155 Physics in Medicine and Biology
1422-6944 Physics in Perspective
0375-9601 Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
0370-2693 Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
1063-7788 Physics of Atomic Nuclei
1070-6631 Physics of Fluids
1571-0645 Physics of Life Reviews
0031-918X Physics of Metals and Metallography
1063-7796 Physics of Particles and Nuclei
1547-4771 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters
1070-664X Physics of Plasmas
2212-6864 Physics of the Dark Universe
0031-9201 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
1063-7834 Physics of the Solid State
1875-3892 Physics Procedia
0370-1573 Physics Reports
2090-2220 Physics Research International
0031-9228 Physics Today
1063-7869 Physics Uspekhi
0953-8585 Physics World
0940-6689 Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin
0031-9317 Physiologia Plantarum
1522-2152 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
0885-5765 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
0748-6642 Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR
0307-6962 Physiological Entomology
1094-8341 Physiological Genomics
0967-3334 Physiological Measurement
0862-8408 Physiological Research
0031-9333 Physiological Reviews
0031-9376 Physiologist
1548-9213 Physiology
0031-9384 Physiology and Behavior
0971-5894 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
1735-0581 Physiology and Pharmacology
0031-9406 Physiotherapy
0300-0508 Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada
1358-2267 Physiotherapy research international : the journal for researchers and clinicians in physical therapy
0959-3985 Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
0103-7331 Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0958-0344 Phytochemical Analysis
0031-9422 Phytochemistry
1874-3900 Phytochemistry Letters
1568-7767 Phytochemistry Reviews
0340-269X Phytocoenologia
0944-7113 Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology
0031-9449 Phytomorphology: An International Journal of Plant Morphology
0031-9457 Phyton
0079-2047 Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae
0334-2123 Phytoparasitica
0031-9465 Phytopathologia Mediterranea
0031-949X Phytopathology
1624-8597 Phytotherapie
0951-418X Phytotherapy Research
0078-8228 PIDE Working Papers
0213-9251 Piel
0369-9420 Pigment and Resin Technology
1755-1471 Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research
1436-0179 PIK Report
0032-0188 Pipeline and Gas Journal
0373-2568 Pirineos
1386-341X Pituitary
1751-8040 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
0143-4004 Placenta
0032-0447 Plains Anthropologist
0961-1371 Plainsong and Medieval Music
0032-0544 Plan Canada
1479-2605 Planet Earth
0032-0633 Planetary and Space Science
1880-8247 Plankton and Benthos Research
0001-2610 Planning
1040-7340 Planning Advisory Service Memo
1548-0755 Planning and Environmental Law
1675-6215 Planning Malaysia
0266-5433 Planning Perspectives
0269-7459 Planning Practice and Research
1473-0952 Planning Theory
1464-9357 Planning Theory and Practice
0032-0781 Plant and Cell Physiology
0032-079X Plant and Soil
0972-5210 Plant Archives
1435-8603 Plant Biology
1126-3504 Plant Biosystems
1342-4580 Plant Biotechnology
1467-7644 Plant Biotechnology Journal
1863-5466 Plant Biotechnology Reports
0179-9541 Plant Breeding
1040-4651 Plant Cell
0972-2025 Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
0721-7714 Plant Cell Reports
0167-6857 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
0191-2917 Plant Disease
1385-0237 Plant Ecology
1755-0874 Plant Ecology and Diversity
2032-3913 Plant Ecology and Evolution
0032-0838 Plant Engineer (London)
0032-082X Plant Engineering
0921-9668 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition
1479-2621 Plant Genetic Resources: Characterisation and Utilisation
0167-6903 Plant Growth Regulation
0960-7412 Plant Journal
1746-4811 Plant Methods
0167-4412 Plant Molecular Biology
0735-9640 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
1836-0661 Plant OMICS
0032-0862 Plant Pathology
1812-5387 Plant Pathology Journal
0032-0889 Plant Physiology
0981-9428 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
1343-943X Plant Production Science
0815-2195 Plant Protection Quarterly
1212-2580 Plant Protection Science
2194-7953 Plant Reproduction
1881-6754 Plant Root
0168-9452 Plant Science
1559-2316 Plant Signaling and Behavior
2280-1855 Plant Sociology
0913-557X Plant Species Biology
0378-2697 Plant Systematics and Evolution
1817-3721 Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology
0140-7791 Plant, Cell and Environment
1214-1178 Plant, Soil and Environment
0032-0935 Planta
0100-8358 Planta Daninha
0032-0943 Planta Medica
1880-6821 Plasma and Fusion Research
0272-4324 Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing
1947-5764 Plasma Medicine
0741-3335 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
1063-780X Plasma Physics Reports
1612-8850 Plasma Processes and Polymers
1009-0630 Plasma Science and Technology
0963-0252 Plasma Sources Science and Technology
0147-619X Plasmid
1557-1955 Plasmonics
0032-1052 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
0741-5206 Plastic surgical nursing : official journal of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Nurses
0091-9578 Plastics Engineering
0032-1257 Plastics Technology
1465-8011 Plastics, Rubber and Composites
0953-7104 Platelets
1836-5132 Platform
0032-1400 Platinum Metals Review
1544-9173 PLoS Biology
1553-734X PLoS Computational Biology
2157-3999 PLoS Currents
1553-7390 PLoS Genetics
1549-1277 PLoS Medicine
1935-2727 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
1932-6203 PLoS ONE
1553-7366 PLoS Pathogens
0048-4474 Ploughshares
1930-7365 Pluralist
1934-1482 PM and R
0030-8129 PMLA
0272-0965 Pneuma
1613-5636 Pneumologe
0934-8387 Pneumologie
1105-848X Pneumon
0867-7077 Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska
1333-5286 Podravina
1543-1789 Poe Studies - Dark Romanticism
0303-4178 Poetica
0304-422X Poetics
0333-5372 Poetics Today
0032-2024 Poetique
0032-2032 Poetry
0032-2156 Poetry Review
0032-2202 Poetry Wales
1615-6609 Poiesis und Praxis
1533-029X Point of Care
0335-4997 Point Veterinaire
0722-4060 Polar Biology
1088-937X Polar Geography
0032-2474 Polar Record
0800-0395 Polar Research
1873-9652 Polar Science
1081-6976 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
0032-2490 Polarforschung
1561-4263 Police Practice and Research
1098-6111 Police Quarterly
1363-951X Policing
1043-9463 Policing and Society
0048-4717 Policlinico - Sezione Medica
0305-5736 Policy and Politics
1449-4035 Policy and Society
1478-2103 Policy Futures in Education
0146-5945 Policy Review
0032-2687 Policy Sciences
0144-2872 Policy Studies
0190-292X Policy Studies Journal
1527-1544 Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice
0351-1871 Polimeri
0104-1428 Polimeros
0032-2725 Polimery
0370-0747 Polimery w medycynie
0412-257X Polis
1120-9488 Polis (Italy)
1230-8013 Polish Annals of Medicine
1641-8190 Polish Botanical Journal
0867-0730 Polish Botanical Studies
1509-8117 Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
1505-2249 Polish Journal of Ecology
1230-1485 Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
1230-0322 Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
1425-4689 Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering
1733-1331 Polish Journal of Microbiology
1233-9687 Polish Journal of Pathology
1733-134X Polish Journal of Radiology
0079-2985 Polish Journal of Soil Science
1505-1773 Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
1233-2585 Polish Maritime Research
0138-0338 Polish Polar Research
1231-1413 Polish Sociological Review
0718-3399 Politica Criminal
1120-9496 Politica Economica
1405-1060 Politica y Gobierno
1130-8001 Politica y Sociedad
1047-1987 Political Analysis
0190-9320 Political Behavior
1058-4609 Political Communication
0962-6298 Political Geography
0162-895X Political Psychology
0032-3179 Political Quarterly
1065-9129 Political Research Quarterly
0032-3187 Political Science
0032-3195 Political Science Quarterly
0032-3217 Political Studies
1478-9299 Political Studies Review
0090-5917 Political Theory
0032-3233 Politicka Ekonomie
0263-3957 Politics
1743-923X Politics & Gender
1555-5623 Politics and Policy
0032-3292 Politics and Society
0730-9384 Politics and the Life Sciences
1470-594X Politics, Philosophy and Economics
0258-9346 Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies
0032-3470 Politische Vierteljahresschrift
0295-2319 Politix
1392-1681 Politologija
0032-3497 Polity
1330-7142 Poljoprivreda
1788-1994 Pollack Periodica
0032-3632 Pollution Atmospherique
0032-3640 Pollution Engineering
0257-8050 Pollution Research
1426-9686 Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski
0032-373X Polski Przeglad Chirurgiczny
1507-5540 Polski Przeglad Kardiologiczny
0032-3772 Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej
1040-6638 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
0277-5387 Polyhedron
0032-3861 Polymer
0360-2559 Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering
0170-0839 Polymer Bulletin
1759-9954 Polymer Chemistry
0272-8397 Polymer Composites
0141-3910 Polymer Degradation and Stability
0032-3888 Polymer Engineering and Science
0959-8103 Polymer International
0032-3896 Polymer Journal
0379-153X Polymer Korea
1558-3724 Polymer Reviews
0965-545X Polymer Science - Series A
1560-0904 Polymer Science - Series B
1811-2382 Polymer Science - Series C
1995-4212 Polymer Science - Series D
0142-9418 Polymer Testing
0967-3911 Polymers and Polymer Composites
1042-7147 Polymers for Advanced Technologies
2041-2479 Polymers from Renewable Resources
1357-731X Polymers Paint Colour Journal
1528-0268 Pomegranate
1332-0718 Pomorstvo
0032-423X Ponte
1540-5702 Popular Communication
0261-1430 Popular Music
0300-7766 Popular Music and Society
0032-4663 Population
0098-7921 Population and Development Review
0199-0039 Population and Environment
0032-468X Population Bulletin
1438-3896 Population Ecology
0184-7783 Population et societes; bulletin mensuel d'informations demographiques, economiques, sociales
1942-7891 Population Health Management
1478-7954 Population Health Metrics
0167-5923 Population Research and Policy Review
0032-471X Population Review
0032-4728 Population Studies
0307-4463 Population Trends
1544-8444 Population, Space and Place
0551-5343 Poradnik Jezykowy
1697-7467 Porta Linguarum
1531-2542 Portal
0872-1904 Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
0032-5155 Portugaliae Mathematica
0267-5315 Portugese Studies
1617-982X Portuguese Economic Journal
0048-4911 Positif
1067-9847 Positions
1523-2883 Positively aware : the monthly journal of the Test Positive Aware Network
1385-1292 Positivity
1368-8790 Postcolonial Studies
1463-1377 Post-Communist Economies
0032-5422 Postepy biochemii
1642-395X Postepy Dermatologii I Alergologii
0032-5449 Postepy higieny i medycyny doswiadczalnej
0079-4252 Postepy Mikrobiologii
1230-2813 Postepy Psychiatrii i Neurologii
0860-6161 Postepy Rehabilitacji
1734-9338 Postepy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej
0032-5473 Postgraduate Medical Journal
0032-5481 Postgraduate Medicine
0925-5214 Postharvest Biology and Technology
2040-5960 Postmedieval
0079-4236 Post-Medieval Archaeology
1053-1920 Postmodern Culture
1060-586X Post-Soviet Affairs
0014-3065 Potato Research
0926-2601 Potential Analysis
0032-5791 Poultry Science
0152-0768 Pouvoirs: Revue d'Etudes Constitutionnelles et Politiques
0885-7156 Powder Diffraction
0032-5899 Powder Metallurgy
1068-1302 Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
0032-5910 Powder Technology
0032-5929 Power
1540-2800 Power Electronics Technology
0032-5961 Power Engineering
1000-3673 Power System Technology
1570-145X Power Technology and Engineering
1732-0747 Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
0303-8157 Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities
1687-4757 PPAR Research
0033-409X PPI, Pulp & Paper International
0173-7937 PPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie
0866-9465 Prace - Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
0324-9670 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Gornictwa Politechniki Wroclawskiej
0084-2869 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inzynierii Ochrony Srodowiska, Politechniki Wroclawskiej
0032-6291 Pracovni Lekarstvi
0032-6313 Practica Otologica
0912-1870 Practica Otologica, Supplement
1531-7714 Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation
1357-8170 Practical Diabetes International
0277-4208 Practical Gastroenterology
1474-7758 Practical Neurology
1879-8500 Practical Radiation Oncology
1756-073X Practical Theology
0950-3153 Practice (UK)
0953-6612 Practice Nurse
1084-0680 Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
0032-6518 Practitioner
1133-682X Pragmalinguistica
1018-2101 Pragmatics
0929-0907 Pragmatics and Cognition
1210-0455 Prague Economic Papers
1214-6994 Prague medical report.
