Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences.
It covers three types of sources: book series, journals, and trade journals. All journals covered in the Scopus database, regardless of who they are published under, are reviewed each year to ensure high quality standards are maintained. The complete list is on the SCImago Journal Rank website.
Searches in Scopus also incorporate searches of patent databases. Scopus gives four types of quality measure for each title; those are h-Index, CiteScore, SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) and SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper).
The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus. You can browse for a journal using the links below. Alternatively, you can perform a search for a specific journal title by following the instructions provided in the search box.
Journals starting with A
Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences.
It covers three types of sources: book series, journals, and trade journals. All journals covered in the Scopus database, regardless of who they are published under, are reviewed each year to ensure high quality standards are maintained. The complete list is on the SCImago Journal Rank website.
Searches in Scopus also incorporate searches of patent databases. Scopus gives four types of quality measure for each title; those are h-Index, CiteScore, SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) and SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper).
It covers three types of sources: book series, journals, and trade journals. All journals covered in the Scopus database, regardless of who they are published under, are reviewed each year to ensure high quality standards are maintained. The complete list is on the SCImago Journal Rank website.
Searches in Scopus also incorporate searches of patent databases. Scopus gives four types of quality measure for each title; those are h-Index, CiteScore, SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) and SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper).
The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus. You can browse for a journal using the links below. Alternatively, you can perform a search for a specific journal title by following the instructions provided in the search box.
Journals starting with A
1212-3609 E a M: Ekonomie a Management0071-2477 EAAP Scientific Series
0196-0202 Ear and Hearing
0145-5613 Ear, Nose and Throat Journal
0012-8163 Early American Literature
0300-4430 Early Child Development and Care
1082-3301 Early Childhood Education Journal
1524-5039 Early Childhood Research and Practice
0885-2006 Early Childhood Research Quarterly
1040-9289 Early Education and Development
0378-3782 Early Human Development
1751-7885 Early Intervention in Psychiatry
0963-9462 Early Medieval Europe
1933-0065 Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal
0306-1078 Early Music
0261-1279 Early Music History
1746-0654 Early Popular Visual Culture
1383-7427 Early Science and Medicine
0957-5146 Early Years
1943-345X Earth
1755-6910 Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
0012-821X Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters
1087-3562 Earth Interactions
1005-2321 Earth Science Frontiers
1865-0473 Earth Science Informatics
0736-623X Earth Sciences History
1794-6190 Earth Sciences Research Journal
0197-9337 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
2190-4979 Earth System Dynamics
1068-2678 Earth System Monitor
0167-9295 Earth, Moon and Planets
1343-8832 Earth, Planets and Space
1000-3274 Earthquake
2092-7614 Earthquake and Structures
1000-1301 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
0098-8847 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
1674-4519 Earthquake Science
8755-2930 Earthquake Spectra
1560-7496 Earth's Cryosphere
0012-8252 Earth-Science Reviews
1633-4760 EAS Publications Series
0856-8960 East African Journal of Public Health
1096-6838 East Asia
2078-9947 East Asian Archives of Psychiatry
1875-2160 East Asian Science, Technology and Society
0094-3037 East Central Europe
1350-1674 East European Jewish Affairs
2159-9165 East European Politics
0888-3254 East European Politics and Societies
0012-8708 Eastern Buddhist
0094-5056 Eastern Economic Journal
1232-8855 Eastern European Countryside
0012-8775 Eastern European Economics
1301-0883 Eastern Journal of Medicine
1020-3397 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
1124-4909 Eating and Weight Disorders
1471-0153 Eating Behaviors
1064-0266 Eating Disorders
0755-5016 Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisances
0013-5437 eb - Elektrische Bahnen
1369-0663 EBR - European Biopharmaceutical Review
0887-137X EBRI issue brief / Employee Benefit Research Institute
1019-6587 EBU Technical Review
