We are pleased to present a comprehensive list of reputable scholarly journals that are indexed by Scopus. These journals cover a wide range of academic disciplines and have been rigorously vetted to meet the highest standards of quality and impact in the research community. Researchers and academics can rely on the information and findings published in these journals for their research and academic pursuits. The list of Scopus Indexed Journals serves as a valuable resource for those looking to stay informed about the latest developments and breakthroughs in their respective fields. By consulting this list, scholars can ensure they are engaging with reputable sources that have been recognized for their excellence in scholarship and research.
List of Scopus Indexed Journals
Sopus indexed journals - M -
Browse the journal titles
0104-0898 M and M - Metalurgia and Materiais
1637-8962 M et T2
1769-7298 M@ppemonde
1942-0870 mAbs
0350-0136 Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
1857-5749 Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
1403-7785 MacGregor News
0024-9114 Machine Design
1230-0535 Machine Graphics and Vision
0885-6125 Machine Learning
0922-6567 Machine Translation
0932-8092 Machine Vision and Applications
0024-919X Machinery and Production Engineering
1091-0344 Machining Science and Technology
1448-8345 Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law
0915-0560 Macro Review
1365-1005 Macroeconomic Dynamics
1998-9539 Macroheterocycles
1616-5187 Macromolecular Bioscience
1022-1352 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
1438-7492 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
1022-1336 Macromolecular Rapid Communications
1862-832X Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
1598-5032 Macromolecular Research
1022-1360 Macromolecular Symposia
1022-1344 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
0024-9297 Macromolecules
0024-9416 Madencilik
0717-3644 Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnologia
1905-7873 Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology
0718-0209 Magallania
0024-9831 Magazine of Concrete Research
1762-3162 Maghreb - Machrek
2027-1174 Magis
0953-1424 Magnesium Research
0730-725X Magnetic Resonance Imaging
1064-9689 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America
0749-1581 Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
1347-3182 Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
0740-3194 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
2072-5981 Magnetic Resonance in Solids
0968-5243 Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine
0024-998X Magnetohydrodynamics
0025-004X Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja
0025-0090 Magyar Filozofiai Szemle
0025-0120 Magyar Geofizika
0025-0244 Magyar Onkologia
0025-0279 Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle
0025-0295 Magyar Sebeszet
0025-0538 MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche
1024-1221 Main Group Chemistry
0792-1241 Main Group Metal Chemistry
0340-4404 Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen
0076-2997 Malacologia
1475-2875 Malaria Journal
1995-7262 Malawi medical journal : the journal of Medical Association of Malawi
0025-1291 Malayan Nature Journal
0126-8643 Malaysian Applied Biology
1985-3807 Malaysian Construction Research Journal
1985-207X Malaysian Family Physician
0302-2935 Malaysian Forester
1394-2506 Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences
0127-9084 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science
1511-2802 Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics
1511-4554 Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies
1394-6234 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science
1823-8343 Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences
1394-195X Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
1675-8544 Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
1823-7010 Malaysian Journal of Microscopy
1394-035X Malaysian Journal of Nutrition
1675-0306 Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine
1394-3065 Malaysian Journal of Science
1394-7990 Malaysian Journal of Soil Science
1813-3339 Malta Medical Journal
1591-4267 Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia
0305-1838 Mammal Review
1343-4152 Mammal Study
0025-1461 Mammalia
1616-5047 Mammalian Biology
0938-8990 Mammalian Genome
0076-3519 Mammalian Species
0025-1569 Man in India
0104-9313 Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social
1062-3388 Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.)
1331-0194 Management
1044-5005 Management Accounting Research
1740-8776 Management and Organization Review
1744-9359 Management and Organizational History
0893-3189 Management Communication Quarterly
0025-1747 Management Decision
0892-0206 Management in Education
1453-4541 Management in Health
0938-8249 Management International Review
1350-5076 Management Learning
1477-7835 Management of Environmental Quality
2040-8269 Management Research Review
0025-1909 Management Science
1746-1278 Manager
0143-6570 Managerial and Decision Economics
0268-6902 Managerial Auditing Journal
0895-3805 Managing Automation
1360-6719 Managing Leisure
0960-4529 Managing Service Quality
1463-6786 Manchester School
0025-2344 Mankind Quarterly
0377-7537 Man-Made Textiles in India
1356-689X Manual Therapy
0025-2514 Manuelle Medizin
1523-4614 Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
0262-4230 Manufacturing Chemist
0361-0853 Manufacturing Engineering
1213-2489 Manufacturing Technology
0025-2611 Manuscripta Mathematica
0970-3950 Mapan - Journal of Metrology Society of India
1651-8705 Mapping and Image Science
1942-5120 Marine and Coastal Fisheries
1023-6244 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology
1323-1650 Marine and Freshwater Research
0264-8172 Marine and Petroleum Geology
1867-1616 Marine Biodiversity
1755-2672 Marine Biodiversity Records
0025-3162 Marine Biology
1745-1000 Marine Biology Research
1436-2228 Marine Biotechnology
0304-4203 Marine Chemistry
1660-3397 Marine Drugs
0173-9565 Marine Ecology
0171-8630 Marine Ecology - Progress Series
0141-1136 Marine Environmental Research
0090-1830 Marine Fisheries Review
1874-7787 Marine Genomics
0149-0419 Marine Geodesy
0025-3227 Marine Geology
0025-3235 Marine Geophysical Researches
1064-119X Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
0824-0469 Marine Mammal Science
0377-8398 Marine Micropaleontology
1018-3337 Marine Ornithology
0308-597X Marine Policy
0025-326X Marine Pollution Bulletin
0738-1360 Marine Resource Economics
0951-8339 Marine Structures
0025-3316 Marine Technology
0025-3324 Marine Technology Society Journal
0025-3359 Mariner's Mirror
1479-2931 Maritime Economics and Logistics
0308-8839 Maritime Policy and Management
1872-7859 Maritime Studies
1094-1304 Marketing Health Services
0263-4503 Marketing Intelligence and Planning
0923-0645 Marketing Letters
1061-3846 Marketing Management
1040-8460 Marketing Research
0732-2399 Marketing Science
1470-5931 Marketing Theory
1024-2953 Markov Processes and Related Fields
1019-1941 Marmara Medical Journal
1309-0801 Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
0149-4929 Marriage and Family Review
1538-2656 Maryland medicine : MM : a publication of MEDCHI, the Maryland State Medical Society
1520-5436 Mass Communication and Society
1016-1007 Mass Communication Research
2233-4203 Mass Spectrometry Letters
0277-7037 Mass Spectrometry Reviews
0025-4878 Massachusetts Review
0025-5025 Master Drawings
0327-9383 Mastozoologia Neotropical
0932-9714 Matatu
0340-6253 Match
1972-7356 Matematica nella Societa e nella Cultura
0025-5165 Matematicki Vesnik
0025-5289 Mater Plast Elastomeri Fibre Sint
1743-2200 Material Religion
0465-2746 Materiales de Construccion
0392-6338 Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici
1580-2949 Materiali in Tehnologije
0025-5300 Materialpruefung/Materials Testing
0043-2822 Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion
0264-1275 Materials and Design
1042-6914 Materials and Manufacturing Processes
1359-5997 Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions
0960-3409 Materials at High Temperatures
1044-5803 Materials Characterization
0254-0584 Materials Chemistry and Physics
0025-5327 Materials Evaluation
2158-5849 Materials Express
0883-2900 Materials Forum
0167-577X Materials Letters
0094-1492 Materials Performance
1605-2730 Materials Physics and Mechanics
1516-1439 Materials Research
0025-5408 Materials Research Bulletin
1432-8917 Materials Research Innovations
0272-9172 Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
0137-1339 Materials Science
1068-820X Materials Science
0921-5093 Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing
0921-5107 Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology
0928-0191 Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications
0928-4931 Materials Science and Engineering C
0927-796X Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
0267-0836 Materials Science and Technology
0255-5476 Materials Science Forum
1369-8001 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
1066-7857 Materials Technology
1369-7021 Materials Today
0916-1821 Materials Transactions
0967-8638 Materials World
0933-5137 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
0032-6895 Materiaux et Techniques
1092-7875 Maternal and Child Health Journal
1740-8695 Maternal and Child Nutrition
1222-9016 Mathematica
0862-7959 Mathematica Bohemica
0025-5521 Mathematica Scandinavica
0139-9918 Mathematica Slovaca
1300-686X Mathematical and Computational Applications
1946-7664 Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences
0895-7177 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1387-3954 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
0025-5564 Mathematical Biosciences
1547-1063 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
1331-0623 Mathematical Communications
0960-1627 Mathematical Finance
1874-8961 Mathematical Geosciences
1331-4343 Mathematical Inequalities and Applications
0343-6993 Mathematical Intelligencer
0942-5616 Mathematical Logic Quarterly
1477-8599 Mathematical Medicine and Biology
0170-4214 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1432-2994 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1066-5307 Mathematical Methods of Statistics
1392-6292 Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
0764-583X Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
0973-5348 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
0218-2025 Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
0001-4346 Mathematical Notes
1385-0172 Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry
0889-8480 Mathematical Population Studies
1024-123X Mathematical Problems in Engineering
0305-0041 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1867-2949 Mathematical Programming Computation
0025-5610 Mathematical Programming, Series B
1073-2780 Mathematical Research Letters
0312-3685 Mathematical Scientist
0165-4896 Mathematical Social Science
0960-1295 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
1098-6065 Mathematical Thinking and Learning
0378-4754 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1862-9679 Mathematics and Financial Economics
1081-2865 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
1033-2170 Mathematics Education Research Journal
1661-8270 Mathematics in Computer Science
0025-570X Mathematics Magazine
0025-5718 Mathematics of Computation
0932-4194 Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
0364-765X Mathematics of Operations Research
0025-5793 Mathematika
0025-5831 Mathematische Annalen
0025-584X Mathematische Nachrichten
0720-728X Mathematische Semesterberichte
0025-5874 Mathematische Zeitschrift
0945-053X Matrix Biology
1578-0740 Matronas Profesion
0378-5122 Maturitas
0252-9416 Mausam
0025-6153 Maydica
0741-6245 Mayo Clinic health letter (English ed.)