0079-4848 Prahistorische Zeitschrift
0317-6282 Prairie Forum
0032-6739 Prakticky Lekar
0032-678X Praktische Metallographie/Practical Metallography
0032-681X Praktische Tierarzt
0304-4289 Pramana - Journal of Physics
1279-7960 Praticien en Anesthesie Reanimation
0758-1882 Pratique Medicale et Chirurgicale de l'Animal de Compagnie
1878-7762 Pratique Neurologique - FMC
1767-4417 Pratique Vet
1766-7305 Pratiques en Nutrition
1269-1763 Pratiques Psychologiques
0975-0533 Pravara Medical Review
1861-6755 Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung
0937-552X Pravention und Rehabilitation
1661-8157 Praxis
0032-7034 Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie
0301-9268 Precambrian Research
1385-2256 Precision Agriculture
0141-6359 Precision Engineering
2210-7789 Pregnancy Hypertension
1049-023X Prehospital and disaster medicine : the official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine in association with the Acute Care Foundation
1090-3127 Prehospital Emergency Care
0197-3851 Prenatal Diagnosis
0032-745X Prensa Medica Argentina
1082-6068 Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology
1167-7422 Prescrire International
1054-7460 Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
1090-9931 Preservation
2195-2965 Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture
0032-7786 Preslia
0755-4982 Presse Medicale
1545-1151 Preventing chronic disease [electronic resource].
1389-4986 Prevention Science
1520-037X Preventive Cardiology
0091-7435 Preventive Medicine
2287-1098 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
0167-5877 Preventive Veterinary Medicine
0393-9960 Prevenzione & assistenza dentale
0555-1099 Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya
1330-0644 Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju
0095-4543 Primary Care - Clinics in Office Practice
1756-5138 Primary Care Cardiovascular Journal
1523-5998 Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
1751-9918 Primary Care Diabetes
1471-4418 Primary Care Respiratory Journal
1355-7610 Primary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK)
2050-1684 Primary dental journal
1477-1128 Primary health care research & development
0898-6207 Primate Conservation
0032-8332 Primates; journal of primatology
0351-1189 Primerjalna Knjizevnost
1051-1970 PRIMUS
2168-5266 Print and Promo
0265-8305 Print Quarterly
1939-5442 Printed Circuit Design and Fab
0032-860X Printing Impressions
1522-7898 Printwear
1933-6896 Prion
0032-8855 Prison Journal
1330-187X Privredna Kretanja i Ekonomska Politika
0266-8920 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
0208-4147 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
0269-9648 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
1549-5787 Probability Surveys
0178-8051 Probability Theory and Related Fields
0264-5505 Probation Journal
1867-1306 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
0301-7036 Problemas del Desarrollo
1392-1126 Problemos
1682-9344 Problems of Atomic Science and Technology
0204-9155 Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
0032-9460 Problems of Information Transmission
1075-8216 Problems of Post-Communism
1895-6912 Problemy Ekorozwoju
0869-866X Problemy Sotsial Noi Gigieny I Istoriia Meditsiny NII Sotsial Noi Gigieny Ekonomiki I Upravleniia Zdravookhraneniem Im N A Semashko RAMN AO Assotsiatsiia Meditsinskaia Literatura
0921-4771 Probus
1877-0428 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
1876-6196 Procedia Chemistry
1878-5220 Procedia Earth and Planetary Science
1877-7058 Procedia Engineering
1877-282X Procedia in Vaccinology
0569-5503 Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference
1068-3070 Proceedings - Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
0190-5848 Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference
0713-5424 Proceedings - Graphics Interface
0736-7791 Proceedings - ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
0743-166X Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM
1050-4729 Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
0271-4310 Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
1063-6927 Proceedings - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
1051-4651 Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition
0270-5257 Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering
1530-1346 Proceedings - International Symposium on Computers and Communications
1093-2941 Proceedings - International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, ISDEIV
1045-9065 Proceedings - Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference
1043-6871 Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
0891-7736 Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference
0044-0604 Proceedings - Yorkshire Geological Society
1747-650X Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials
1751-4223 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy
1751-4304 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law
1747-6526 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management
0277-786X Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
0097-3157 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
0743-1619 Proceedings of the American Control Conference
0002-9939 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
0003-049X Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
0737-8017 Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
1093-0159 Proceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity
0160-3663 Proceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference
0096-7963 Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Instrumentation for the Process Industries
0066-7374 Proceedings of the Aristotelean Society
1081-7735 Proceedings of the Asian Test Symposium
1550-8390 Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting
0006-324X Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
1540-7489 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
0736-4709 Proceedings of the Corporate Aviation Safety Seminar
0886-5930 Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
1068-0314 Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference
0013-0915 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
0013-8797 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
1736-6046 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
1534-5351 Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR
0016-7878 Proceedings of the Geologists' Association
1025-8973 Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control
1025-8973 Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, MIC
1021-8181 Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimatization
1027-2658 Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
1757-9430 Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering History and Heritage
0018-9219 Proceedings of the IEEE
1063-6919 Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
0191-2216 Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
1084-6999 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
1063-9667 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design
1063-7125 Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
1060-9857 Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
1089-8190 Proceedings of the IEEE/CPMT International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Symposium
0253-4126 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences
0253-4142 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences
1476-1548 Proceedings of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Part A: Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology
1478-4637 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering
0965-089X Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering
1755-0777 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics
1478-4629 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability
2043-9903 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Forensic Engineering
1353-2618 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering
1755-0750 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement
1741-7597 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering
0965-0903 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer
0965-0911 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings
0965-092X Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport
1755-0793 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning
1475-0902 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment
0957-6509 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy
0954-4054 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
0954-4062 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
0954-4070 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering
0954-4089 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
0954-4097 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
0954-4100 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
0954-4119 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine
1350-6501 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology
1464-4193 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics
1464-4207 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications
1740-3499 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems
1748-006X Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability
0959-6518 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
1743-9213 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
0277-7576 Proceedings of the International Instrumentation Symposium
0195-623X Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
1074-6005 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping
1598-7264 Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society
0386-2194 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences
0386-2208 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences
0024-6115 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
0369-8203 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences
0027-8424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
0029-6651 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
0377-2969 Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences
1454-9069 Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science
0035-8991 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature
1364-5021 Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
0962-8452 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
0081-5438 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
0083-8969 Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society
1524-4547 Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WET ICE
2070-3740 Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
0096-8870 Proceedings, Annual Convention - Gas Processors Association
1063-6900 Proceedings. The Computer Security Foundations Workshop III
1135-5948 Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural
1359-5113 Process Biochemistry
0370-1859 Process Engineering
0957-5820 Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B
1066-8527 Process Safety Progress
0103-6513 Producao
1059-1478 Production and Operations Management
0944-6524 Production Engineering
0953-7287 Production Planning and Control
0990-0632 Productions Animales
1386-6710 Profesional de la Informacion
1138-414X Profesorado
1932-8087 Professional Case Management
1941-5257 Professional Development in Education
0953-6639 Professional Engineering
0033-0124 Professional Geographer
1612-0485 Professional Papermaking
0735-7028 Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
0033-0205 Professioni infermieristiche
1871-5125 Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients and Related Methodology
0033-0337 Program
0361-7688 Programming and Computer Software
1166-7087 Progres en Urologie
1761-676X Progres en Urologie - FMC
0304-5013 Progresos en Obstetricia y Ginecologia
0376-0421 Progress in Aerospace Sciences
1786-335X Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
1000-3282 Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics
0079-6107 Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
0079-6123 Progress in Brain Research
0033-0620 Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases
1005-281X Progress in Chemistry
0340-255X Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science
1557-0541 Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action
1468-4349 Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics
0960-8974 Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials
1464-9934 Progress in Development Studies
0071-786X Progress in Drug Research
1070-4698 Progress in Electromagnetics Research
1937-6472 Progress in Electromagnetics Research B
1937-8718 Progress In Electromagnetics Research C
1937-8726 Progress In Electromagnetics Research M
0360-1285 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
0959-6380 Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry
0079-6336 Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
0309-1325 Progress in Human Geography
1476-8917 Progress in Industrial Ecology
1349-8614 Progress in Informatics
0079-6379 Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
0163-7827 Progress in Lipid Research
0079-6425 Progress in Materials Science
0079-6468 Progress in Medicinal Chemistry