1082-295X EC and M: Electrical Construction and Maintenance
0742-2822 Echocardiography
0100-4670 Ecletica Quimica
1523-3081 ECN Electronic Component News
2073-106X Eco.mont
0906-7590 Ecography
1612-9202 EcoHealth
1936-0584 Ecohydrology
1642-3593 Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology
0327-5477 Ecologia Austral
1051-0761 Ecological Appplications
1898-6196 Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S
1476-945X Ecological Complexity
0921-8009 Ecological Economics
0925-8574 Ecological Engineering
0307-6946 Ecological Entomology
1470-160X Ecological Indicators
1574-9541 Ecological Informatics
1442-7001 Ecological Management and Restoration
0304-3800 Ecological Modelling
0012-9615 Ecological Monographs
1040-7413 Ecological Psychology
0912-3814 Ecological Research
1543-4060 Ecological Restoration
0012-9658 Ecology
1344-3755 Ecology and Civil Engineering
1708-3087 Ecology and Society
0046-1121 Ecology Law Quarterly
1461-023X Ecology Letters
0367-0244 Ecology of Food and Nutrition
0906-6691 Ecology of Freshwater Fish
0971-765X Ecology, Environment and Conservation
1933-527X Econ Journal Watch
0747-4938 Econometric Reviews
0266-4666 Econometric Theory
0012-9682 Econometrica
1368-4221 Econometrics Journal
1578-0732 Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales
1413-8050 Economia Aplicada
0717-3830 Economia Chilena
1125-1263 Economia delle Fonti di Energia e dell'Ambiente
0185-0458 Economia Mexicana, Nueva Epoca
1120-2890 Economia Politica
0265-0665 Economic Affairs
0143-831X Economic and Industrial Democracy
1751-8326 Economic and Labour Market Review
1035-3046 Economic and Labour Relations Review
0012-9976 Economic and Political Weekly
0012-9984 Economic and Social Review
0013-3264 Economic Annals
0013-0001 Economic Botany
1573-9414 Economic Change and Restructuring
0585-7511 Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research
0013-0079 Economic Development and Cultural Change
0891-2424 Economic Development Quarterly
0013-0095 Economic Geograpaphy
0013-0109 Economic Geology
0013-0117 Economic History Review
0095-2583 Economic Inquiry
0013-0133 Economic Journal
0264-9993 Economic Modelling
0391-5026 Economic Notes
0140-489X Economic Outlook
0266-4658 Economic Policy
0013-0249 Economic Record
0939-3625 Economic Systems
0953-5314 Economic Systems Research
0938-2259 Economic Theory
0013-0427 Economica
1570-677X Economics and Human Biology
0266-2671 Economics and Philosophy
2280-7659 Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment
0954-1985 Economics and Politics
2071-789X Economics and Sociology
1545-2921 Economics Bulletin
0165-1765 Economics Letters
0272-7757 Economics of Education Review
1435-6104 Economics of Governance
1043-8599 Economics of Innovation and New Technology
0967-0750 Economics of Transition
2212-0122 Economics of Transportation
0336-1454 Economie et Statistique
1240-8093 Economie Internationale
0013-0567 Economies et Societes
0013-0613 Economist
1553-3832 Economists' Voice
0308-5147 Economy and Society
2072-6414 Economy of Region
1525-2531 EContent
1942-9347 Ecopsychology
0143-9073 Ecos - A Review of Conservation
1195-6860 Ecoscience
2212-0416 Ecosystem Services
1432-9840 Ecosystems
0963-9292 Ecotoxicology
0147-6513 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
0949-3026 Ecotropica
0256-0054 Ecquid Novi
0013-0796 Ecumenical Review
1044-9167 ED management : the monthly update on emergency department management
1096-4304 ED Nursing
0212-0429 Edad de Oro
0960-4286 Edinburgh Journal of Botany
0012-7515 EDN
1517-9702 Educacao e Pesquisa
0101-7330 Educacao e Sociedade
1575-1813 Educacion Medica
0187-893X Educacion Quimica
1139-613X Educacion XX1
0300-4279 Education 3-13
0265-1602 Education and Health
1360-2357 Education and Information Technologies
0040-0912 Education and Training
2154-1647 Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
0748-8491 Education and Treatment of Children
0013-1245 Education and Urban Society
1682-3206 Education as Change
0964-5292 Education Economics
1373-847X Education et Societes
1557-3060 Education Finance and Policy
1749-7728 Education for Chemical Engineers
1357-6283 Education for Health
0167-8329 Education for Information
1473-9879 Education for Primary Care
0013-1350 Education in Chemistry
1539-9672 Education Next
1068-2341 Education Policy Analysis Archives
2100-0808 Education Therapeutique du Patient
1753-7983 Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues
1746-1979 Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
0965-0792 Educational Action Research
0013-161X Educational Administration Quarterly
0267-1611 Educational and Child Psychology
0013-1644 Educational and Psychological Measurement
1062-7197 Educational Assessment
1874-8597 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