0025-6196 Mayo Clinic Proceedings
1091-0220 Mayo Clinic women's healthsource
2161-2129 mBio
1556-5297 MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics
1920-4825 McGill Journal of Law and Health
1201-026X McGill Journal of Medicine
0047-5394 McKinsey Quarterly
0361-929X MCN The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing
1947-3613 MD advisor : a journal for New Jersey medical community
0815-953X Meanjin
0020-2940 Measurement and Control
0748-1756 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
1091-367X Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
0957-0233 Measurement Science and Technology
1335-8871 Measurement Science Review
0543-1972 Measurement Techniques
0263-2241 Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
1368-3047 Measuring Business Excellence
0309-1740 Meat Science
1296-2139 Mecanique et Industries
0025-6455 Meccanica
0025-6501 Mechanical Engineering
0888-3270 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
2257-7777 Mechanics and Industry
1428-1511 Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
1539-7734 Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
1537-6494 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
0191-5665 Mechanics of Composite Materials
0167-6636 Mechanics of Materials
0025-6544 Mechanics of Solids
1385-2000 Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
0093-6413 Mechanics Research Communications
1392-1207 Mechanika
0094-114X Mechanism and Machine Theory
0047-6374 Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
0925-4773 Mechanisms of Development
0957-4158 Mechatronics
1867-2590 Mechatronik
1121-6921 Mecosan
2040-2503 MedChemComm
0346-6787 Meddelanden fran Lunds Universitets Geografiska Institutioner, Avhandlingar
1957-2557 Medecine des Maladies Metaboliques
1769-4493 Medecine du Sommeil
0759-2280 Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied
1246-7391 Medecine et Droit
1875-7170 Medecine et Longevite
0399-077X Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses
2261-3684 Medecine et sante tropicales
0928-1258 Medecine Nucleaire
1636-6522 Medecine Palliative
0767-0974 Medecine sciences : M/S
1264-6520 Medecine Therapeutique
1774-640X Medecine Therapeutique Medecine de la Reproduction
1286-5494 Medecine Therapeutique Pediatrie
0025-682X Medecine Tropicale
0030-565; Medecins - Le Magazine Ordre National Des Medecins
1368-8804 Media History
1329-878X Media International Australia
1521-3269 Media Psychology
0163-4437 Media, Culture and Society
1750-6352 Media, War and Conflict
0076-5872 Mediaeval studies
0962-9351 Mediators of Inflammation
0351-0093 Medica Jadertina
1933-6586 Medical Acupuncture
0140-0118 Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
0269-283X Medical and Veterinary Entomology
0745-5194 Medical Anthropology Quarterly
0145-9740 Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness
0025-7079 Medical Care
1077-5587 Medical Care Research and Review
1681-5491 Medical Channel
0025-7125 Medical Clinics of North America
0272-989X Medical Decision Making
0194-844X Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry
1179-1470 Medical Devices: Evidence and Research
0958-3947 Medical Dosimetry
0025-7206 Medical economics
0308-0110 Medical Education
1087-2981 Medical education online
1350-4533 Medical Engineering and Physics
1029-385X Medical Forum Monthly
0025-7273 Medical History
0950-5571 Medical history. Supplement
1468-215X Medical Humanities
0306-9877 Medical Hypotheses
1361-8415 Medical Image Analysis
0377-1237 Medical Journal Armed Forces India
0025-729X Medical Journal of Australia
0577-7402 Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
0300-5283 Medical Journal of Malaysia
0540-1259 Medical Journal of Minami Osaka Hospital
1016-1430 Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran
1671-8852 Medical Journal of Wuhan University
0580-7247 Medical Laboratory Observer
1615-1615 Medical Laser Application
0968-5332 Medical Law International
0967-0742 Medical Law Review
0025-732X Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics
0300-8584 Medical Microbiology and Immunology
1860-1480 Medical Molecular Morphology
1369-3786 Medical Mycology
2211-7539 Medical Mycology Case Reports
1357-0560 Medical Oncology
0094-2405 Medical Physics
1985-4811 Medical Physiology Online
1011-7571 Medical Principles and Practice
0885-1158 Medical Problems of Performing Artists
0276-3869 Medical Reference Services Quarterly
1234-1010 Medical Science Monitor
0142-159X Medical Teacher
2066-8643 Medical Ultrasonography
0025-7664 MedicaMundi
1555-7960 MEDICC Review
0025-7680 Medicina
0076-6046 Medicina
1010-660X Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
0025-7753 Medicina Clinica
0210-5187 Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana
0025-7818 Medicina del Lavoro
0025-7826 Medicina dello Sport
0300-8169 Medicina e historia
1847-6864 Medicina Fluminensis
0210-5691 Medicina Intensiva
0186-4866 Medicina Interna de Mexico
1576-3080 Medicina Naturista
0394-9001 Medicina nei secoli
1698-4447 Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal
1134-248X Medicina Paliativa
1135-2841 Medicina Preventiva
1734-2260 Medicina Sportiva
0212-8292 Medicina Veterinaria
1573-4064 Medicinal Chemistry
1054-2523 Medicinal Chemistry Research
0975-4261 Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
0198-6325 Medicinal Research Reviews
0304-5412 Medicine
1357-3039 Medicine
1086-5462 Medicine and health, Rhode Island
0723-1393 Medicine and Law
0195-9131 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
0254-5020 Medicine and sport science.