1877-1173 Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science
1002-0071 Progress in Natural Science
0301-0082 Progress in Neurobiology
0079-6492 Progress in Neurological Surgery
1367-7543 Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry
0278-5846 Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
0149-1970 Progress in Nuclear Energy
0079-6565 Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
1129-8723 Progress in Nutrition
0079-6611 Progress in Oceanography
0079-6638 Progress in Optics
0300-9440 Progress in Organic Coatings
1723-7785 Progress in Orthodontics
0969-9260 Progress in Palliative Care
0146-6410 Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
1058-9813 Progress in Pediatric Cardiology
1062-7995 Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
0309-1333 Progress in Physical Geography
0305-9006 Progress in Planning
0079-6700 Progress in Polymer Science (Oxford)
0079-6727 Progress in Quantum Electronics
1468-6783 Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism
1422-2140 Progress in Respiratory Research
1350-9462 Progress in Retinal and Eye Research
1477-7606 Progress in Rubber Plastics Recycling Technology
0079-6786 Progress in Solid State Chemistry
1229-3008 Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics (PSAC)/Journal of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics
0079-6816 Progress in Surface Science
2191-7043 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products
0266-4852 Progress in Transplantation
0033-068X Progress of Theoretical Physics
0375-9687 Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement
1896-5644 Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives
1058-7454 Project Inform perspective
8756-9728 Project Management Journal
0762-1000 Projections
1333-4395 Prolegomena: Casopis za filozofiju/Journal of Philosophy
0033-1031 Prologue
0353-5320 Promet - Traffic - Traffico
0810-9028 Prometheus
0391-2698 Prometheus (Italy)
0272-9601 Prooftexts - Journal of Jewish Literature History
1311-9109 Propagation of Ornamental Plants
0033-1260 Propane Canada
0721-3115 Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics
0263-7472 Property Management
0144-0357 Prose studies
0033-1538 Prospects
0394-0802 Prospettiva
1098-8823 Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators
0952-3278 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
0270-4137 Prostate
1365-7852 Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
0309-3646 Prosthetics and Orthotics International
1330-0652 Prostor
0033-1732 Protection of Metals
1674-800X Protein & Cell
0929-8665 Protein and Peptide Letters
1741-0126 Protein Engineering, Design and Selection
1046-5928 Protein Expression and Purification
1572-3887 Protein Journal
1871-3025 Protein Reviews
0961-8368 Protein Science
0887-3585 Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics
1477-5956 Proteome Science
1615-9853 Proteomics
1862-8346 Proteomics - Clinical Applications
1178-6418 Proteomics Insights
1935-2824 Proteomics Research Journal
1434-4610 Protist
0033-183X Protoplasma
0888-0352 Provider (Washington, D.C.)
0716-0917 Proyecciones
0033-2526 Przeglad Dermatologiczny
0033-2097 Przeglad Elektrotechniczny
0033-2100 Przeglad Epidemiologiczny
1895-5770 Przeglad Gastroenterologiczny
0033-2135 Przeglad Geofizyczny
0033-2143 Przeglad Geograficzny
0033-2151 Przeglad Geologiczny
1896-9666 Przeglad Kardiodiabetologinczny
0033-2240 Przeglad Lekarski
1643-8876 Przeglad Menopauzalny
0033-2291 Przeglad Papierniczy
0137-723X Przeglad Pediatryczny
1731-8645 Przeglad Wlokienniczy
0033-2496 Przemysl Chemiczny
1049-0965 PS - Political Science and Politics
0103-5665 Psicologia Clinica
1824-078X Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo
1132-9483 Psicologia Conductual
1721-0321 Psicologia della Salute
0102-7182 Psicologia e Sociedade
1413-7372 Psicologia em Estudo
1413-8557 Psicologia Escolar e Educacional
0103-6564 Psicologia USP
0102-7972 Psicologia: Reflexao e Critica
0102-3772 Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
0211-2159 Psicologica
1696-7240 Psicooncologia
1126-1072 Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale
0394-2864 Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane
0214-9915 Psicothema
0048-5705 Psihologija
1332-0742 Psihologijske Teme
0205-9592 Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal
0104-7787 Psiquiatria Biologica
1639-8319 PSN
0033-2623 Psyche
0033-2615 Psyche (New York)
1732-9841 Psychiatria
0353-5053 Psychiatria Danubina
0033-2658 Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica - Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi
0237-7896 Psychiatria Hungarica
1644-6313 Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
0033-2674 Psychiatria Polska
0048-5713 Psychiatric Annals
0193-953X Psychiatric Clinics of North America
0955-8829 Psychiatric Genetics
0033-2720 Psychiatric Quarterly
1095-158X Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
1075-2730 Psychiatric Services
0893-2905 Psychiatric Times
1211-7579 Psychiatrie
0079-726X Psychiatrie de l'Enfant
1213-0508 Psychiatrie pro Praxi
1105-2333 Psychiatrik? = Psychiatriki
0303-4259 Psychiatrische Praxis
1758-3209 Psychiatrist
0033-2747 Psychiatry
1323-1316 Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
1738-3684 Psychiatry Investigation
0165-1781 Psychiatry Research
0925-4927 Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging
1939-5949 Psychiatry Research Journal
1321-8719 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
1720-7525 PsychNology Journal
1460-8235 Psychoanalysis and history
1048-1885 Psychoanalytic Dialogues
0735-1690 Psychoanalytic Inquiry
0736-9735 Psychoanalytic Psychology
0266-8734 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
0033-2828 Psychoanalytic Quarterly
0033-2836 Psychoanalytic Review
1522-8878 Psychoanalytic Social Work
1475-3634 Psychodynamic Practice
2162-2590 Psychodynamic Psychiatry
1732-2642 Psychogeriatria Polska
1346-3500 Psychogeriatrics
0033-2852 Psychologia
0033-2879 Psychologica Belgica
1040-3590 Psychological Assessment
0033-2909 Psychological Bulletin
1938-971X Psychological Injury and Law
1047-840X Psychological Inquiry
0033-2917 Psychological Medicine
1082-989X Psychological Methods
0033-2933 Psychological Record
0033-2941 Psychological Reports
0340-0727 Psychological Research
0033-295X Psychological Review
0956-7976 Psychological Science
1529-1006 Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Supplement
1541-1559 Psychological Services
1942-9681 Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
1873-1791 Psychologie en Gezondheid
0033-2984 Psychologie Francaise
0342-183X Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
0033-3042 Psychologische Rundschau
0952-8229 Psychologist
1088-7156 Psychologist-Manager Journal
0882-7974 Psychology and Aging
0971-3336 Psychology and Developing Societies
0887-0446 Psychology and Health
0742-6046 Psychology and Marketing
1984-3054 Psychology and Neuroscience
1476-0835 Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
1941-9899 Psychology and Sexuality
2074-6857 Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
0033-3085 Psychology in the Schools
1475-7257 Psychology Learning and Teaching
0893-164X Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
1931-3896 Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
1234-2238 Psychology of Language and Communication
0079-7421 Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory
1524-9220 Psychology of Men and Masculinity
0305-7356 Psychology of Music
1941-1022 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
1469-0292 Psychology of Sport and Exercise
2152-0828 Psychology of Violence
0361-6843 Psychology of Women Quarterly
1179-1578 Psychology Research and Behavior Management
1068-316X Psychology, Crime and Law
1354-8506 Psychology, Health and Medicine
1076-8971 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
0033-3123 Psychometrika
0306-4530 Psychoneuroendocrinology
1069-9384 Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
1778-3798 Psycho-Oncologie
1057-9249 Psycho-Oncology
0254-4962 Psychopathology
1936-9255 Psychopharm Review
0033-3158 Psychopharmacology
1606-8181 Psychopharmacology and Biological Narcology
0048-5764 Psychopharmacology Bulletin
0944-6877 Psychopharmakotherapie
0048-5772 Psychophysiology
1752-2439 Psychosis
0033-3174 Psychosomatic Medicine
0033-3182 Psychosomatics
0239-4170 Psychoterapia
0935-6185 Psychotherapeut
0251-737X Psychotherapies
0033-3204 Psychotherapy
0033-3190 Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
1050-3307 Psychotherapy Research
0715-9684 Psychotropes
2171-1976 Psyecology
0717-0297 Psykhe
0030-834X PTB Mitteilungen: Amts - und Mitteilungsblatt der Physikalisch - Technischen Bundesanstalt Braunschweig - Berlin
0933-4807 Pteridines
0033-3298 Public Administration
0271-2075 Public Administration and Development
1087-0091 Public Administration and Management
0033-3352 Public Administration Review
1465-5187 Public Archaeology
0275-1100 Public Budgeting and Finance
0048-5829 Public Choice
0899-2363 Public Culture
1091-1421 Public Finance Review
0033-3506 Public Health
1754-9973 Public Health Ethics
0944-5587 Public Health Forum
1662-4246 Public health genomics
0737-1209 Public Health Nursing
1368-9800 Public Health Nutrition
0033-3549 Public Health Reports
0301-0422 Public Health Reviews
0161-6846 Public Library Quarterly
1471-9037 Public Management Review
0954-0962 Public Money and Management
0033-362X Public Opinion Quarterly
1566-7170 Public Organization Review
1530-9576 Public Performance & Management Review
0091-0260 Public Personnel Management
0952-0767 Public Policy and Administration
1744-5396 Public Policy Research
2065-7285 Public Reason
0363-8111 Public Relations Review
0033-3735 Public Roads
1522-8959 Public Services Quarterly
1613-7159 Public Transport
1016-796X Public Transport International
0963-6625 Public Understanding of Science
1087-724X Public Works Management and Policy
0214-1493 Publicacions Matematiques
0004-6264 Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan
0033-3883 Publicationes Mathematicae
0350-1302 Publications de l'Institut Mathematique
0073-8301 Publications Mathématiques
1448-6083 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
0004-6280 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
0959-3683 Publications of the English Goethe Society
0034-5318 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
1558-9641 Publishing Executive
1053-8801 Publishing Research Quarterly
0048-5950 Publius
0738-0658 Puerto Rico health sciences journal
2090-1836 Pulmonary Medicine
1094-5539 Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
0316-4004 Pulp and Paper Canada
1462-4745 Punishment and Society
0033-4545 Pure and Applied Chemistry
0033-4553 Pure and Applied Geophysics
1558-8599 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly
1573-9538 Purinergic Signalling
0975-024X Purusharta
1012-2346 Pythagoras
0945-5566 PZ Prisma
0147-8389 PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology
1026-2881 Pachyderm
0030-851X Pacific Affairs
0927-538X Pacific Basin Finance Journal
1038-2097 Pacific Conservation Biology
1361-374X Pacific Economic Review
1225-4657 Pacific Focus
1015-7867 Pacific health dialog : a publication of the Pacific Basin Officers Training Program and the Fiji School of Medicine
0030-8684 Pacific Historical Review
0030-8730 Pacific Journal of Mathematics
1348-9151 Pacific Journal of Optimization
1023-9499 Pacific Journalism Review
0030-8803 Pacific Northwest Quarterly
0279-0750 Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
0951-2748 Pacific Review
1444-5921 Pacific Rim Property Research Journal
0030-8870 Pacific Science
0163-9234 Package Printing
0030-9117 Packaging Digest
0048-2676 Packaging News
0894-3214 Packaging Technology and Science
1746-5095 Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material
1611-2490 Paddy and Water Environment
0030-9346 Padiatrische Praxis
0030-9230 Paedagogica historica
1330-1403 Paediatria Croatica
1330-724X Paediatria Croatica, Supplement
1155-5645 Paediatric Anaesthesia
0269-5022 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology
1174-5878 Paediatric Drugs
1526-0542 Paediatric Respiratory Reviews
1205-7088 Paediatrics and Child Health
1751-7222 Paediatrics and Child Health (United Kingdom)
2046-9047 Paediatrics and international child health
0103-863X Paideia
0090-5674 Paideuma
1674-8530 Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering
0304-3959 Pain
1524-9042 Pain Management Nursing
1526-2375 Pain Medicine
1533-3159 Pain Physician
1530-7085 Pain Practice
1203-6765 Pain Research and Management
2090-1542 Pain Research and Treatment
0884-3848 Paint and Coatings Industry
1476-0274 Paint and Resin Times
1520-281X PAJ - Journal of Performance and Art
0552-9034 Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences
1028-8880 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
1812-1837 Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology
0556-3321 Pakistan Journal of Botany
1680-4465 Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science
1727-4915 Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
1996-7195 Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
1682-024X Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences
1680-5194 Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
1011-601X Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences.