0162-3737 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
0360-1277 Educational Gerontology
0013-1784 Educational Leadership
1741-1432 Educational Management Administration and Leadership
0731-1745 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
0004-7597 Educational Media International
0013-1857 Educational Philosophy and Theory
0895-9048 Educational Policy
0046-1520 Educational Psychologist
0144-3410 Educational Psychology
0266-7363 Educational Psychology in Practice
1040-726X Educational Psychology Review
0013-1881 Educational Research
1380-3611 Educational Research and Evaluation
1990-3839 Educational Research and Reviews
1570-2081 Educational Research for Policy and Practice
1747-938X Educational Research Review
0013-189X Educational Researcher
0013-1911 Educational Review
0305-5698 Educational Studies
0013-1954 Educational Studies in Mathematics
1436-4522 Educational Technology and Society
1042-1629 Educational Technology Research and Development
0013-2004 Educational Theory
0149-0370 EE: Evaluation Engineering
1611-311X EEAG Report on the European Economy
1865-4568 EEag Report on the European Economy 2010
0235-8026 Eesti Arst
1736-2563 Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat
1941-5532 Effective Education
1236-7850 EFI News
1133-6137 EGA Revista de Expression Grafica Arquitectonica
1302-597X Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
1110-8665 Egyptian Informatics Journal
1110-1849 Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia
1110-1768 Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
0449-2285 Egyptian Journal of Chemistry
1110-0559 Egyptian Journal of Histology
1110-4902 Egyptian Journal of Immunology
1110-1083 Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery
1110-0621 Egyptian Journal of Petroleum
0378-603X Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
1110-9823 Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science
1692-8857 Eidos
0193-5380 Eighteenth Century
0098-2601 Eighteenth Century Life
0013-2586 Eighteenth Century Studies
0840-6286 Eighteenth-Century Fiction
0790-7915 Eighteenth-Century Ireland
1121-8819 Eikasmos
1679-4508 Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil)
0013-2683 Eire-Ireland; a journal of Irish studies
0046-1628 Eirene
1781-9989 EJHP Practice
2191-219X EJNMMI Research
0973-4945 E-Journal of Chemistry
1645-6432 E-Journal of Portuguese History
1348-0391 e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology
1533-3167 EJVES Extra
1305-8282 Eklem Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi
1335-342X Ekologia Bratislava
1300-1361 Ekoloji
0013-3035 Ekonomicky Casopis
0013-3183 Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift
0013-3205 Ekonomista
1331-677X Ekonomska Istrazivanja
0424-7558 Ekonomski Pregled
1682-8658 Eksperimental'naia i klinicheskaia gastroenterologiia = Experimental & clinical gastroenterology
0869-2092 Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya
0204-3564 Eksperimentalnaya Onkologiya
1507-2711 Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc
1741-8887 E-Learning
0261-3794 Electoral Studies
1532-5008 Electric Power Components and Systems
0378-7796 Electric Power Systems Research
0361-4395 Electrical Contacts, Proceedings of the Annual Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts
0948-7921 Electrical Engineering
0424-7760 Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)
1040-6190 Electricity Journal
1040-0397 Electroanalysis
1868-2529 Electrocatalysis
1099-0062 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters
1064-8208 Electrochemical Society Interface
1344-3542 Electrochemistry
1388-2481 Electrochemistry Communications
0013-4686 Electrochimica Acta
1738-5997 Electrolyte and Blood Pressure
1536-8378 Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine
0272-6343 Electromagnetics
1464-4622 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
1389-5753 Electronic Commerce Research
1567-4223 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
1083-589X Electronic Communications in Probability
0013-4872 Electronic Design
1537-0755 Electronic Device Failure Analysis
0192-1541 Electronic Engineering Times
1740-7494 Electronic Government
1076-7975 Electronic Green Journal
2070-5948 Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis
0717-3458 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
1077-8926 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
1072-6691 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
1479-4403 Electronic Journal of e-Learning
1579-4377 Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry
0219-9874 Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching
1089-3032 Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
1545-5556 Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
1681-4835 Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