1876-4533 Medicine Studies
1443-430X Medicine Today
1362-3699 Medicine, conflict, and survival
1386-7423 Medicine, health care, and philosophy
0025-8024 Medicine, Science and the Law
0025-7974 Medicine; analytical reviews of general medicine, neurology, psychiatry, dermatology, and pediatries
0350-199X Medicinski Arhiv
0350-1221 Medicinski Casopis
0025-8091 Medicinski Glasnik
0025-8105 Medicinski pregled
1591-3090 Medico e Bambino
0025-8172 Medico-Legal Journal
0971-720X Medico-Legal Update
1330-013X Medicus
0076-6097 Medieval Archaeology
1380-7854 Medieval Encounters
0971-9458 Medieval History Journal
0076-6127 Medievalia et Humanistica
1330-6928 Medijska istrazivanja
1108-9628 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
0951-8967 Mediterranean Historical Review
2035-3006 Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
1660-5446 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
1743-9310 Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control
1973-798X Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
1128-4293 Mediterranean Journal of Pacing and Electrophysiology
1108-393X Mediterranean Marine Science
1047-4552 Mediterranean Quarterly
1074-164X Mediterranean Studies
0025-8296 Mediterranee
1127-6061 Mediterraneo Antico
1026-9428 Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia
0025-8326 Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnye Bolezni
1362-9395 Meditteranean Politics
0025-8385 Medium Aevum
0939-351X Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte. Beiheft : Jahrbuch des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung
0025-8431 Medizinhistorisches Journal
0936-5931 Medizinische Genetik
0723-5003 Medizinische Klinik
2193-6218 Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
0342-9601 Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten
0723-8886 Medizinrecht
0344-9416 Medizintechnik
1092-0811 Medsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
0025-8601 Medycyna Doswiadczalna i Mikrobiologia
1898-0678 Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce
0465-5893 Medycyna Pracy
0025-8628 Medycyna Weterynaryjna
1428-345X Medycyna wieku rozwojowego
1392-1320 Medziagotyra
0253-9993 Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society
0076-230X Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez
1724-2134 Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite
0575-1330 Melanges de l'Institut Dominicaine des Etudes Orientales du Caire
0960-8931 Melanoma Research
0025-8938 Melbourne University Law Review
0947-9163 Melliand International
0931-9735 Melliand Textilberichte/International Textile Reports
0163-755X MELUS
0927-5193 Membrane Science and Technology
0958-2118 Membrane Technology
1865-9284 Memetic Computing
1865-5041 Memo - Magazine of European Medical Oncology
1347-5622 Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum
0072-1069 Memoir of the Geological Society of America
1447-2546 Memoirs of Museum Victoria
0065-9266 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
0810-8889 Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists
1345-868X Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
0079-8835 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
1440-4788 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Cultural Heritage Series
0373-6873 Memoranda - Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica
0074-0276 Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
0965-8211 Memory
0090-502X Memory and Cognition
1750-6980 Memory Studies
1097-184X Men and Masculinities
0959-9436 Mendeleev Communications
1072-3714 Menopause
1754-0453 Menopause international
0973-1229 Mens Sana Monographs
0883-7902 Mental and physical disability law reporter
1755-2966 Mental Health and Physical Activity
2042-8316 Mental Health and Social Inclusion
1752-3281 Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis
1756-834X Mental Health in Family Medicine
1361-9322 Mental Health Review Journal
1474-5186 Mental health today (Brighton, England)
1367-4676 Mental Health, Religion and Culture
2036-7457 Mental Illness
1419-8126 Mentalhigiene es Pszichoszomatika
1361-1267 Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning
0047-5955 MER - Marine Engineers Review
0025-990X Mercian Geologist
1465-5659 MeReC Bulletin
1097-9778 Meridian
0026-0096 Merkur
0272-930X Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
0026-0452 Meta
2175-2753 Meta: Avaliacao
0885-7490 Metabolic Brain Disease
1096-7176 Metabolic Engineering
1540-4196 Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders
0026-0495 Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental
1573-3882 Metabolomics
1556-1623 Metacognition and Learning
0026-0576 Metal Finishing
1559-0836 Metal ions in life sciences
0026-0657 Metal Powder Report
0026-0673 Metal Science and Heat Treatment
0793-0291 Metal-Based Drugs
0026-0746 Metall
1024-1809 Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii
1756-5901 Metallomics
1756-5901 Metallomics : integrated biometal science
0026-0843 Metallurgia Italiana
1073-5623 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
1073-5615 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science
2076-0507 Metallurgical and Mining Industry
0026-0894 Metallurgist (USSR)
1598-9623 Metals and Materials International
1582-2214 Metalurgia International
0543-5846 Metalurgija
1873-1988 Metamaterials
0026-1068 Metaphilosophy
1092-6488 Metaphor and Symbol
0815-0796 Metascience
1086-9379 Meteoritics and Planetary Science
1350-4827 Meteorological Applications
0941-2948 Meteorologische Zeitschrift
0177-7971 Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
0943-3058 Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
1947-6094 Methodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal
1614-1881 Methodology
1387-5841 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1046-2023 Methods
0091-679X Methods in Cell Biology
2041-210X Methods in Ecology and Evolution
0076-6879 Methods in Enzymology
0580-9517 Methods in Microbiology
1064-3745 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
2211-1220 Methods in Oceanography
1557-2153 Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
0076-6941 Methods of Biochemical Analysis
0026-1270 Methods of Information in Medicine
1258-780X Metiers de la Petite Enfance
1854-0023 Metodoloski Zvezki
0026-1335 Metrika
0026-1394 Metrologia
0860-8229 Metrology and Measuring Systems
0026-1424 Metron
0026-1521 Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
0258-5316 METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
0742-9797 Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos
0323-1844 Mezinarodni vztahy
0026-7724 MFS - Modern Fiction Studies
1537-0240 MGMA connexion / Medical group Management Association
0360-1846 Michigan Historical Review
0026-2234 Michigan Law Review
0026-2285 Michigan Mathematical Journal
0026-2293 Michigan medicine
0026-2420 Michigan Quarterly Review
1750-0443 Micro and Nano Letters
1876-4029 Micro and Nanosystems
1558-7452 Microbe
1342-6311 Microbes and Environments
1286-4579 Microbes and Infection
1751-7907 Microbial Biotechnology
1475-2859 Microbial Cell Factories
1076-6294 Microbial Drug Resistance
0095-3628 Microbial Ecology
0882-4010 Microbial Pathogenesis
0944-5013 Microbiological Research
0026-2617 Microbiology
1350-0872 Microbiology
0385-5600 Microbiology and Immunology
1092-2172 Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
1464-0570 Microbiology Today
0026-265X Microchemical Journal
1073-9688 Microcirculation
0167-9317 Microelectronic Engineering
0026-2714 Microelectronics and Reliability
1356-5362 Microelectronics International
0959-8324 Microelectronics Journal
1613-4982 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
2190-0752 Microform and Digitization Review
0938-0108 Microgravity Science and Technology
0968-4328 Micron
0026-2803 Micropaleontology
1387-1811 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
0141-9331 Microprocessors and Microsystems
1089-3954 Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
1431-9276 Microscopy and Microanalysis
1059-910X Microscopy Research and Technique
0738-1085 Microsurgery
0946-7076 Microsystem Technologies
0026-2862 Microvascular Research
0895-2477 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
0960-667X Microwave Engineering Europe
0192-6225 Microwave Journal
1450-5835 Microwave Review
0745-2993 Microwaves and RF
1943-6149 Middle East Critique
2090-5408 Middle East Current Psychiatry
1110-5690 Middle East Fertility Society Journal
0544-0440 Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology
1873-9857 Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
1990-9233 Middle East Journal of Scientific Research
1876-3367 Middle East Law and Governance
1061-1924 Middle East Policy
1073-9467 Middle East Quarterly
0899-2851 Middle East Report
1475-262X Middle Eastern Literatures
0026-3206 Middle Eastern Studies
0363-6550 Midwest Studies in Philosophy
1548-3746 Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems
0266-6138 Midwifery
1551-8892 Midwifery today with international midwife
1138-5774 Migraciones
1665-8906 Migraciones Internacionales
1741-8984 Migration Letters
1232-986X Mikologia Lekarska
0026-3656 Mikrobiologiia
1028-0987 Mikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1993)
0374-9096 Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni
0026-3672 Mikrochimica Acta
0026-3680 Mikrokosmos
1424-9286 Milan Journal of Mathematics
0887-378X Milbank Quarterly
0026-3788 Milchwissenschaft
0026-3826 Militargeschichtliche Zeitshrift
0459-7222 Military Balance
0026-3982 Military Engineer
0026-4040 Military Law Review
0026-4075 Military Medicine
0275-5823 Military Operations Research
0899-5605 Military Psychology
1064-5586 Millennium Film Journal
0305-8298 Millennium: Journal of International Studies
1302-5600 Milli Egitim
1300-3984 Milli Folklor
0026-4326 Milton Quarterly
0076-8820 Milton Studies
0026-4423 Mind
0268-1064 Mind and Language
1611-8812 Mind and Matter
1593-7879 Mind and Society
1751-2271 Mind, Brain, and Education
1074-9039 Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal
1868-8527 Mindfulness
0924-6495 Minds and Machines
1025-9112 Mine Water and the Environment
0882-7508 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
0026-4598 Mineralium Deposita
1899-8291 Mineralogia
0026-461X Mineralogical Magazine
0026-4628 Mineralogical Record
0930-0708 Mineralogy and Petrology
0747-9182 Minerals and Metallurgical Processing
0892-6875 Minerals Engineering
0026-4695 Minerva
0375-9393 Minerva Anestesiologica
1120-4826 Minerva Biotecnologica
0026-4725 Minerva Cardioangiologica
0026-4733 Minerva Chirurgica
0391-1977 Minerva Endocrinologica
1121-421X Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica
0026-4784 Minerva Ginecologica
0026-4806 Minerva Medicolegale
0394-3410 Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica
0026-4946 Minerva Pediatrica
0026-4954 Minerva Pneumologica
0391-1772 Minerva Psichiatrica
0026-4970 Minerva Stomatologica
0393-2249 Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica
1389-5575 Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry
0946-7211 Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
2090-1445 Minimally Invasive Surgery
1364-5706 Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies
0026-5187 Mining Engineering
0308-6631 Mining Magazine
1570-193X Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry
0026-5535 Minnesota Law Review
0026-556X Minnesota Medicine
0026-5667 Minnesota Review
1540-1960 MIS Quarterly Executive
0276-7783 MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems
1787-2405 Miskolc Mathematical Notes
0168-9789 Mission Studies
0256-9507 Missionalia
0026-637X Mississippi Quarterly
0026-6388 Mississippi RN
0899-6180 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences
0026-6620 Missouri Medicine
1532-9194 MIT Sloan Management Review
1381-2386 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
1940-1736 Mitochondrial DNA
1567-7249 Mitochondrion
0386-5096 Mitsubishi Electric Advance
0505-2211 Mitteilungen - Verbandes der Deutschen Hohlen- Und Karstforscher
0029-9138 Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellscaft
0342-1279 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Abteilung Kairo
0342-1287 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Romische Abteilung
0418-9744 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts. Abteilung Madrid
1025-6555 Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archaologie
0026-704X Mljekarstvo
0026-7910 MLN, Modern Language Notes
1438-3276 MMW Fortschritte der Medizin
0149-2195 MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report
1057-5987 MMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control
1546-0738 MMWR. Surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries / CDC
0026-7074 Mnemosyne
1574-017X Mobile Information Systems
1383-469X Mobile Networks and Applications
1745-0101 Mobilities
1086-671X Mobilization
1004-0595 Mocaxue Xuebao/Tribology
1574-1699 Model Assisted Statistics and Applications
0332-7353 Modeling, Identification and Control
1687-5591 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
0965-0393 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
1259-5985 Modelling, Measurement and Control A
1259-5969 Modelling, Measurement and Control B
1259-5977 Modelling, Measurement and Control C
0963-9489 Modern and Contemporary France
1913-1844 Modern Applied Science
0026-749X Modern Asian Studies
0026-7503 Modern Austrian Literature
0097-7004 Modern China
1520-9857 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
0026-7694 Modern Drama
1673-9078 Modern Food Science and Technology
0160-7480 Modern Healthcare
1353-2944 Modern Italy
0276-1114 Modern Judaism
0026-7902 Modern Language Journal
0026-7929 Modern Language Quarterly
0026-7937 Modern Language Review
0026-7961 Modern Law Review
0893-3952 Modern Pathology
0026-8232 Modern Philology
0217-7323 Modern Physics Letters A
0217-9849 Modern Physics Letters B
1554-8589 Modern Plastics Worldwide
1439-7595 Modern Rheumatology
0026-8402 Modern Schoolman
0266-7177 Modern Theology
1009-6582 Modern Tunnelling Technology
0026-8577 Moderna Sprak
1071-6068 Modernism/Modernity
1422-8599 MolBank
0166-6851 Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
0300-8177 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
0270-7306 Molecular and Cellular Biology
0303-7207 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
1044-7431 Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences
1938-1247 Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
0890-8508 Molecular and Cellular Probes
1535-9476 Molecular and Cellular Proteomics
1738-642X Molecular and Cellular Toxicology
0098-2997 Molecular Aspects of Medicine
0026-8933 Molecular Biology
0737-4038 Molecular Biology and Evolution
1059-1524 Molecular Biology of the Cell
0301-4851 Molecular Biology Reports
1742-206X Molecular BioSystems
1756-6606 Molecular Brain
1380-3743 Molecular Breeding
1476-4598 Molecular Cancer
1541-7786 Molecular Cancer Research
1535-7163 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
0899-1987 Molecular Carcinogenesis
1097-2765 Molecular Cell
1542-1406 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals
1755-8166 Molecular Cytogenetics
1177-1062 Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy
1381-1991 Molecular Diversity
0962-1083 Molecular Ecology
1755-098X Molecular Ecology Resources
0888-8809 Molecular Endocrinology
1617-4615 Molecular Genetics and Genomics
1096-7192 Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
0891-4168 Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology
1360-9947 Molecular Human Reproduction
1535-3508 Molecular Imaging
1536-1632 Molecular Imaging and Biology
0161-5890 Molecular Immunology
1868-1743 Molecular Informatics
1534-0384 Molecular Interventions
1076-1551 Molecular Medicine
1791-2997 Molecular Medicine Reports
0968-7688 Molecular Membrane Biology
2212-8778 Molecular Metabolism
0950-382X Molecular Microbiology
0893-7648 Molecular Neurobiology
1750-1326 Molecular Neurodegeneration
1613-4125 Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
1574-7891 Molecular Oncology
2041-1006 Molecular Oral Microbiology
1744-8069 Molecular Pain
1543-8384 Molecular Pharmaceutics
0026-895X Molecular Pharmacology
1055-7903 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
0026-8976 Molecular Physics
1674-2052 Molecular Plant
1464-6722 Molecular Plant Pathology
0894-0282 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
1359-4184 Molecular Psychiatry
1040-452X Molecular Reproduction and Development
0892-7022 Molecular Simulation
1661-8769 Molecular Syndromology
1744-4292 Molecular Systems Biology
1525-0016 Molecular Therapy
2162-2531 Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids
1090-0535 Molecular Vision
1420-3049 Molecules
1016-8478 Molecules and Cells
0208-0613 Molekuliarnaia genetika, mikrobiologiia i virusologiia
0026-8984 Molekulyarnaya Biologiya
1323-5818 Molluscan Research
1122-0643 Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
1321-2753 Monash bioethics review
0026-9247 Monatshefte für Chemie
0026-9255 Monatshefte für Mathematik
0026-9301 Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform
0026-9298 Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde
0302-3052 Mondes En Developpement
0391-2000 Mondo ortodontico
2167-9436 Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy
1695-8950 Monografies del Museu de Ciencies Naturals
0077-0809 Monographs in clinical cytology
0077-0876 Monographs in human genetics
0077-0892 Monographs in oral science
1368-8642 Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry
0077-0965 Monographs in Virology
0037-976X Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
0026-9891 Montana : the magazine of western history
0929-9629 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
0098-1818 Monthly Labor Review
1745-3933 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters
0027-0520 Monthly Review
0027-0644 Monthly Weather Review
0027-0741 Monumenta Nipponica
1210-8812 Moravian Geographical Reports
0047-8105 Moreana
1026-3543 Morfologiia (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
1286-0115 Morphologie
1871-5621 Morphology
1357-6275 Mortality
0027-1276 Mosaic
1609-3321 Moscow Mathematical Journal
0027-1330 Moscow Univ Mech Bull
0096-3925 Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin
0027-1314 Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin
0278-6419 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
0027-1349 Moscow University Physics Bulletin (English Translation of Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Fizika)
1003-6059 Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
0146-7239 Motivation and Emotion
1087-1640 Motor Control
0027-2000 Motor Ship
1646-107X Motricidade
0245-5919 Motricite Cerebrale Readaptation Neurologie du Developpement
1415-9805 Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica
0027-2507 Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine
0276-4741 Mountain Research and Development
0027-2671 Mouvement Social
0885-3185 Movement Disorders
0104-754X Movimento
0027-2841 Moyen Age
0226-0174 Moyen Francais
0935-7254 MPT Metallurgical Plant and Technology International
0883-7694 MRS Bulletin
1053-7899 MSW Management
1933-0219 Mucosal Immunology
0077-1813 Muelleria
1574-1702 Multiagent and Grid Systems
1384-5640 Multibody System Dynamics
1068-3844 Multicultural Education
1750-497X Multicultural Education and Technology Journal
1521-0960 Multicultural Perspectives
0923-6082 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
1828-695X Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine
1573-6105 Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
0167-8507 Multilingua
0942-4962 Multimedia Systems
1380-7501 Multimedia Tools and Applications
0276-1459 Multiphase Science and Technology
1352-4585 Multiple Sclerosis
2211-0348 Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
1540-3459 Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
2213-4794 Multisensory research
0292-0107 Multitudes
0027-3171 Multivariate Behavioral Research
1515-5994 Mundo Agrario
0732-2992 Muqarnas
0148-639X Muscle and Nerve
1478-2189 Musculoskeletal care
2035-5106 Musculoskeletal Surgery
0771-6494 Museon
0027-4054 Museum Helveticum
1350-0775 Museum International
0964-7775 Museum Management and Curatorship
0027-4089 Museum News
0262-5245 Music Analysis
0027-4224 Music and Letters
1461-3808 Music Education Research
0730-7829 Music Perception
1058-8167 Music Reference Services Quarterly
0195-6167 Music Theory Spectrum
1676-3939 Musica Hodie
1029-8649 Musicae Scientiae
0027-4631 Musical Quarterly
0027-4666 Musical Times
0814-5857 Musicology Australia
1432-9425 Musik und Asthetik
0027-4771 Musik und Kirche
0027-4801 Musikforschung
0177-4182 MusikTheorie
1554-4419 Muslim World Journal of Human Rights
0267-8357 Mutagenesis
0027-5107 Mutation Research
1386-1964 Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
1383-5718 Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
1383-5742 Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research
0027-514X Muttersprache
0027-5247 Müvészettörténeti Értesítö
1229-8093 Mycobiology
0027-5514 Mycologia
1617-416X Mycological Progress
0301-486X Mycopathologia
0940-6360 Mycorrhiza
1340-3540 Mycoscience
0933-7407 Mycoses
0093-4666 Mycotaxon
0178-7888 Mycotoxin Research
1022-4742 Mymensingh medical journal : MMJ
1994-4136 Myrmecological News
1637-8962 M et T2
1769-7298 M@ppemonde
1942-0870 mAbs
0350-0136 Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
1857-5749 Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
1403-7785 MacGregor News