0030-9885 Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
1012-9367 Pakistan Journal of Statistics
1816-2711 Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research
0030-9923 Pakistan Journal of Zoology
0304-4904 Pakistan Paediatric Journal
0048-2757 Pakistan Textile Journal
0253-8318 Pakistan Veterinary Journal
0122-8285 Palabra Clave
1867-1594 Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
0031-0182 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
0375-0299 Palaeontographica Abteilung B: Palaeophytologie
0375-0442 Palaeontographica, Abteilung A: Palaozoologie - Stratigraphie
1094-8074 Palaeontologia Electronica
0078-8562 Palaeontologia Polonica
0031-0239 Palaeontology
1871-174X Palaeoworld
0883-1351 Palaios
0031-0220 Palaontologische Zeitschrift
1567-2158 PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology
0094-8373 Paleobiology
0883-8305 Paleoceanography
0031-0301 Paleontological Journal
1342-8144 Paleontological Research
0031-0328 Palestine Exploration Quarterly
0031-0387 Pallas
1478-9515 Palliative & supportive care.
0269-2163 Palliative Medicine
0253-3200 Palpu Chongi Gisul/Journal of Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
0191-6122 Palynology
0031-0506 Pamatky Archeologicke
0031-0514 Pamietnik Literacki
1937-8688 Pan African Medical Journal
1319-6995 Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery
1537-1964 Panacea
1809-9009 Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences
1064-9735 Panamerican Mathematical Journal
0885-3177 Pancreas
1424-3903 Pancreatology
0031-0808 Panminerva Medica
1452-595X Panoeconomicus
0031-0603 Pan-Pacific Entomologist
0031-1049 Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia
1405-7425 Papeles de Poblacion
0149-9890 Papeles del Psicologo
0218-4540 Paper Asia
0958-6024 Paper Technology
0031-1138 Paper, Film and Foil Converter
1933-3684 Paper360
0031-1227 Paperboard Packaging
0031-1243 Paperi ja Puu/Paper and Timber
0031-126X Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
1056-8190 Papers in Regional Science
0006-128X Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
0068-2462 Papers of the British School at Rome
0343-0758 Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature
1730-802X Papers on Global Change IGBP
0031-1294 Papers on Language and Literature
0210-2862 Papers: Revista de sociologia
0031-1480 Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal
0362-1596 Parabola
0264-8334 Paragraph
1353-4645 Parallax
1089-795X Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT
0167-8191 Parallel Computing
0129-6264 Parallel Processing Letters
1252-607X Parasite
0141-9838 Parasite Immunology
1756-3305 Parasites and Vectors
0031-1820 Parasitology
1383-5769 Parasitology International
0932-0113 Parasitology Research
0031-1847 Parazitologiia
1529-5192 Parenting
0313-6221 Parergon
0031-2037 Paris Review
0735-9462 Park Science
1353-8020 Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
1768-6520 Parlement[s]
0031-2290 Parliamentary Affairs
0264-2824 Parliamentary History
0260-6755 Parliaments, Estates and Representation
0048-3028 Parnassus
0031-2355 Parola del Passato
1565-3668 Partial Answers
1743-8977 Particle and Fibre Toxicology
0934-0866 Particle and Particle Systems Characterization
0272-6351 Particulate Science and Technology
1674-2001 Particuology
1354-0688 Party Politics
1120-0650 Passato e Presente
0031-2746 Past and Present
0264-3944 Pastoral Care in Education
0031-2789 Pastoral Psychology
1015-2008 Pathobiology : journal of immunopathology, molecular and cellular biology
2049-632X Pathogens and Disease
2047-7724 Pathogens and Global Health
0031-2983 Pathologica
0369-8114 Pathologie Biologie
0031-3025 Pathology
1082-9784 Pathology Case Reviews
1320-5463 Pathology International
1219-4956 Pathology Oncology Research
0344-0338 Pathology Research and Practice
2042-003X Pathology Research International
0928-4680 Pathophysiology
1178-1653 Patient
0738-3991 Patient Education and Counseling
1177-889X Patient Preference and Adherence
1754-9493 Patient Safety in Surgery
0031-2991 Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentalnaya Terapiya
1433-7541 Pattern Analysis and Applications
0031-3203 Pattern Recognition
1054-6618 Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
0167-8655 Pattern Recognition Letters
0031-322X Patterns of Prejudice
0737-8939 PC World (San Francisco, CA)
0887-9672 PCI Journal
1079-7440 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
0161-956X Peabody Journal of Education
1078-1919 Peace and Conflict
1082-7307 Peace and Conflict Studies
1079-2457 Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
1040-2659 Peace Review
1554-480X Pedagogies
1392-0340 Pedagogika
0165-0645 Pedagogische Studien
1468-1366 Pedagogy, Culture & Society
1135-8831 Pediatria Catalana
1139-7632 Pediatria de Atencion Primaria
1734-1531 Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna
1135-4542 Pediatria Integral
0391-5387 Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica
0031-3939 Pediatria Polska
1507-5532 Pediatria Wspolczesna
0905-6157 Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
1017-5989 Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
1093-5266 Pediatric and Developmental Pathology
0090-4481 Pediatric Annals
1545-5009 Pediatric Blood and Cancer
1092-9126 Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual
0172-0643 Pediatric Cardiology
0031-3955 Pediatric Clinics of North America
1529-7535 Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
0164-1263 Pediatric Dentistry
0736-8046 Pediatric Dermatology
1399-543X Pediatric Diabetes
0749-5161 Pediatric Emergency Care
1565-4753 Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews
0899-8493 Pediatric Excercise Science
0888-0018 Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
1726-1708 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Immunopathology
0891-3668 Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
0931-041X Pediatric Nephrology
0887-8994 Pediatric Neurology
1016-2291 Pediatric Neurosurgery
0097-9805 Pediatric nursing
2047-6310 Pediatric Obesity
0898-5669 Pediatric Physical Therapy
8755-6863 Pediatric Pulmonology
0301-0449 Pediatric Radiology
0031-3998 Pediatric Research
1546-0096 Pediatric Rheumatology
0179-0358 Pediatric Surgery International
1397-3142 Pediatric Transplantation
2151-321X Pediatric, Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology
0031-4005 Pediatrics
1875-9572 Pediatrics and Neonatology
0191-9601 Pediatrics in Review
1328-8067 Pediatrics International
1213-0494 Pediatrie pro Praxi
0479-7876 Pediatriya
0031-4056 Pedobiologia
1002-0160 Pedosphere
2167-8359 PeerJ
1936-6442 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
1778-3712 Pelvi-perineologie
1546-3427 Penn State Environmental Law Review
0031-4439 Pennsylvania dental journal
0553-5980 Pennsylvania Geographer
0031-4528 Pennsylvania history
0031-4587 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
0031-4749 Pensamiento
0031-4773 Pensee
1376-0963 Pensee Plurielle
1478-5315 Pensions
2041-3599 PentecoStudies
0196-9781 Peptides
1517-7599 Per Musi
0301-0066 Perception
0031-5125 Perceptual and Motor Skills
1038-2909 Perfect Beat
0185-2698 Perfiles Educativos
0188-7653 Perfiles Latinoamericanos
1477-6456 Performance Apparel Markets
2211-2669 Performance Enhancement and Health
0166-5316 Performance Evaluation
0163-5999 Performance Evaluation Review
0898-5952 Performance Improvement Quarterly
1467-8047 Performance Measurement and Metrics
1352-8165 Performance Research
0267-6591 Perfusion
1470-1804 Pergamon Materials Series
1224-984X Perichoresis
0972-2408 Perinatology
0031-5303 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
0303-7800 Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering
0324-6051 Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering
1416-3837 Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences
0324-5853 Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering
0553-6626 Periodica Polytechnica: Civil Engineering
0369-8963 Periodico di Mineralogia
1806-0374 Periodico Tche Quimica
0031-5362 Periodicum Biologorum
0906-6713 Periodontology 2000
1556-7931 Perioperative Nursing Clinics
0896-8608 Peritoneal Dialysis International
1045-6740 Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
1617-4909 Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
1350-4126 Personal Relationships
0191-8869 Personality and Individual Differences
1932-8621 Personality and Mental Health
0146-1672 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
1088-8683 Personality and Social Psychology Review
1949-2715 Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
1741-0541 Personalized Medicine
0031-5826 Personnel Psychology
0048-3486 Personnel Review
0031-5850 Persoonia
1413-9936 Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao
1708-1890 Perspective infirmiere : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du Quebec
0907-676X Perspectives
1210-762X Perspectives
0031-5982 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
0258-2236 Perspectives in Education
1559-4122 Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association
1177-391X Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry
2211-968X Perspectives in Medicine
1433-8319 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
0031-5990 Perspectives in Psychiatric Care
1757-9139 Perspectives in Public Health
2210-7622 Perspectives in Vaccinology
1531-0035 Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy
1570-5854 Perspectives on European Politics and Society
1569-1500 Perspectives on Global Development and Technology
0840-8750 Perspectives on Labour and Income
1045-7097 Perspectives on Political Science
1537-5927 Perspectives on Politics
1745-6916 Perspectives on Psychological Science
1063-6145 Perspectives on Science
1538-6341 Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
1360-3108 Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education
1465-6493 Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
0128-7680 Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology
0128-7702 Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities
1511-3701 Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science
1574-1192 Pervasive and Mobile Computing
0100-204X Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
1517-6398 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical
1519-0501 Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada
1517-7491 Pesquisa odontologica brasileira = Brazilian oral research
0101-7438 Pesquisa Operacional
0100-736X Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira
1518-2398 Pesquisas em Geociencias