1400-6529 Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction
1081-3810 Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
1083-6489 Electronic Journal of Probability
1417-3875 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
1699-5880 Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology
1935-7524 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1443-9255 Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering
1729-5254 Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
1477-7029 Electronic Journal on Business Research Methods
1577-5097 Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis
0264-0473 Electronic Library
1019-6781 Electronic Markets
1738-8090 Electronic Materials Letters
1571-0653 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
1571-0661 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
0013-4953 Electronic Products
1935-9179 Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences
1068-9613 Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
1942-9533 Electronics and Communications in Japan
0013-5194 Electronics Letters
1365-4675 Electronics World
0173-0835 Electrophoresis
1392-1215 Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika
0932-383X Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
0013-5852 Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review
0422-9576 Elelmiszervizsgalati Kozlemenyek
1305-3515 Elementary Education Online
0013-5984 Elementary School Journal
1811-5209 Elements
0392-7342 Elenchos
0013-8304 ELH - English Literary History
2050-084X eLife
0951-0893 ELT Journal
1088-9981 EM: Air and Waste Management Association's Magazine for Environmental Managers
1742-6731 EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia
0013-6557 Emballage Digest
0885-968X Emblematica
0261-4189 EMBO Journal
1757-4676 EMBO Molecular Medicine
1469-221X EMBO Reports
1477-3724 Embroidery
1521-3250 Emergence: Complexity and Organization
1137-6821 Emergencias
0013-6654 Emergency Medicine
0733-8627 Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America
1472-0205 Emergency Medicine Journal
1524-1971 Emergency medicine practice
1354-5752 Emergency nurse : the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association
1070-3004 Emergency Radiology
1752-8550 Emerging Health Threats Journal
1080-6040 Emerging Infectious Diseases
1540-496X Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
1566-0141 Emerging Markets Review
2222-1751 Emerging Microbes and Infections
1742-7622 Emerging Themes in Epidemiology
0013-6662 Emerita / Junta para Ampliacion de Estudios, Centro de Estudios Historicos
1059-6879 Emily Dickinson Journal
2079-052X Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture
1042-9247 EMJ - Engineering Management Journal
1528-3542 Emotion
1754-0739 Emotion Review
1755-4586 Emotion, Space and Society
1363-2752 Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
1152-3336 Empan
1139-5737 Empiria
0340-8744 Empirica
0377-7332 Empirical Economics
1382-3256 Empirical Software Engineering
0142-5455 Employee Relations
0098-8898 Employee Relations Law Journal
0892-7545 Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
1946-4967 EMS world
0158-4197 Emu
1863-5407 Endangered Species Research
0160-9327 Endeavour
0969-711X Endocrine
1421-7082 Endocrine development
0918-8959 Endocrine Journal
1046-3976 Endocrine Pathology
1530-891X Endocrine Practice
1210-0668 Endocrine Regulations
0743-5800 Endocrine Research
0163-769X Endocrine Reviews
1871-5303 Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders - Drug Targets
1351-0088 Endocrine-Related Cancer
1575-0922 Endocrinologia y Nutricion
0013-7227 Endocrinology
0889-8529 Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America
1310-8131 Endokrinologya
0423-104X Endokrynologia Polska
1234-625X Endokrynologia, Diabetologia i Choroby Przemiany Materii Wieku Rozwojowego
0912-0505 Endoscopic Forum for Digestive Disease
0013-726X Endoscopy
1211-1074 Endoskopie
0933-811X Endoskopie Heute
0235-7208 Energetika
0013-7308 Energia Elettrica
1996-1073 Energies
0360-5442 Energy
0378-7788 Energy and Buildings
0958-305X Energy and Environment
1754-5692 Energy and Environmental Sciences
0887-0624 Energy and Fuels
0196-8904 Energy Conversion and Management
0140-9883 Energy Economics
1308-772X Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research
1308-7711 Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies
1570-646X Energy Efficiency
0199-8595 Energy Engineering: Journal of the Association of Energy Engineers
0144-5987 Energy Exploration and Exploitation
0973-0826 Energy for Sustainable Development
0195-6574 Energy Journal
1748-9237 Energy Materials: Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Systems
0301-4215 Energy Policy
1876-6102 Energy Procedia
0319-5759 Energy Processing (Canada)