0024-9114 Machine Design
1230-0535 Machine Graphics and Vision
0885-6125 Machine Learning
0922-6567 Machine Translation
0932-8092 Machine Vision and Applications
0024-919X Machinery and Production Engineering
1091-0344 Machining Science and Technology
1448-8345 Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law
0915-0560 Macro Review
1365-1005 Macroeconomic Dynamics
1998-9539 Macroheterocycles
1616-5187 Macromolecular Bioscience
1022-1352 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
1438-7492 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
1022-1336 Macromolecular Rapid Communications
1862-832X Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
1598-5032 Macromolecular Research
1022-1360 Macromolecular Symposia
1022-1344 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
0024-9297 Macromolecules
0024-9416 Madencilik
0717-3644 Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnologia
1905-7873 Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology
0718-0209 Magallania
0024-9831 Magazine of Concrete Research
1762-3162 Maghreb - Machrek
2027-1174 Magis
0953-1424 Magnesium Research
0730-725X Magnetic Resonance Imaging
1064-9689 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America
0749-1581 Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
1347-3182 Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
0740-3194 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
2072-5981 Magnetic Resonance in Solids
0968-5243 Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine
0024-998X Magnetohydrodynamics
0025-004X Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja
0025-0090 Magyar Filozofiai Szemle
0025-0120 Magyar Geofizika
0025-0244 Magyar Onkologia
0025-0279 Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle
0025-0295 Magyar Sebeszet
0025-0538 MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche
1024-1221 Main Group Chemistry
0792-1241 Main Group Metal Chemistry
0340-4404 Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen
0076-2997 Malacologia
1475-2875 Malaria Journal
1995-7262 Malawi medical journal : the journal of Medical Association of Malawi
0025-1291 Malayan Nature Journal
0126-8643 Malaysian Applied Biology
1985-3807 Malaysian Construction Research Journal
1985-207X Malaysian Family Physician
0302-2935 Malaysian Forester
1394-2506 Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences
0127-9084 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science
1511-2802 Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics
1511-4554 Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies
1394-6234 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science
1823-8343 Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences
1394-195X Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
1675-8544 Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
1823-7010 Malaysian Journal of Microscopy
1394-035X Malaysian Journal of Nutrition
1675-0306 Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine
1394-3065 Malaysian Journal of Science
1394-7990 Malaysian Journal of Soil Science
1813-3339 Malta Medical Journal
1591-4267 Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia
0305-1838 Mammal Review
1343-4152 Mammal Study
0025-1461 Mammalia
1616-5047 Mammalian Biology
0938-8990 Mammalian Genome
0076-3519 Mammalian Species
0025-1569 Man in India
0104-9313 Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social
1062-3388 Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.)
1331-0194 Management
1044-5005 Management Accounting Research
1740-8776 Management and Organization Review
1744-9359 Management and Organizational History
0893-3189 Management Communication Quarterly
0025-1747 Management Decision
0892-0206 Management in Education
1453-4541 Management in Health
0938-8249 Management International Review
1350-5076 Management Learning
1477-7835 Management of Environmental Quality
2040-8269 Management Research Review
0025-1909 Management Science
1746-1278 Manager
0143-6570 Managerial and Decision Economics
0268-6902 Managerial Auditing Journal
0895-3805 Managing Automation
1360-6719 Managing Leisure
0960-4529 Managing Service Quality
1463-6786 Manchester School
0025-2344 Mankind Quarterly
0377-7537 Man-Made Textiles in India
1356-689X Manual Therapy
0025-2514 Manuelle Medizin
1523-4614 Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
0262-4230 Manufacturing Chemist
0361-0853 Manufacturing Engineering
1213-2489 Manufacturing Technology
0025-2611 Manuscripta Mathematica
0970-3950 Mapan - Journal of Metrology Society of India
1651-8705 Mapping and Image Science
1942-5120 Marine and Coastal Fisheries
1023-6244 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology
1323-1650 Marine and Freshwater Research
0264-8172 Marine and Petroleum Geology
1867-1616 Marine Biodiversity
1755-2672 Marine Biodiversity Records
0025-3162 Marine Biology
1745-1000 Marine Biology Research
1436-2228 Marine Biotechnology
0304-4203 Marine Chemistry
1660-3397 Marine Drugs
0173-9565 Marine Ecology
0171-8630 Marine Ecology - Progress Series
0141-1136 Marine Environmental Research
0090-1830 Marine Fisheries Review
1874-7787 Marine Genomics
0149-0419 Marine Geodesy
0025-3227 Marine Geology
0025-3235 Marine Geophysical Researches
1064-119X Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
0824-0469 Marine Mammal Science
0377-8398 Marine Micropaleontology
1018-3337 Marine Ornithology
0308-597X Marine Policy
0025-326X Marine Pollution Bulletin
0738-1360 Marine Resource Economics
0951-8339 Marine Structures
0025-3316 Marine Technology
0025-3324 Marine Technology Society Journal
0025-3359 Mariner's Mirror
1479-2931 Maritime Economics and Logistics
0308-8839 Maritime Policy and Management
1872-7859 Maritime Studies
1094-1304 Marketing Health Services
0263-4503 Marketing Intelligence and Planning
0923-0645 Marketing Letters
1061-3846 Marketing Management
1040-8460 Marketing Research
0732-2399 Marketing Science
1470-5931 Marketing Theory
1024-2953 Markov Processes and Related Fields
1019-1941 Marmara Medical Journal
1309-0801 Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
0149-4929 Marriage and Family Review
1538-2656 Maryland medicine : MM : a publication of MEDCHI, the Maryland State Medical Society
1520-5436 Mass Communication and Society
1016-1007 Mass Communication Research
2233-4203 Mass Spectrometry Letters
0277-7037 Mass Spectrometry Reviews
0025-4878 Massachusetts Review
0025-5025 Master Drawings
0327-9383 Mastozoologia Neotropical
0932-9714 Matatu
0340-6253 Match
1972-7356 Matematica nella Societa e nella Cultura
0025-5165 Matematicki Vesnik
0025-5289 Mater Plast Elastomeri Fibre Sint
1743-2200 Material Religion
0465-2746 Materiales de Construccion
0392-6338 Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici
1580-2949 Materiali in Tehnologije
0025-5300 Materialpruefung/Materials Testing
0043-2822 Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion
0264-1275 Materials and Design
1042-6914 Materials and Manufacturing Processes
1359-5997 Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions
0960-3409 Materials at High Temperatures
1044-5803 Materials Characterization
0254-0584 Materials Chemistry and Physics
0025-5327 Materials Evaluation
2158-5849 Materials Express
0883-2900 Materials Forum
0167-577X Materials Letters
0094-1492 Materials Performance
1605-2730 Materials Physics and Mechanics
1516-1439 Materials Research
0025-5408 Materials Research Bulletin
1432-8917 Materials Research Innovations
0272-9172 Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
0137-1339 Materials Science
1068-820X Materials Science
0921-5093 Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing
0921-5107 Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology
0928-0191 Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications
0928-4931 Materials Science and Engineering C
0927-796X Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
0267-0836 Materials Science and Technology
0255-5476 Materials Science Forum
1369-8001 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
1066-7857 Materials Technology
1369-7021 Materials Today
0916-1821 Materials Transactions
0967-8638 Materials World
0933-5137 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
0032-6895 Materiaux et Techniques
1092-7875 Maternal and Child Health Journal
1740-8695 Maternal and Child Nutrition
1222-9016 Mathematica
0862-7959 Mathematica Bohemica
0025-5521 Mathematica Scandinavica
0139-9918 Mathematica Slovaca
1300-686X Mathematical and Computational Applications
1946-7664 Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences
0895-7177 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1387-3954 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
0025-5564 Mathematical Biosciences
1547-1063 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
1331-0623 Mathematical Communications
0960-1627 Mathematical Finance
1874-8961 Mathematical Geosciences
1331-4343 Mathematical Inequalities and Applications
0343-6993 Mathematical Intelligencer
0942-5616 Mathematical Logic Quarterly
1477-8599 Mathematical Medicine and Biology
0170-4214 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1432-2994 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1066-5307 Mathematical Methods of Statistics
1392-6292 Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
0764-583X Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
0973-5348 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
0218-2025 Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
0001-4346 Mathematical Notes
1385-0172 Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry
0889-8480 Mathematical Population Studies
1024-123X Mathematical Problems in Engineering
0305-0041 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1867-2949 Mathematical Programming Computation
0025-5610 Mathematical Programming, Series B
1073-2780 Mathematical Research Letters
0312-3685 Mathematical Scientist
0165-4896 Mathematical Social Science
0960-1295 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
1098-6065 Mathematical Thinking and Learning
0378-4754 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1862-9679 Mathematics and Financial Economics
1081-2865 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
1033-2170 Mathematics Education Research Journal
1661-8270 Mathematics in Computer Science
0025-570X Mathematics Magazine
0025-5718 Mathematics of Computation
0932-4194 Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
0364-765X Mathematics of Operations Research
0025-5793 Mathematika
0025-5831 Mathematische Annalen
0025-584X Mathematische Nachrichten
0720-728X Mathematische Semesterberichte
0025-5874 Mathematische Zeitschrift
0945-053X Matrix Biology
1578-0740 Matronas Profesion
0378-5122 Maturitas
0252-9416 Mausam
0025-6153 Maydica
0741-6245 Mayo Clinic health letter (English ed.)