1526-498X Pest Management Science
0048-3575 Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
0970-3012 Pestology
1556-8598 PET Clinics
1337-7027 Petroleum and Coal
0965-5441 Petroleum Chemistry
0306-395X Petroleum Economist
1876-3804 Petroleum Exploration and Development
1354-0793 Petroleum Geoscience
1002-106X Petroleum Refinery Engineering
0020-3076 Petroleum Review
1672-5107 Petroleum Science
1091-6466 Petroleum Science and Technology
1362-363X Petroleum Technology Quarterly
0869-5911 Petrology
0129-1122 PetroMin
1793-1851 Petromin Pipeliner
1529-9074 Petrophysics
0258-8102 Peuce
0177-7726 Pferdeheilkunde
1012-5302 Pflege
0945-1129 Pflege Zeitschrift
0031-6768 Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology
1318-3362 Phainomena
0031-6849 Pharma Times
0031-6857 Pharmaca
1388-0209 Pharmaceutical Biology
1078-0467 Pharmaceutical biotechnology
1671-2838 Pharmaceutical Care and Research
1139-6202 Pharmaceutical Care Espana
0091-150X Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
1083-7450 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology
0273-8139 Pharmaceutical Engineering
1531-2135 Pharmaceutical Formulation and Quality
0079-1393 Pharmaceutical historian
0031-6873 Pharmaceutical Journal
1463-1245 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer
1178-2595 Pharmaceutical Medicine
1945-3337 Pharmaceutical Outsourcing
1049-9156 Pharmaceutical Processing
0724-8741 Pharmaceutical Research
1918-5561 Pharmaceutical Reviews
1735-403X Pharmaceutical Sciences
1539-1604 Pharmaceutical Statistics
1543-2521 Pharmaceutical Technology
0164-6826 Pharmaceutical Technology Europe
1424-8247 Pharmaceuticals
1389-2827 Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law
1999-4923 Pharmaceutics
0031-6911 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
2211-1042 Pharmacien Hospitalier et Clinicien
1170-7690 PharmacoEconomics
1612-3727 PharmacoEconomics - German Research Articles
1590-9158 PharmacoEconomics - Italian Research Articles
1695-405X Pharmacoeconomics - Spanish Research Articles
1053-8569 Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
1744-6872 Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
1462-2416 Pharmacogenomics
1178-7066 Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
1470-269X Pharmacogenomics Journal
0975-3575 Pharmacognosy Journal
0973-1296 Pharmacognosy Magazine
0974-8490 Pharmacognosy Research
0973-7847 Pharmacognosy Reviews
1734-1140 Pharmacological Reports
1043-6618 Pharmacological Research
0031-6997 Pharmacological Reviews
0031-7012 Pharmacology
0163-7258 Pharmacology and Therapeutics
0091-3057 Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior
1827-8620 Pharmacologyonline
0363-4655 Pharmacopeial Forum
0176-3679 Pharmacopsychiatry
0277-0008 Pharmacotherapy
1752-6752 PharmacoVigilance Review
1560-2214 Pharmacy Education
0031-7047 Pharmacy in history
1448-207X Pharmacy News
1885-642X Pharmacy Practice
0003-0627 Pharmacy times
1105-4999 Pharmakeftiki
1010-5409 Pharma-Kritik
2213-4344 PharmaNutrition
0031-711X Pharmazeutische Industrie
0031-7136 Pharmazeutische Zeitung
0048-3664 Pharmazie in Unserer Zeit
2075-2164 Pharmeuropa bio & scientific notes
0141-1594 Phase Transitions
1568-7759 Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
0031-7217 Phi Delta Kappan
0031-7454 Philippine Agricultural Scientist
0048-3818 Philippine Journal of Nursing
0031-7683 Philippine Journal of Science
0031-7705 Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine
0115-4451 Philippine Political Science Journal
2244-1093 Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints
0119-9641 Phillippine Journal of Internal Medicine
0031-7977 Philological Quarterly
0031-7985 Philologus
0048-3893 Philosophia
2244-1875 Philosophia (Philippines)
1529-1634 Philosophia Christi
0031-8019 Philosophia Mathematica
0031-8035 Philosophia Reformata
1281-2463 Philosophia Scientiae
0379-8402 Philosophica
1386-9795 Philosophical Explorations
0190-0536 Philosophical Investigations
1478-6435 Philosophical Magazine
0950-0839 Philosophical Magazine Letters
0951-5089 Philosophical Psychology
0031-8094 Philosophical Quarterly
0031-8116 Philosophical Studies
1364-503X Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
0962-8436 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
0294-1805 Philosophie
0031-8159 Philosophische Rundschau
0031-8183 Philosophisches Jahrbuch
0031-8191 Philosophy
2210-5433 Philosophy & Technology
0190-0013 Philosophy and Literature
0031-8205 Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
0048-3915 Philosophy and Public Affairs
0031-8213 Philosophy and Rhetoric
0191-4537 Philosophy and Social Criticism
1747-9991 Philosophy Compass
0031-8221 Philosophy East & West
0031-8248 Philosophy of Science
0048-3931 Philosophy of the Social Sciences
0031-8256 Philosophy Today
1747-5341 Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine
1071-6076 Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology
0031-8280 Phlebologie
0939-978X Phlebologie
0268-3555 Phlebology
1286-0107 Phlebolymphology
0031-8299 Phoenix
0031-8388 Phonetica
0952-6757 Phonology
1042-6507 Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements
2213-5979 Photoacoustics
1474-905X Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
0556-3860 Photochemistry
0031-8655 Photochemistry and Photobiology
0905-4383 Photodermatology Photoimmunology and Photomedicine
1572-1000 Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
0099-1112 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
0031-868X Photogrammetric Record
1432-8364 Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation
1754-0763 Photographies
1549-5418 Photomedicine and Laser Surgery
1387-974X Photonic Network Communications
1674-9251 Photonic Sensors
1569-4410 Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
2080-2242 Photonics Letters of Poland
0731-1230 Photonics Spectra
0166-8595 Photosynthesis Research
0300-3604 Photosynthetica
0031-8868 Phronesis
0858-1088 Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin
0031-8884 Phycologia
1322-0829 Phycological Research
1519-1397 Phyllomedusa
0378-4371 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
0921-4526 Physica B: Condensed Matter
0921-4534 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
0167-2789 Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
1386-9477 Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures
1120-1797 Physica Medica
0031-8949 Physica Scripta
1862-6254 Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letetrs
1862-6300 Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
0370-1972 Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research
1862-6351 Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics
1114-3800 Physical and Chemical News
0270-3181 Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
0194-2638 Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
1478-3967 Physical Biology
1463-9076 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
1874-4907 Physical Communication
1740-8989 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
0272-3646 Physical Geography
1047-9651 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America
1029-9599 Physical Mesomechanics
0928-5105 Physical Oceanography
1094-1622 Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
1098-0121 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
0556-2813 Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
1550-7998 Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
1539-3755 Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
0031-9007 Physical Review Letters
1098-4402 Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
1554-9178 Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research
2160-3308 Physical Review X
0031-9023 Physical Therapy
1466-853X Physical Therapy in Sport
0091-3847 Physician and Sportsmedicine
0898-2759 Physician executive
1036-3831 Physicist
0137-1282 Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing
1753-3562 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B
0031-9104 Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
0342-1791 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
1474-7065 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
0031-9120 Physics Education
0836-1398 Physics Essays
0031-9155 Physics in Medicine and Biology
1422-6944 Physics in Perspective
0375-9601 Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
0370-2693 Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
1063-7788 Physics of Atomic Nuclei
1070-6631 Physics of Fluids
1571-0645 Physics of Life Reviews
0031-918X Physics of Metals and Metallography
1063-7796 Physics of Particles and Nuclei
1547-4771 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters
1070-664X Physics of Plasmas
2212-6864 Physics of the Dark Universe
0031-9201 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
1063-7834 Physics of the Solid State
1875-3892 Physics Procedia
0370-1573 Physics Reports
2090-2220 Physics Research International
0031-9228 Physics Today
1063-7869 Physics Uspekhi
0953-8585 Physics World
0940-6689 Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin
0031-9317 Physiologia Plantarum
1522-2152 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
0885-5765 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
0748-6642 Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR
0307-6962 Physiological Entomology
1094-8341 Physiological Genomics
0967-3334 Physiological Measurement
0862-8408 Physiological Research
0031-9333 Physiological Reviews
0031-9376 Physiologist
1548-9213 Physiology
0031-9384 Physiology and Behavior
0971-5894 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
1735-0581 Physiology and Pharmacology
0031-9406 Physiotherapy
0300-0508 Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada
1358-2267 Physiotherapy research international : the journal for researchers and clinicians in physical therapy
0959-3985 Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
0103-7331 Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0958-0344 Phytochemical Analysis
0031-9422 Phytochemistry
1874-3900 Phytochemistry Letters
1568-7767 Phytochemistry Reviews
0340-269X Phytocoenologia
0944-7113 Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology
0031-9449 Phytomorphology: An International Journal of Plant Morphology
0031-9457 Phyton
0079-2047 Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae
0334-2123 Phytoparasitica
0031-9465 Phytopathologia Mediterranea
0031-949X Phytopathology
1624-8597 Phytotherapie
0951-418X Phytotherapy Research
0078-8228 PIDE Working Papers
0213-9251 Piel
0369-9420 Pigment and Resin Technology