1556-7036 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects
1556-7249 Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy
2211-467X Energy Strategy Reviews
0843-4379 Energy Studies Review
1868-3967 Energy Systems
0013-7545 Enfance
1286-5559 Enfances et Psy
1708-6310 Enfances, Familles, Generations
1575-4723 Enfermedades Emergentes
1405-0994 Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia
0213-005X Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica
1130-8621 Enfermeria Clinica
1695-6141 Enfermeria Global
1130-2399 Enfermeria intensiva / Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias
0100-6916 Engenharia Agricola
1413-4152 Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental
0013-7758 Engineer
1523-4371 Engineered Casting Solutions
0891-9976 Engineered Systems
0013-7782 Engineering
0955-7997 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
0095-8948 Engineering and Mining Journal
1750-9637 Engineering and Technology
0952-1976 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
0264-4401 Engineering Computations
0046-2012 Engineering Design Graphics Journal
1392-2785 Engineering Economics
0013-791X Engineering Economist
1350-6307 Engineering Failure Analysis
0013-7944 Engineering Fracture Mechanics
0013-7952 Engineering Geology
1881-8366 Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food
1618-0240 Engineering in Life Sciences
0013-8029 Engineering Journal
1816-093X Engineering Letters
0305-215X Engineering Optimization
1330-9587 Engineering Review
0141-0296 Engineering Structures
1937-8629 Engineering Studies
0867-888X Engineering Transactions
0177-0667 Engineering with Computers
0969-9988 Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
1991-5047 EngineerIT
0170-4818 Englera
0013-8215 English
1013-1752 English Academy Review
0889-4906 English for Specific Purposes
0013-8266 English Historical Review
0046-208X English in Australia
0425-0494 English in Education
1360-6743 English Language and Linguistics
0013-8282 English Language Notes
1916-4742 English Language Teaching
0013-8312 English Literary Renaissance
0013-8339 English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920
0957-8080 English Manuscript Studies: 1100-1700
0013-838X English Studies
0013-8398 English Studies in Africa
0317-0802 English Studies in Canada
1175-8708 English Teaching
0172-8865 English World-Wide
0891-9526 ENR (Engineering News-Record)
1960-7652 Enriching Communications
0104-4036 Ensaio
0120-4483 Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica
0212-4521 Ensenanza de las Ciencias
1467-2227 Enterprise and Society
1755-1978 Enterprise Development and Microfinance
1751-7575 Enterprise Information Systems
1875-9521 Entertainment Computing
0013-8738 Entomoglogical Review
0013-8703 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
0096-3712 Entomologica Americana
0785-8760 Entomologica Fennica
0013-872X Entomological News
1748-5967 Entomological Research
1343-8786 Entomological Science
0013-8894 Entomologist's Gazette
1317-5262 Entomotropica
1087-8955 Entrepreneurial Executive
0898-5626 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
1042-2587 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
1161-2770 Entreprises et Histoire
1099-4300 Entropy
0013-9157 Environment
0013-9165 Environment and Behaviour
1355-770X Environment and Development Economics
0967-3407 Environment and History
0308-518X Environment and Planning A
0265-8135 Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design
0263-774X Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
0263-7758 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
0956-2478 Environment and Urbanization
2194-5403 Environment Systems & Decisions
1387-585X Environment, Development and Sustainability
1691-5208 Environmental and Climate Technologies
1352-8505 Environmental and Ecological Statistics
1078-7275 Environmental and Engineering Geoscience
0098-8472 Environmental and Experimental Botany
0893-6692 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
0813-300X Environmental and Planning Law Journal
0924-6460 Environmental and Resource Economics
1461-4103 Environmental Archaeology
0378-1909 Environmental Biology of Fishes
1635-7922 Environmental Biosafety Research
1448-2517 Environmental Chemistry
1610-3653 Environmental Chemistry Letters
1040-6026 Environmental Claims Journal
1752-4032 Environmental Communication
0376-8929 Environmental Conservation
2211-4645 Environmental Development
1866-6280 Environmental Earth Sciences
1432-847X Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
1469-5871 Environmental Education Research
0954-5824 Environmental Engineering
1582-9596 Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
1226-1025 Environmental Engineering Research
1092-8758 Environmental Engineering Science
0046-225X Environmental Entomology