0025-6196 Mayo Clinic Proceedings
1091-0220 Mayo Clinic women's healthsource
2161-2129 mBio
1556-5297 MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics
1920-4825 McGill Journal of Law and Health
1201-026X McGill Journal of Medicine
0047-5394 McKinsey Quarterly
0361-929X MCN The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing
1947-3613 MD advisor : a journal for New Jersey medical community
0815-953X Meanjin
0020-2940 Measurement and Control
0748-1756 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
1091-367X Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
0957-0233 Measurement Science and Technology
1335-8871 Measurement Science Review
0543-1972 Measurement Techniques
0263-2241 Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
1368-3047 Measuring Business Excellence
0309-1740 Meat Science
1296-2139 Mecanique et Industries
0025-6455 Meccanica
0025-6501 Mechanical Engineering
0888-3270 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
2257-7777 Mechanics and Industry
1428-1511 Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
1539-7734 Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
1537-6494 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
0191-5665 Mechanics of Composite Materials
0167-6636 Mechanics of Materials
0025-6544 Mechanics of Solids
1385-2000 Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
0093-6413 Mechanics Research Communications
1392-1207 Mechanika
0094-114X Mechanism and Machine Theory
0047-6374 Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
0925-4773 Mechanisms of Development
0957-4158 Mechatronics
1867-2590 Mechatronik
1121-6921 Mecosan
2040-2503 MedChemComm
0346-6787 Meddelanden fran Lunds Universitets Geografiska Institutioner, Avhandlingar
1957-2557 Medecine des Maladies Metaboliques
1769-4493 Medecine du Sommeil
0759-2280 Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied
1246-7391 Medecine et Droit
1875-7170 Medecine et Longevite
0399-077X Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses
2261-3684 Medecine et sante tropicales
0928-1258 Medecine Nucleaire
1636-6522 Medecine Palliative
0767-0974 Medecine sciences : M/S
1264-6520 Medecine Therapeutique
1774-640X Medecine Therapeutique Medecine de la Reproduction
1286-5494 Medecine Therapeutique Pediatrie
0025-682X Medecine Tropicale
0030-565; Medecins - Le Magazine Ordre National Des Medecins
1368-8804 Media History
1329-878X Media International Australia
1521-3269 Media Psychology
0163-4437 Media, Culture and Society
1750-6352 Media, War and Conflict
0076-5872 Mediaeval studies
0962-9351 Mediators of Inflammation
0351-0093 Medica Jadertina
1933-6586 Medical Acupuncture
0140-0118 Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
0269-283X Medical and Veterinary Entomology
0745-5194 Medical Anthropology Quarterly
0145-9740 Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness
0025-7079 Medical Care
1077-5587 Medical Care Research and Review
1681-5491 Medical Channel
0025-7125 Medical Clinics of North America
0272-989X Medical Decision Making
0194-844X Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry
1179-1470 Medical Devices: Evidence and Research
0958-3947 Medical Dosimetry
0025-7206 Medical economics
0308-0110 Medical Education
1087-2981 Medical education online
1350-4533 Medical Engineering and Physics
1029-385X Medical Forum Monthly
0025-7273 Medical History
0950-5571 Medical history. Supplement
1468-215X Medical Humanities
0306-9877 Medical Hypotheses
1361-8415 Medical Image Analysis
0377-1237 Medical Journal Armed Forces India
0025-729X Medical Journal of Australia
0577-7402 Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
0300-5283 Medical Journal of Malaysia
0540-1259 Medical Journal of Minami Osaka Hospital
1016-1430 Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran
1671-8852 Medical Journal of Wuhan University
0580-7247 Medical Laboratory Observer
1615-1615 Medical Laser Application
0968-5332 Medical Law International
0967-0742 Medical Law Review
0025-732X Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics
0300-8584 Medical Microbiology and Immunology
1860-1480 Medical Molecular Morphology
1369-3786 Medical Mycology
2211-7539 Medical Mycology Case Reports
1357-0560 Medical Oncology
0094-2405 Medical Physics
1985-4811 Medical Physiology Online
1011-7571 Medical Principles and Practice
0885-1158 Medical Problems of Performing Artists
0276-3869 Medical Reference Services Quarterly
1234-1010 Medical Science Monitor
0142-159X Medical Teacher
2066-8643 Medical Ultrasonography
0025-7664 MedicaMundi
1555-7960 MEDICC Review
0025-7680 Medicina
0076-6046 Medicina
1010-660X Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
0025-7753 Medicina Clinica
0210-5187 Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana
0025-7818 Medicina del Lavoro
0025-7826 Medicina dello Sport
0300-8169 Medicina e historia
1847-6864 Medicina Fluminensis
0210-5691 Medicina Intensiva
0186-4866 Medicina Interna de Mexico
1576-3080 Medicina Naturista
0394-9001 Medicina nei secoli
1698-4447 Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal
1134-248X Medicina Paliativa
1135-2841 Medicina Preventiva
1734-2260 Medicina Sportiva
0212-8292 Medicina Veterinaria
1573-4064 Medicinal Chemistry
1054-2523 Medicinal Chemistry Research
0975-4261 Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
0198-6325 Medicinal Research Reviews
0304-5412 Medicine
1357-3039 Medicine
1086-5462 Medicine and health, Rhode Island
0723-1393 Medicine and Law
0195-9131 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
0254-5020 Medicine and sport science.