1755-1471 Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research
1436-0179 PIK Report
0032-0188 Pipeline and Gas Journal
0373-2568 Pirineos
1386-341X Pituitary
1751-8040 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
0143-4004 Placenta
0032-0447 Plains Anthropologist
0961-1371 Plainsong and Medieval Music
0032-0544 Plan Canada
1479-2605 Planet Earth
0032-0633 Planetary and Space Science
1880-8247 Plankton and Benthos Research
0001-2610 Planning
1040-7340 Planning Advisory Service Memo
1548-0755 Planning and Environmental Law
1675-6215 Planning Malaysia
0266-5433 Planning Perspectives
0269-7459 Planning Practice and Research
1473-0952 Planning Theory
1464-9357 Planning Theory and Practice
0032-0781 Plant and Cell Physiology
0032-079X Plant and Soil
0972-5210 Plant Archives
1435-8603 Plant Biology
1126-3504 Plant Biosystems
1342-4580 Plant Biotechnology
1467-7644 Plant Biotechnology Journal
1863-5466 Plant Biotechnology Reports
0179-9541 Plant Breeding
1040-4651 Plant Cell
0972-2025 Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
0721-7714 Plant Cell Reports
0167-6857 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
0191-2917 Plant Disease
1385-0237 Plant Ecology
1755-0874 Plant Ecology and Diversity
2032-3913 Plant Ecology and Evolution
0032-0838 Plant Engineer (London)
0032-082X Plant Engineering
0921-9668 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition
1479-2621 Plant Genetic Resources: Characterisation and Utilisation
0167-6903 Plant Growth Regulation
0960-7412 Plant Journal
1746-4811 Plant Methods
0167-4412 Plant Molecular Biology
0735-9640 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
1836-0661 Plant OMICS
0032-0862 Plant Pathology
1812-5387 Plant Pathology Journal
0032-0889 Plant Physiology
0981-9428 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
1343-943X Plant Production Science
0815-2195 Plant Protection Quarterly
1212-2580 Plant Protection Science
2194-7953 Plant Reproduction
1881-6754 Plant Root
0168-9452 Plant Science
1559-2316 Plant Signaling and Behavior
2280-1855 Plant Sociology
0913-557X Plant Species Biology
0378-2697 Plant Systematics and Evolution
1817-3721 Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology
0140-7791 Plant, Cell and Environment
1214-1178 Plant, Soil and Environment
0032-0935 Planta
0100-8358 Planta Daninha
0032-0943 Planta Medica
1880-6821 Plasma and Fusion Research
0272-4324 Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing
1947-5764 Plasma Medicine
0741-3335 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
1063-780X Plasma Physics Reports
1612-8850 Plasma Processes and Polymers
1009-0630 Plasma Science and Technology
0963-0252 Plasma Sources Science and Technology
0147-619X Plasmid
1557-1955 Plasmonics
0032-1052 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
0741-5206 Plastic surgical nursing : official journal of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Nurses
0091-9578 Plastics Engineering
0032-1257 Plastics Technology
1465-8011 Plastics, Rubber and Composites
0953-7104 Platelets
1836-5132 Platform
0032-1400 Platinum Metals Review
1544-9173 PLoS Biology
1553-734X PLoS Computational Biology
2157-3999 PLoS Currents
1553-7390 PLoS Genetics
1549-1277 PLoS Medicine
1935-2727 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
1932-6203 PLoS ONE
1553-7366 PLoS Pathogens
0048-4474 Ploughshares
1930-7365 Pluralist
1934-1482 PM and R
0030-8129 PMLA
0272-0965 Pneuma
1613-5636 Pneumologe
0934-8387 Pneumologie
1105-848X Pneumon
0867-7077 Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska
1333-5286 Podravina
1543-1789 Poe Studies - Dark Romanticism
0303-4178 Poetica
0304-422X Poetics
0333-5372 Poetics Today
0032-2024 Poetique
0032-2032 Poetry
0032-2156 Poetry Review
0032-2202 Poetry Wales
1615-6609 Poiesis und Praxis
1533-029X Point of Care
0335-4997 Point Veterinaire
0722-4060 Polar Biology
1088-937X Polar Geography
0032-2474 Polar Record
0800-0395 Polar Research
1873-9652 Polar Science
1081-6976 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
0032-2490 Polarforschung
1561-4263 Police Practice and Research
1098-6111 Police Quarterly
1363-951X Policing
1043-9463 Policing and Society
0048-4717 Policlinico - Sezione Medica
0305-5736 Policy and Politics
1449-4035 Policy and Society
1478-2103 Policy Futures in Education
0146-5945 Policy Review
0032-2687 Policy Sciences
0144-2872 Policy Studies
0190-292X Policy Studies Journal
1527-1544 Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice
0351-1871 Polimeri
0104-1428 Polimeros
0032-2725 Polimery
0370-0747 Polimery w medycynie
0412-257X Polis
1120-9488 Polis (Italy)
1230-8013 Polish Annals of Medicine
1641-8190 Polish Botanical Journal
0867-0730 Polish Botanical Studies
1509-8117 Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
1505-2249 Polish Journal of Ecology
1230-1485 Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
1230-0322 Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
1425-4689 Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering
1733-1331 Polish Journal of Microbiology
1233-9687 Polish Journal of Pathology
1733-134X Polish Journal of Radiology
0079-2985 Polish Journal of Soil Science
1505-1773 Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
1233-2585 Polish Maritime Research
0138-0338 Polish Polar Research
1231-1413 Polish Sociological Review
0718-3399 Politica Criminal
1120-9496 Politica Economica
1405-1060 Politica y Gobierno
1130-8001 Politica y Sociedad
1047-1987 Political Analysis
0190-9320 Political Behavior
1058-4609 Political Communication
0962-6298 Political Geography
0162-895X Political Psychology
0032-3179 Political Quarterly
1065-9129 Political Research Quarterly
0032-3187 Political Science
0032-3195 Political Science Quarterly
0032-3217 Political Studies
1478-9299 Political Studies Review
0090-5917 Political Theory
0032-3233 Politicka Ekonomie
0263-3957 Politics
1743-923X Politics & Gender
1555-5623 Politics and Policy
0032-3292 Politics and Society
0730-9384 Politics and the Life Sciences
1470-594X Politics, Philosophy and Economics
0258-9346 Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies
0032-3470 Politische Vierteljahresschrift
0295-2319 Politix
1392-1681 Politologija
0032-3497 Polity
1330-7142 Poljoprivreda
1788-1994 Pollack Periodica
0032-3632 Pollution Atmospherique
0032-3640 Pollution Engineering
0257-8050 Pollution Research
1426-9686 Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski
0032-373X Polski Przeglad Chirurgiczny
1507-5540 Polski Przeglad Kardiologiczny
0032-3772 Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej
1040-6638 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
0277-5387 Polyhedron
0032-3861 Polymer
0360-2559 Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering
0170-0839 Polymer Bulletin
1759-9954 Polymer Chemistry
0272-8397 Polymer Composites
0141-3910 Polymer Degradation and Stability
0032-3888 Polymer Engineering and Science
0959-8103 Polymer International
0032-3896 Polymer Journal
0379-153X Polymer Korea
1558-3724 Polymer Reviews
0965-545X Polymer Science - Series A
1560-0904 Polymer Science - Series B
1811-2382 Polymer Science - Series C
1995-4212 Polymer Science - Series D
0142-9418 Polymer Testing
0967-3911 Polymers and Polymer Composites
1042-7147 Polymers for Advanced Technologies
2041-2479 Polymers from Renewable Resources
1357-731X Polymers Paint Colour Journal
1528-0268 Pomegranate
1332-0718 Pomorstvo
0032-423X Ponte
1540-5702 Popular Communication
0261-1430 Popular Music
0300-7766 Popular Music and Society
0032-4663 Population
0098-7921 Population and Development Review
0199-0039 Population and Environment
0032-468X Population Bulletin
1438-3896 Population Ecology
0184-7783 Population et societes; bulletin mensuel d'informations demographiques, economiques, sociales
1942-7891 Population Health Management
1478-7954 Population Health Metrics
0167-5923 Population Research and Policy Review
0032-471X Population Review
0032-4728 Population Studies
0307-4463 Population Trends
1544-8444 Population, Space and Place
0551-5343 Poradnik Jezykowy
1697-7467 Porta Linguarum
1531-2542 Portal
0872-1904 Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
0032-5155 Portugaliae Mathematica
0267-5315 Portugese Studies
1617-982X Portuguese Economic Journal
0048-4911 Positif
1067-9847 Positions
1523-2883 Positively aware : the monthly journal of the Test Positive Aware Network
1385-1292 Positivity
1368-8790 Postcolonial Studies
1463-1377 Post-Communist Economies
0032-5422 Postepy biochemii
1642-395X Postepy Dermatologii I Alergologii
0032-5449 Postepy higieny i medycyny doswiadczalnej
0079-4252 Postepy Mikrobiologii
1230-2813 Postepy Psychiatrii i Neurologii
0860-6161 Postepy Rehabilitacji
1734-9338 Postepy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej
0032-5473 Postgraduate Medical Journal
0032-5481 Postgraduate Medicine
0925-5214 Postharvest Biology and Technology
2040-5960 Postmedieval
0079-4236 Post-Medieval Archaeology
1053-1920 Postmodern Culture
1060-586X Post-Soviet Affairs
0014-3065 Potato Research
0926-2601 Potential Analysis
0032-5791 Poultry Science
0152-0768 Pouvoirs: Revue d'Etudes Constitutionnelles et Politiques
0885-7156 Powder Diffraction
0032-5899 Powder Metallurgy
1068-1302 Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
0032-5910 Powder Technology
0032-5929 Power
1540-2800 Power Electronics Technology
0032-5961 Power Engineering
1000-3673 Power System Technology
1570-145X Power Technology and Engineering
1732-0747 Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
0303-8157 Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities
1687-4757 PPAR Research
0033-409X PPI, Pulp & Paper International
0173-7937 PPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie
0866-9465 Prace - Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
0324-9670 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Gornictwa Politechniki Wroclawskiej
0084-2869 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inzynierii Ochrony Srodowiska, Politechniki Wroclawskiej
0032-6291 Pracovni Lekarstvi
0032-6313 Practica Otologica
0912-1870 Practica Otologica, Supplement
1531-7714 Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation
1357-8170 Practical Diabetes International
0277-4208 Practical Gastroenterology
1474-7758 Practical Neurology
1879-8500 Practical Radiation Oncology
1756-073X Practical Theology
0950-3153 Practice (UK)
0953-6612 Practice Nurse
1084-0680 Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
0032-6518 Practitioner
1133-682X Pragmalinguistica
1018-2101 Pragmatics
0929-0907 Pragmatics and Cognition
1210-0455 Prague Economic Papers
1214-6994 Prague medical report.