0163-4275 Environmental Ethics
1567-7419 Environmental Fluid Mechanics
1527-5922 Environmental Forensics
0731-5732 Environmental Forum
0269-4042 Environmental Geochemistry and Health
1075-9565 Environmental Geosciences
1747-7891 Environmental Hazards
1342-078X Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
0250-863X Environmental Health Criteria
0091-6765 Environmental Health Perspectives
1476-069X Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source
1084-5453 Environmental History
0195-9255 Environmental Impact Assessment Review
0160-4120 Environmental International
1939-4071 Environmental Justice
1067-6058 Environmental Law and Management
0364-152X Environmental Management
1462-2912 Environmental Microbiology
1758-2229 Environmental Microbiology Reports
1420-2026 Environmental Modeling and Assessment
1364-8152 Environmental Modelling and Software
0167-6369 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
1756-932X Environmental Policy and Governance
0378-777X Environmental Policy and Law
0964-4016 Environmental Politics
0269-7491 Environmental Pollution
1466-0466 Environmental Practice
1944-7442 Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy
0324-8828 Environmental Protection Engineering
1088-1913 Environmental Quality Management
0013-9351 Environmental Research
1748-9318 Environmental Research Letters
1181-8700 Environmental Reviews
1462-9011 Environmental Science and Policy
0944-1344 Environmental Science and Pollution Research
0013-936X Environmental Science and Technology
2190-4707 Environmental Sciences Europe
0959-3330 Environmental Technology
1520-4081 Environmental Toxicology
0730-7268 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
1382-6689 Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
0963-2719 Environmental Values
0251-1088 Environmentalist
1906-1714 EnvironmentAsia
1180-4009 Environmetrics
1635-0421 Environnement, Risques et Sante
0141-0229 Enzyme and Microbial Technology
2090-0406 Enzyme Research
1874-6047 Enzymes
0096-3941 Eos
1364-369X EPC - European Pharmaceutical Contractor
0939-8368 EPE Journal (European Power Electronics and Drives Journal)
0013-9505 Ephemerides Liturgicae
0013-9513 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
1755-4365 Epidemics
1120-9763 Epidemiologia e prevenzione
1742-5573 Epidemiologic Perspectives and Innovations
0193-936X Epidemiologic Reviews
0754-2186 Epidemiologie et Sante Animale
1210-7913 Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie
1044-3983 Epidemiology
0950-2688 Epidemiology and Infection
2045-7960 Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences
1559-2294 Epigenetics
1756-8935 Epigenetics and Chromatin
2191-2262 Epigenetics and Human Health
1750-1911 Epigenomics
0013-9572 Epigraphica
0013-9580 Epilepsia
1525-5050 Epilepsy and Behavior
1882-5567 Epilepsy and Seizure
1535-7597 Epilepsy Currents
0920-1211 Epilepsy Research
1294-9361 Epileptic Disorders
2212-8220 Epileptology
0705-3797 Episodes
0392-9760 Epistemologia
0013-9661 Epites-Epiteszettudomany
1011-6575 Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes
1286-0042 EPJ Applied Physics
1878-5077 EPMA Journal
1618-7229 E-Polymers
0250-8052 EPPO Bulletin
0362-3416 EPRI Journal
2040-7149 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
0385-5716 Equilibrium Research
0957-7734 Equine Veterinary Education
0425-1644 Equine Veterinary Journal
1066-5684 Equity & Excellence in Education
1612-3093 ERA Forum
1300-199X Erciyes Tip Dergisi
0014-0015 Erdkunde
0179-3187 Erdoel Erdgas Kohle/EKEP
1941-5842 e-Review of Tourism Research
0071-1136 Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete
0143-3857 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
0014-0139 Ergonomics
1064-8046 Ergonomics in Design
0942-8623 Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation
0014-0171 Ericsson Review (English Edition)
0332-0758 Eriu
0165-0106 Erkenntnis
0250-1554 Ernahrung
0340-2371 Ernahrungs Umschau
1073-7227 Erosion Control
0014-0309 Erwerbs-Obstbau
1292-8119 ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
1292-8100 ESAIM - Probability and Statistics
1612-9059 Esophagus
0046-2497 Espace Geographique
0755-7809 Espace-Populations-Societes
0798-1015 Espacios
2212-8263 e-SPEN Journal
0014-0767 Esprit Createur
0093-8297 ESQ - Journal of the American Renaissance
1287-258X Essaim
0071-1357 Essays and Studies
0071-1365 Essays in Biochemistry
0014-0856 Essays in Criticism
0014-1291 Estetika : The Central European Journal of Aesthetics
1406-2933 Estonian Journal of Archaeology
1736-4728 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
1736-602X Estonian Journal of Ecology
1559-2723 Estuaries and Coasts
0272-7714 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
0716-0925 Estudios Atacamenos
0718-0195 Estudios Constitucionales
0304-2758 Estudios de Economia