1876-4533 Medicine Studies
1443-430X Medicine Today
1362-3699 Medicine, conflict, and survival
1386-7423 Medicine, health care, and philosophy
0025-8024 Medicine, Science and the Law
0025-7974 Medicine; analytical reviews of general medicine, neurology, psychiatry, dermatology, and pediatries
0350-199X Medicinski Arhiv
0350-1221 Medicinski Casopis
0025-8091 Medicinski Glasnik
0025-8105 Medicinski pregled
1591-3090 Medico e Bambino
0025-8172 Medico-Legal Journal
0971-720X Medico-Legal Update
1330-013X Medicus
0076-6097 Medieval Archaeology
1380-7854 Medieval Encounters
0971-9458 Medieval History Journal
0076-6127 Medievalia et Humanistica
1330-6928 Medijska istrazivanja
1108-9628 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
0951-8967 Mediterranean Historical Review
2035-3006 Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
1660-5446 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
1743-9310 Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control
1973-798X Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
1128-4293 Mediterranean Journal of Pacing and Electrophysiology
1108-393X Mediterranean Marine Science
1047-4552 Mediterranean Quarterly
1074-164X Mediterranean Studies
0025-8296 Mediterranee
1127-6061 Mediterraneo Antico
1026-9428 Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia
0025-8326 Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnye Bolezni
1362-9395 Meditteranean Politics
0025-8385 Medium Aevum
0939-351X Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte. Beiheft : Jahrbuch des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung
0025-8431 Medizinhistorisches Journal
0936-5931 Medizinische Genetik
0723-5003 Medizinische Klinik
2193-6218 Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
0342-9601 Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten
0723-8886 Medizinrecht
0344-9416 Medizintechnik
1092-0811 Medsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
0025-8601 Medycyna Doswiadczalna i Mikrobiologia
1898-0678 Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce
0465-5893 Medycyna Pracy
0025-8628 Medycyna Weterynaryjna
1428-345X Medycyna wieku rozwojowego
1392-1320 Medziagotyra
0253-9993 Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society
0076-230X Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez
1724-2134 Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite
0575-1330 Melanges de l'Institut Dominicaine des Etudes Orientales du Caire
0960-8931 Melanoma Research
0025-8938 Melbourne University Law Review
0947-9163 Melliand International
0931-9735 Melliand Textilberichte/International Textile Reports
0163-755X MELUS
0927-5193 Membrane Science and Technology
0958-2118 Membrane Technology
1865-9284 Memetic Computing
1865-5041 Memo - Magazine of European Medical Oncology
1347-5622 Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum
0072-1069 Memoir of the Geological Society of America
1447-2546 Memoirs of Museum Victoria
0065-9266 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
0810-8889 Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists
1345-868X Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
0079-8835 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
1440-4788 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Cultural Heritage Series
0373-6873 Memoranda - Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica
0074-0276 Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
0965-8211 Memory
0090-502X Memory and Cognition
1750-6980 Memory Studies
1097-184X Men and Masculinities
0959-9436 Mendeleev Communications
1072-3714 Menopause
1754-0453 Menopause international
0973-1229 Mens Sana Monographs
0883-7902 Mental and physical disability law reporter
1755-2966 Mental Health and Physical Activity
2042-8316 Mental Health and Social Inclusion
1752-3281 Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis
1756-834X Mental Health in Family Medicine
1361-9322 Mental Health Review Journal
1474-5186 Mental health today (Brighton, England)
1367-4676 Mental Health, Religion and Culture
2036-7457 Mental Illness
1419-8126 Mentalhigiene es Pszichoszomatika
1361-1267 Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning
0047-5955 MER - Marine Engineers Review
0025-990X Mercian Geologist
1465-5659 MeReC Bulletin
1097-9778 Meridian
0026-0096 Merkur
0272-930X Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
0026-0452 Meta
2175-2753 Meta: Avaliacao
0885-7490 Metabolic Brain Disease
1096-7176 Metabolic Engineering
1540-4196 Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders
0026-0495 Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental
1573-3882 Metabolomics
1556-1623 Metacognition and Learning
0026-0576 Metal Finishing
1559-0836 Metal ions in life sciences
0026-0657 Metal Powder Report
0026-0673 Metal Science and Heat Treatment
0793-0291 Metal-Based Drugs
0026-0746 Metall
1024-1809 Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii
1756-5901 Metallomics
1756-5901 Metallomics : integrated biometal science
0026-0843 Metallurgia Italiana
1073-5623 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
1073-5615 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science
2076-0507 Metallurgical and Mining Industry
0026-0894 Metallurgist (USSR)
1598-9623 Metals and Materials International
1582-2214 Metalurgia International
0543-5846 Metalurgija
1873-1988 Metamaterials
0026-1068 Metaphilosophy
1092-6488 Metaphor and Symbol
0815-0796 Metascience
1086-9379 Meteoritics and Planetary Science
1350-4827 Meteorological Applications
0941-2948 Meteorologische Zeitschrift
0177-7971 Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
0943-3058 Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
1947-6094 Methodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal
1614-1881 Methodology
1387-5841 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1046-2023 Methods
0091-679X Methods in Cell Biology
2041-210X Methods in Ecology and Evolution
0076-6879 Methods in Enzymology
0580-9517 Methods in Microbiology
1064-3745 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
2211-1220 Methods in Oceanography
1557-2153 Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
0076-6941 Methods of Biochemical Analysis
0026-1270 Methods of Information in Medicine
1258-780X Metiers de la Petite Enfance
1854-0023 Metodoloski Zvezki
0026-1335 Metrika
0026-1394 Metrologia
0860-8229 Metrology and Measuring Systems
0026-1424 Metron
0026-1521 Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
0258-5316 METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
0742-9797 Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos
0323-1844 Mezinarodni vztahy
0026-7724 MFS - Modern Fiction Studies
1537-0240 MGMA connexion / Medical group Management Association
0360-1846 Michigan Historical Review
0026-2234 Michigan Law Review
0026-2285 Michigan Mathematical Journal
0026-2293 Michigan medicine
0026-2420 Michigan Quarterly Review
1750-0443 Micro and Nano Letters
1876-4029 Micro and Nanosystems
1558-7452 Microbe
1342-6311 Microbes and Environments
1286-4579 Microbes and Infection
1751-7907 Microbial Biotechnology
1475-2859 Microbial Cell Factories
1076-6294 Microbial Drug Resistance
0095-3628 Microbial Ecology
0882-4010 Microbial Pathogenesis
0944-5013 Microbiological Research
0026-2617 Microbiology
1350-0872 Microbiology
0385-5600 Microbiology and Immunology
1092-2172 Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
1464-0570 Microbiology Today
0026-265X Microchemical Journal
1073-9688 Microcirculation
0167-9317 Microelectronic Engineering
0026-2714 Microelectronics and Reliability
1356-5362 Microelectronics International
0959-8324 Microelectronics Journal
1613-4982 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
2190-0752 Microform and Digitization Review
0938-0108 Microgravity Science and Technology
0968-4328 Micron
0026-2803 Micropaleontology
1387-1811 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
0141-9331 Microprocessors and Microsystems
1089-3954 Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
1431-9276 Microscopy and Microanalysis
1059-910X Microscopy Research and Technique
0738-1085 Microsurgery
0946-7076 Microsystem Technologies
0026-2862 Microvascular Research
0895-2477 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
0960-667X Microwave Engineering Europe
0192-6225 Microwave Journal
1450-5835 Microwave Review
0745-2993 Microwaves and RF
1943-6149 Middle East Critique
2090-5408 Middle East Current Psychiatry
1110-5690 Middle East Fertility Society Journal
0544-0440 Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology
1873-9857 Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
1990-9233 Middle East Journal of Scientific Research
1876-3367 Middle East Law and Governance
1061-1924 Middle East Policy
1073-9467 Middle East Quarterly
0899-2851 Middle East Report
1475-262X Middle Eastern Literatures
0026-3206 Middle Eastern Studies
0363-6550 Midwest Studies in Philosophy
1548-3746 Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems
0266-6138 Midwifery
1551-8892 Midwifery today with international midwife
1138-5774 Migraciones
1665-8906 Migraciones Internacionales
1741-8984 Migration Letters
1232-986X Mikologia Lekarska
0026-3656 Mikrobiologiia
1028-0987 Mikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1993)
0374-9096 Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni
0026-3672 Mikrochimica Acta
0026-3680 Mikrokosmos
1424-9286 Milan Journal of Mathematics
0887-378X Milbank Quarterly
0026-3788 Milchwissenschaft
0026-3826 Militargeschichtliche Zeitshrift
0459-7222 Military Balance
0026-3982 Military Engineer
0026-4040 Military Law Review
0026-4075 Military Medicine
0275-5823 Military Operations Research
0899-5605 Military Psychology
1064-5586 Millennium Film Journal
0305-8298 Millennium: Journal of International Studies
1302-5600 Milli Egitim
1300-3984 Milli Folklor
0026-4326 Milton Quarterly
0076-8820 Milton Studies
0026-4423 Mind
0268-1064 Mind and Language
1611-8812 Mind and Matter
1593-7879 Mind and Society
1751-2271 Mind, Brain, and Education
1074-9039 Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal
1868-8527 Mindfulness
0924-6495 Minds and Machines
1025-9112 Mine Water and the Environment
0882-7508 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
0026-4598 Mineralium Deposita
1899-8291 Mineralogia
0026-461X Mineralogical Magazine
0026-4628 Mineralogical Record
0930-0708 Mineralogy and Petrology
0747-9182 Minerals and Metallurgical Processing
0892-6875 Minerals Engineering
0026-4695 Minerva
0375-9393 Minerva Anestesiologica
1120-4826 Minerva Biotecnologica
0026-4725 Minerva Cardioangiologica
0026-4733 Minerva Chirurgica
0391-1977 Minerva Endocrinologica
1121-421X Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica
0026-4784 Minerva Ginecologica
0026-4806 Minerva Medicolegale
0394-3410 Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica
0026-4946 Minerva Pediatrica
0026-4954 Minerva Pneumologica
0391-1772 Minerva Psichiatrica
0026-4970 Minerva Stomatologica
0393-2249 Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica
1389-5575 Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry
0946-7211 Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
2090-1445 Minimally Invasive Surgery
1364-5706 Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies
0026-5187 Mining Engineering
0308-6631 Mining Magazine
1570-193X Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry
0026-5535 Minnesota Law Review
0026-556X Minnesota Medicine
0026-5667 Minnesota Review
1540-1960 MIS Quarterly Executive
0276-7783 MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems
1787-2405 Miskolc Mathematical Notes
0168-9789 Mission Studies
0256-9507 Missionalia
0026-637X Mississippi Quarterly
0026-6388 Mississippi RN
0899-6180 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences
0026-6620 Missouri Medicine
1532-9194 MIT Sloan Management Review
1381-2386 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
1940-1736 Mitochondrial DNA
1567-7249 Mitochondrion
0386-5096 Mitsubishi Electric Advance
0505-2211 Mitteilungen - Verbandes der Deutschen Hohlen- Und Karstforscher
0029-9138 Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellscaft
0342-1279 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Abteilung Kairo
0342-1287 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Romische Abteilung
0418-9744 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts. Abteilung Madrid
1025-6555 Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archaologie
0026-704X Mljekarstvo
0026-7910 MLN, Modern Language Notes
1438-3276 MMW Fortschritte der Medizin
0149-2195 MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report
1057-5987 MMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control
1546-0738 MMWR. Surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries / CDC
0026-7074 Mnemosyne
1574-017X Mobile Information Systems
1383-469X Mobile Networks and Applications
1745-0101 Mobilities
1086-671X Mobilization
1004-0595 Mocaxue Xuebao/Tribology
1574-1699 Model Assisted Statistics and Applications
0332-7353 Modeling, Identification and Control
1687-5591 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
0965-0393 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
1259-5985 Modelling, Measurement and Control A
1259-5969 Modelling, Measurement and Control B
1259-5977 Modelling, Measurement and Control C
0963-9489 Modern and Contemporary France
1913-1844 Modern Applied Science
0026-749X Modern Asian Studies
0026-7503 Modern Austrian Literature
0097-7004 Modern China
1520-9857 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
0026-7694 Modern Drama
1673-9078 Modern Food Science and Technology
0160-7480 Modern Healthcare
1353-2944 Modern Italy
0276-1114 Modern Judaism
0026-7902 Modern Language Journal
0026-7929 Modern Language Quarterly
0026-7937 Modern Language Review
0026-7961 Modern Law Review
0893-3952 Modern Pathology
0026-8232 Modern Philology
0217-7323 Modern Physics Letters A
0217-9849 Modern Physics Letters B
1554-8589 Modern Plastics Worldwide
1439-7595 Modern Rheumatology
0026-8402 Modern Schoolman
0266-7177 Modern Theology
1009-6582 Modern Tunnelling Technology
0026-8577 Moderna Sprak
1071-6068 Modernism/Modernity
1422-8599 MolBank
0166-6851 Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
0300-8177 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
0270-7306 Molecular and Cellular Biology
0303-7207 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
1044-7431 Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences
1938-1247 Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
0890-8508 Molecular and Cellular Probes
1535-9476 Molecular and Cellular Proteomics
1738-642X Molecular and Cellular Toxicology
0098-2997 Molecular Aspects of Medicine
0026-8933 Molecular Biology
0737-4038 Molecular Biology and Evolution
1059-1524 Molecular Biology of the Cell
0301-4851 Molecular Biology Reports
1742-206X Molecular BioSystems
1756-6606 Molecular Brain
1380-3743 Molecular Breeding
1476-4598 Molecular Cancer
1541-7786 Molecular Cancer Research
1535-7163 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
0899-1987 Molecular Carcinogenesis
1097-2765 Molecular Cell
1542-1406 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals
1755-8166 Molecular Cytogenetics
1177-1062 Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy
1381-1991 Molecular Diversity
0962-1083 Molecular Ecology
1755-098X Molecular Ecology Resources
0888-8809 Molecular Endocrinology
1617-4615 Molecular Genetics and Genomics
1096-7192 Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
0891-4168 Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology
1360-9947 Molecular Human Reproduction
1535-3508 Molecular Imaging
1536-1632 Molecular Imaging and Biology
0161-5890 Molecular Immunology
1868-1743 Molecular Informatics
1534-0384 Molecular Interventions
1076-1551 Molecular Medicine
1791-2997 Molecular Medicine Reports
0968-7688 Molecular Membrane Biology
2212-8778 Molecular Metabolism
0950-382X Molecular Microbiology
0893-7648 Molecular Neurobiology
1750-1326 Molecular Neurodegeneration
1613-4125 Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
1574-7891 Molecular Oncology
2041-1006 Molecular Oral Microbiology
1744-8069 Molecular Pain
1543-8384 Molecular Pharmaceutics
0026-895X Molecular Pharmacology
1055-7903 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
0026-8976 Molecular Physics
1674-2052 Molecular Plant
1464-6722 Molecular Plant Pathology
0894-0282 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
1359-4184 Molecular Psychiatry
1040-452X Molecular Reproduction and Development
0892-7022 Molecular Simulation
1661-8769 Molecular Syndromology
1744-4292 Molecular Systems Biology
1525-0016 Molecular Therapy
2162-2531 Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids
1090-0535 Molecular Vision
1420-3049 Molecules
1016-8478 Molecules and Cells
0208-0613 Molekuliarnaia genetika, mikrobiologiia i virusologiia
0026-8984 Molekulyarnaya Biologiya
1323-5818 Molluscan Research
1122-0643 Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
1321-2753 Monash bioethics review
0026-9247 Monatshefte für Chemie
0026-9255 Monatshefte für Mathematik
0026-9301 Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform
0026-9298 Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde
0302-3052 Mondes En Developpement
0391-2000 Mondo ortodontico
2167-9436 Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy
1695-8950 Monografies del Museu de Ciencies Naturals
0077-0809 Monographs in clinical cytology
0077-0876 Monographs in human genetics
0077-0892 Monographs in oral science
1368-8642 Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry
0077-0965 Monographs in Virology
0037-976X Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
0026-9891 Montana : the magazine of western history
0929-9629 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
0098-1818 Monthly Labor Review
1745-3933 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters
0027-0520 Monthly Review
0027-0644 Monthly Weather Review
0027-0741 Monumenta Nipponica
1210-8812 Moravian Geographical Reports
0047-8105 Moreana
1026-3543 Morfologiia (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
1286-0115 Morphologie
1871-5621 Morphology
1357-6275 Mortality
0027-1276 Mosaic
1609-3321 Moscow Mathematical Journal
0027-1330 Moscow Univ Mech Bull
0096-3925 Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin
0027-1314 Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin
0278-6419 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
0027-1349 Moscow University Physics Bulletin (English Translation of Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Fizika)
1003-6059 Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
0146-7239 Motivation and Emotion
1087-1640 Motor Control
0027-2000 Motor Ship
1646-107X Motricidade
0245-5919 Motricite Cerebrale Readaptation Neurologie du Developpement
1415-9805 Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica
0027-2507 Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine
0276-4741 Mountain Research and Development
0027-2671 Mouvement Social
0885-3185 Movement Disorders
0104-754X Movimento
0027-2841 Moyen Age
0226-0174 Moyen Francais
0935-7254 MPT Metallurgical Plant and Technology International
0883-7694 MRS Bulletin
1053-7899 MSW Management
1933-0219 Mucosal Immunology
0077-1813 Muelleria
1574-1702 Multiagent and Grid Systems
1384-5640 Multibody System Dynamics
1068-3844 Multicultural Education
1750-497X Multicultural Education and Technology Journal
1521-0960 Multicultural Perspectives
0923-6082 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
1828-695X Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine
1573-6105 Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
0167-8507 Multilingua
0942-4962 Multimedia Systems
1380-7501 Multimedia Tools and Applications
0276-1459 Multiphase Science and Technology
1352-4585 Multiple Sclerosis
2211-0348 Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
1540-3459 Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
2213-4794 Multisensory research
0292-0107 Multitudes
0027-3171 Multivariate Behavioral Research
1515-5994 Mundo Agrario
0732-2992 Muqarnas
0148-639X Muscle and Nerve
1478-2189 Musculoskeletal care
2035-5106 Musculoskeletal Surgery
0771-6494 Museon
0027-4054 Museum Helveticum
1350-0775 Museum International
0964-7775 Museum Management and Curatorship
0027-4089 Museum News
0262-5245 Music Analysis
0027-4224 Music and Letters
1461-3808 Music Education Research
0730-7829 Music Perception
1058-8167 Music Reference Services Quarterly
0195-6167 Music Theory Spectrum
1676-3939 Musica Hodie
1029-8649 Musicae Scientiae
0027-4631 Musical Quarterly
0027-4666 Musical Times
0814-5857 Musicology Australia
1432-9425 Musik und Asthetik
0027-4771 Musik und Kirche
0027-4801 Musikforschung
0177-4182 MusikTheorie
1554-4419 Muslim World Journal of Human Rights
0267-8357 Mutagenesis
0027-5107 Mutation Research
1386-1964 Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
1383-5718 Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
1383-5742 Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research
0027-514X Muttersprache
0027-5247 Müvészettörténeti Értesítö
1229-8093 Mycobiology
0027-5514 Mycologia
1617-416X Mycological Progress
0301-486X Mycopathologia
0940-6360 Mycorrhiza
1340-3540 Mycoscience
0933-7407 Mycoses
0093-4666 Mycotaxon
0178-7888 Mycotoxin Research
1022-4742 Mymensingh medical journal : MMJ
1994-4136 Myrmecological News