0079-4848 Prahistorische Zeitschrift
0317-6282 Prairie Forum
0032-6739 Prakticky Lekar
0032-678X Praktische Metallographie/Practical Metallography
0032-681X Praktische Tierarzt
0304-4289 Pramana - Journal of Physics
1279-7960 Praticien en Anesthesie Reanimation
0758-1882 Pratique Medicale et Chirurgicale de l'Animal de Compagnie
1878-7762 Pratique Neurologique - FMC
1767-4417 Pratique Vet
1766-7305 Pratiques en Nutrition
1269-1763 Pratiques Psychologiques
0975-0533 Pravara Medical Review
1861-6755 Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung
0937-552X Pravention und Rehabilitation
1661-8157 Praxis
0032-7034 Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie
0301-9268 Precambrian Research
1385-2256 Precision Agriculture
0141-6359 Precision Engineering
2210-7789 Pregnancy Hypertension
1049-023X Prehospital and disaster medicine : the official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine in association with the Acute Care Foundation
1090-3127 Prehospital Emergency Care
0197-3851 Prenatal Diagnosis
0032-745X Prensa Medica Argentina
1082-6068 Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology
1167-7422 Prescrire International
1054-7460 Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
1090-9931 Preservation
2195-2965 Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture
0032-7786 Preslia
0755-4982 Presse Medicale
1545-1151 Preventing chronic disease [electronic resource].
1389-4986 Prevention Science
1520-037X Preventive Cardiology
0091-7435 Preventive Medicine
2287-1098 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
0167-5877 Preventive Veterinary Medicine
0393-9960 Prevenzione & assistenza dentale
0555-1099 Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya
1330-0644 Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju
0095-4543 Primary Care - Clinics in Office Practice
1756-5138 Primary Care Cardiovascular Journal
1523-5998 Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
1751-9918 Primary Care Diabetes
1471-4418 Primary Care Respiratory Journal
1355-7610 Primary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK)
2050-1684 Primary dental journal
1477-1128 Primary health care research & development
0898-6207 Primate Conservation
0032-8332 Primates; journal of primatology
0351-1189 Primerjalna Knjizevnost
1051-1970 PRIMUS
2168-5266 Print and Promo
0265-8305 Print Quarterly
1939-5442 Printed Circuit Design and Fab
0032-860X Printing Impressions
1522-7898 Printwear
1933-6896 Prion
0032-8855 Prison Journal
1330-187X Privredna Kretanja i Ekonomska Politika
0266-8920 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
0208-4147 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
0269-9648 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
1549-5787 Probability Surveys
0178-8051 Probability Theory and Related Fields
0264-5505 Probation Journal
1867-1306 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
0301-7036 Problemas del Desarrollo
1392-1126 Problemos
1682-9344 Problems of Atomic Science and Technology
0204-9155 Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
0032-9460 Problems of Information Transmission
1075-8216 Problems of Post-Communism
1895-6912 Problemy Ekorozwoju
0869-866X Problemy Sotsial Noi Gigieny I Istoriia Meditsiny NII Sotsial Noi Gigieny Ekonomiki I Upravleniia Zdravookhraneniem Im N A Semashko RAMN AO Assotsiatsiia Meditsinskaia Literatura
0921-4771 Probus
1877-0428 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
1876-6196 Procedia Chemistry
1878-5220 Procedia Earth and Planetary Science
1877-7058 Procedia Engineering
1877-282X Procedia in Vaccinology
0569-5503 Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference
1068-3070 Proceedings - Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
0190-5848 Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference
0713-5424 Proceedings - Graphics Interface
0736-7791 Proceedings - ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
0743-166X Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM
1050-4729 Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
0271-4310 Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
1063-6927 Proceedings - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
1051-4651 Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition
0270-5257 Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering
1530-1346 Proceedings - International Symposium on Computers and Communications
1093-2941 Proceedings - International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, ISDEIV
1045-9065 Proceedings - Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference
1043-6871 Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
0891-7736 Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference
0044-0604 Proceedings - Yorkshire Geological Society
1747-650X Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials
1751-4223 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy
1751-4304 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law
1747-6526 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management
0277-786X Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
0097-3157 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
0743-1619 Proceedings of the American Control Conference
0002-9939 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
0003-049X Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
0737-8017 Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
1093-0159 Proceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity
0160-3663 Proceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference
0096-7963 Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Instrumentation for the Process Industries
0066-7374 Proceedings of the Aristotelean Society
1081-7735 Proceedings of the Asian Test Symposium
1550-8390 Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting
0006-324X Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
1540-7489 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
0736-4709 Proceedings of the Corporate Aviation Safety Seminar
0886-5930 Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
1068-0314 Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference
0013-0915 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
0013-8797 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
1736-6046 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
1534-5351 Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR
0016-7878 Proceedings of the Geologists' Association
1025-8973 Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control
1025-8973 Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, MIC
1021-8181 Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimatization
1027-2658 Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
1757-9430 Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering History and Heritage
0018-9219 Proceedings of the IEEE
1063-6919 Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
0191-2216 Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
1084-6999 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
1063-9667 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design
1063-7125 Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
1060-9857 Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
1089-8190 Proceedings of the IEEE/CPMT International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Symposium
0253-4126 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences
0253-4142 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences
1476-1548 Proceedings of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Part A: Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology
1478-4637 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering
0965-089X Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering
1755-0777 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics
1478-4629 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability
2043-9903 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Forensic Engineering
1353-2618 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering
1755-0750 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement
1741-7597 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering
0965-0903 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer
0965-0911 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings
0965-092X Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport
1755-0793 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning
1475-0902 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment
0957-6509 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy
0954-4054 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
0954-4062 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
0954-4070 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering
0954-4089 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
0954-4097 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
0954-4100 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
0954-4119 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine
1350-6501 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology
1464-4193 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics
1464-4207 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications
1740-3499 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems
1748-006X Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability
0959-6518 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
1743-9213 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
0277-7576 Proceedings of the International Instrumentation Symposium
0195-623X Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
1074-6005 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping
1598-7264 Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society
0386-2194 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences
0386-2208 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences
0024-6115 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
0369-8203 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences
0027-8424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
0029-6651 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
0377-2969 Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences
1454-9069 Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science
0035-8991 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature
1364-5021 Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
0962-8452 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
0081-5438 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
0083-8969 Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society
1524-4547 Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WET ICE
2070-3740 Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
0096-8870 Proceedings, Annual Convention - Gas Processors Association
1063-6900 Proceedings. The Computer Security Foundations Workshop III
1135-5948 Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural
1359-5113 Process Biochemistry
0370-1859 Process Engineering
0957-5820 Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B
1066-8527 Process Safety Progress
0103-6513 Producao
1059-1478 Production and Operations Management
0944-6524 Production Engineering
0953-7287 Production Planning and Control
0990-0632 Productions Animales
1386-6710 Profesional de la Informacion
1138-414X Profesorado
1932-8087 Professional Case Management
1941-5257 Professional Development in Education
0953-6639 Professional Engineering
0033-0124 Professional Geographer
1612-0485 Professional Papermaking
0735-7028 Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
0033-0205 Professioni infermieristiche
1871-5125 Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients and Related Methodology
0033-0337 Program
0361-7688 Programming and Computer Software
1166-7087 Progres en Urologie
1761-676X Progres en Urologie - FMC
0304-5013 Progresos en Obstetricia y Ginecologia
0376-0421 Progress in Aerospace Sciences
1786-335X Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
1000-3282 Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics
0079-6107 Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
0079-6123 Progress in Brain Research
0033-0620 Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases
1005-281X Progress in Chemistry
0340-255X Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science
1557-0541 Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action
1468-4349 Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics
0960-8974 Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials
1464-9934 Progress in Development Studies
0071-786X Progress in Drug Research
1070-4698 Progress in Electromagnetics Research
1937-6472 Progress in Electromagnetics Research B
1937-8718 Progress In Electromagnetics Research C
1937-8726 Progress In Electromagnetics Research M
0360-1285 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
0959-6380 Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry
0079-6336 Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
0309-1325 Progress in Human Geography
1476-8917 Progress in Industrial Ecology
1349-8614 Progress in Informatics
0079-6379 Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
0163-7827 Progress in Lipid Research
0079-6425 Progress in Materials Science
0079-6468 Progress in Medicinal Chemistry
1877-1173 Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science
1002-0071 Progress in Natural Science
0301-0082 Progress in Neurobiology
0079-6492 Progress in Neurological Surgery
1367-7543 Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry
0278-5846 Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
0149-1970 Progress in Nuclear Energy
0079-6565 Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
1129-8723 Progress in Nutrition
0079-6611 Progress in Oceanography
0079-6638 Progress in Optics
0300-9440 Progress in Organic Coatings
1723-7785 Progress in Orthodontics
0969-9260 Progress in Palliative Care
0146-6410 Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
1058-9813 Progress in Pediatric Cardiology
1062-7995 Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
0309-1333 Progress in Physical Geography
0305-9006 Progress in Planning
0079-6700 Progress in Polymer Science (Oxford)
0079-6727 Progress in Quantum Electronics
1468-6783 Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism
1422-2140 Progress in Respiratory Research
1350-9462 Progress in Retinal and Eye Research
1477-7606 Progress in Rubber Plastics Recycling Technology
0079-6786 Progress in Solid State Chemistry
1229-3008 Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics (PSAC)/Journal of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics
0079-6816 Progress in Surface Science
2191-7043 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products
0266-4852 Progress in Transplantation
0033-068X Progress of Theoretical Physics
0375-9687 Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement
1896-5644 Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives
1058-7454 Project Inform perspective
8756-9728 Project Management Journal
0762-1000 Projections
1333-4395 Prolegomena: Casopis za filozofiju/Journal of Philosophy
0033-1031 Prologue
0353-5320 Promet - Traffic - Traffico
0810-9028 Prometheus
0391-2698 Prometheus (Italy)
0272-9601 Prooftexts - Journal of Jewish Literature History
1311-9109 Propagation of Ornamental Plants
0033-1260 Propane Canada
0721-3115 Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics
0263-7472 Property Management
0144-0357 Prose studies
0033-1538 Prospects
0394-0802 Prospettiva
1098-8823 Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators
0952-3278 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
0270-4137 Prostate
1365-7852 Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
0309-3646 Prosthetics and Orthotics International
1330-0652 Prostor
0033-1732 Protection of Metals
1674-800X Protein & Cell
0929-8665 Protein and Peptide Letters
1741-0126 Protein Engineering, Design and Selection
1046-5928 Protein Expression and Purification
1572-3887 Protein Journal
1871-3025 Protein Reviews
0961-8368 Protein Science
0887-3585 Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics
1477-5956 Proteome Science
1615-9853 Proteomics
1862-8346 Proteomics - Clinical Applications
1178-6418 Proteomics Insights
1935-2824 Proteomics Research Journal
1434-4610 Protist
0033-183X Protoplasma
0888-0352 Provider (Washington, D.C.)
0716-0917 Proyecciones
0033-2526 Przeglad Dermatologiczny
0033-2097 Przeglad Elektrotechniczny
0033-2100 Przeglad Epidemiologiczny
1895-5770 Przeglad Gastroenterologiczny
0033-2135 Przeglad Geofizyczny
0033-2143 Przeglad Geograficzny
0033-2151 Przeglad Geologiczny
1896-9666 Przeglad Kardiodiabetologinczny
0033-2240 Przeglad Lekarski
1643-8876 Przeglad Menopauzalny
0033-2291 Przeglad Papierniczy
0137-723X Przeglad Pediatryczny
1731-8645 Przeglad Wlokienniczy
0033-2496 Przemysl Chemiczny
1049-0965 PS - Political Science and Politics
0103-5665 Psicologia Clinica
1824-078X Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo
1132-9483 Psicologia Conductual
1721-0321 Psicologia della Salute
0102-7182 Psicologia e Sociedade
1413-7372 Psicologia em Estudo
1413-8557 Psicologia Escolar e Educacional
0103-6564 Psicologia USP
0102-7972 Psicologia: Reflexao e Critica
0102-3772 Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
0211-2159 Psicologica
1696-7240 Psicooncologia
1126-1072 Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale
0394-2864 Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane
0214-9915 Psicothema
0048-5705 Psihologija
1332-0742 Psihologijske Teme
0205-9592 Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal
0104-7787 Psiquiatria Biologica
1639-8319 PSN
0033-2623 Psyche
0033-2615 Psyche (New York)
1732-9841 Psychiatria
0353-5053 Psychiatria Danubina
0033-2658 Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica - Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi
0237-7896 Psychiatria Hungarica
1644-6313 Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
0033-2674 Psychiatria Polska
0048-5713 Psychiatric Annals
0193-953X Psychiatric Clinics of North America
0955-8829 Psychiatric Genetics
0033-2720 Psychiatric Quarterly
1095-158X Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
1075-2730 Psychiatric Services
0893-2905 Psychiatric Times
1211-7579 Psychiatrie
0079-726X Psychiatrie de l'Enfant
1213-0508 Psychiatrie pro Praxi
1105-2333 Psychiatrik? = Psychiatriki
0303-4259 Psychiatrische Praxis
1758-3209 Psychiatrist
0033-2747 Psychiatry
1323-1316 Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
1738-3684 Psychiatry Investigation
0165-1781 Psychiatry Research
0925-4927 Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging
1939-5949 Psychiatry Research Journal
1321-8719 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
1720-7525 PsychNology Journal
1460-8235 Psychoanalysis and history
1048-1885 Psychoanalytic Dialogues
0735-1690 Psychoanalytic Inquiry
0736-9735 Psychoanalytic Psychology
0266-8734 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
0033-2828 Psychoanalytic Quarterly
0033-2836 Psychoanalytic Review
1522-8878 Psychoanalytic Social Work
1475-3634 Psychodynamic Practice
2162-2590 Psychodynamic Psychiatry
1732-2642 Psychogeriatria Polska
1346-3500 Psychogeriatrics
0033-2852 Psychologia
0033-2879 Psychologica Belgica
1040-3590 Psychological Assessment
0033-2909 Psychological Bulletin
1938-971X Psychological Injury and Law
1047-840X Psychological Inquiry
0033-2917 Psychological Medicine
1082-989X Psychological Methods
0033-2933 Psychological Record
0033-2941 Psychological Reports
0340-0727 Psychological Research
0033-295X Psychological Review
0956-7976 Psychological Science
1529-1006 Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Supplement
1541-1559 Psychological Services
1942-9681 Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
1873-1791 Psychologie en Gezondheid
0033-2984 Psychologie Francaise
0342-183X Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
0033-3042 Psychologische Rundschau
0952-8229 Psychologist
1088-7156 Psychologist-Manager Journal
0882-7974 Psychology and Aging
0971-3336 Psychology and Developing Societies
0887-0446 Psychology and Health
0742-6046 Psychology and Marketing
1984-3054 Psychology and Neuroscience
1476-0835 Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
1941-9899 Psychology and Sexuality
2074-6857 Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
0033-3085 Psychology in the Schools
1475-7257 Psychology Learning and Teaching
0893-164X Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
1931-3896 Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
1234-2238 Psychology of Language and Communication
0079-7421 Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory
1524-9220 Psychology of Men and Masculinity
0305-7356 Psychology of Music
1941-1022 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
1469-0292 Psychology of Sport and Exercise
2152-0828 Psychology of Violence
0361-6843 Psychology of Women Quarterly
1179-1578 Psychology Research and Behavior Management
1068-316X Psychology, Crime and Law
1354-8506 Psychology, Health and Medicine
1076-8971 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
0033-3123 Psychometrika
0306-4530 Psychoneuroendocrinology
1069-9384 Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
1778-3798 Psycho-Oncologie
1057-9249 Psycho-Oncology
0254-4962 Psychopathology
1936-9255 Psychopharm Review
0033-3158 Psychopharmacology
1606-8181 Psychopharmacology and Biological Narcology
0048-5764 Psychopharmacology Bulletin
0944-6877 Psychopharmakotherapie
0048-5772 Psychophysiology
1752-2439 Psychosis
0033-3174 Psychosomatic Medicine
0033-3182 Psychosomatics
0239-4170 Psychoterapia
0935-6185 Psychotherapeut
0251-737X Psychotherapies
0033-3204 Psychotherapy
0033-3190 Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
1050-3307 Psychotherapy Research
0715-9684 Psychotropes
2171-1976 Psyecology
0717-0297 Psykhe
0030-834X PTB Mitteilungen: Amts - und Mitteilungsblatt der Physikalisch - Technischen Bundesanstalt Braunschweig - Berlin
0933-4807 Pteridines
0033-3298 Public Administration
0271-2075 Public Administration and Development
1087-0091 Public Administration and Management
0033-3352 Public Administration Review
1465-5187 Public Archaeology
0275-1100 Public Budgeting and Finance
0048-5829 Public Choice
0899-2363 Public Culture
1091-1421 Public Finance Review
0033-3506 Public Health
1754-9973 Public Health Ethics
0944-5587 Public Health Forum
1662-4246 Public health genomics
0737-1209 Public Health Nursing
1368-9800 Public Health Nutrition
0033-3549 Public Health Reports
0301-0422 Public Health Reviews
0161-6846 Public Library Quarterly
1471-9037 Public Management Review
0954-0962 Public Money and Management
0033-362X Public Opinion Quarterly
1566-7170 Public Organization Review
1530-9576 Public Performance & Management Review
0091-0260 Public Personnel Management
0952-0767 Public Policy and Administration
1744-5396 Public Policy Research
2065-7285 Public Reason
0363-8111 Public Relations Review
0033-3735 Public Roads
1522-8959 Public Services Quarterly
1613-7159 Public Transport
1016-796X Public Transport International
0963-6625 Public Understanding of Science
1087-724X Public Works Management and Policy
0214-1493 Publicacions Matematiques
0004-6264 Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan
0033-3883 Publicationes Mathematicae
0350-1302 Publications de l'Institut Mathematique
0073-8301 Publications Mathématiques
1448-6083 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
0004-6280 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
0959-3683 Publications of the English Goethe Society
0034-5318 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
1558-9641 Publishing Executive
1053-8801 Publishing Research Quarterly
0048-5950 Publius
0738-0658 Puerto Rico health sciences journal
2090-1836 Pulmonary Medicine
1094-5539 Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
0316-4004 Pulp and Paper Canada
1462-4745 Punishment and Society
0033-4545 Pure and Applied Chemistry
0033-4553 Pure and Applied Geophysics
1558-8599 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly
1573-9538 Purinergic Signalling
0975-024X Purusharta
1012-2346 Pythagoras
0945-5566 PZ Prisma