1575-5533 Estudios de Fonetica Experimental
0185-2620 Estudios de Historia Moderna Contemporanea de Mexico
1139-8736 Estudios de Linguistica del Espanola
1576-5059 Estudios de Linguistica Inglesa Aplicada (ELIA)
0210-9395 Estudios de Psicologia
0210-1610 Estudios Eclesiasticos
0071-1713 Estudios Filologicos
0014-1496 Estudios Geograficos
0367-0449 Estudios Geologicos
1699-311X Estudios Irlandeses
0326-7458 Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos
0716-050X Estudios Pedagogicos
0210-4911 Estudios Romanicos
1578-7001 Estudios Sobre Educacion
1134-1629 Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico
0103-4014 Estudos Avancados
1889-2566 Estudos de Linguistica Galega
1413-294X Estudos de Psicologia (Natal)
0101-4161 Estudos Economicos
0104-026X Estudos Feministas
0101-4064 Estudos Ibero-Americanos
1559-4343 Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry
1370-0049 Ethical Perspect
1386-2820 Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
0014-1704 Ethics
0266-688X Ethics & medicine : a Christian perspective on issues in bioethics
1050-8422 Ethics and Behavior
1744-9642 Ethics and Education
1654-4951 Ethics and Global Politics
1388-1957 Ethics and Information Technology
1085-6633 Ethics and the Environment
1611-8014 Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics
1366-879X Ethics, Place and Environment
2155-0085 Ethics, Policy and Environmnet
0935-7335 Ethik in der Medizin
1021-6790 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development
0014-1755 Ethiopian Medical Journal
1765-4629 Ethique et Sante
0778-6069 Ethische Perspectieven
0141-9870 Ethnic and Racial Studies
1468-7968 Ethnicities
1049-510X Ethnicity and Disease
1355-7858 Ethnicity and Health
1757-0980 Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care
2159-8126 Ethnobiology Letters
1547-3465 Ethnobotany Research and Applications
0014-1798 Ethnographia
1466-1381 Ethnography
1745-7823 Ethnography and Education
0014-1801 Ethnohistory
0425-4597 Ethnologia Europaea
0046-2616 Ethnologie Francaise
0014-1836 Ethnomusicology
1744-9057 Ethnopolitics
0014-1844 Ethnos
0179-1613 Ethology
0394-9370 Ethology Ecology and Evolution
0091-2131 Ethos
1671-7120 Ethylene Industry
1890-3991 Etikk i Praksis
1973-3194 Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa
0071-1861 Etnografia polska
0873-6561 Etnografica
0354-0316 Etnolog
0351-1944 Etnoloska Tribina
1225-6463 ETRI Journal
0701-1008 Etudes / Inuit / Studies
0014-195X Etudes Anglaises
0014-1992 Etudes Cinematographiques
0014-200X Etudes Classiques
0071-190X Etudes de Linguistique Appliquee
0014-2085 Etudes Francaises
0014-2115 Etudes Germaniques
0766-5075 Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines
0014-2166 Etudes Philosophiques
1270-9050 Etudes Photographiques
0014-2182 Etudes Rurales
1286-5702 Etudes sur la Mort
0014-2239 Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses
1535-9778 Eukaryotic Cell
0014-2328 Euphorion - Zeitschrift fur Literaturgeschichte
0870-0133 Euphrosyne
0014-2336 Euphytica
1305-8215 Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
1562-3920 Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal
1538-7216 Eurasian Geography and Economics
1306-3057 Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
1307-9867 EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
1308-8734 Eurasian Journal of Medicine
1064-2293 Eurasian Soil Science
1687-3955 Eurasip Journal of Embedded Systems
1687-6172 Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
1687-4714 Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
1687-4145 Eurasip Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
1687-5176 Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing
1687-4161 Eurasip Journal on Information Security
1687-1472 Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
0250-7161 Eure
1751-1135 EuroAsia Semiconductor
1478-0917 EuroChoices
1613-0200 Euroheat and Power (English Edition)
0949-166X Euroheat and Power/Fernwarme International
1774-024X EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology
2279-7165 EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal
1099-5129 Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology
0014-2751 Europe
0963-8180 European Accounting Review
1022-6877 European Addiction Research
1764-1489 European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
1879-7296 European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases
0937-4477 European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
1818-6300 European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
0940-1334 European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
0175-7571 European Biophysics Journal
1618-8276 European Biotechnology Science and Industry News
1566-7529 European Business Organization Law Review
0955-534X European Business Review
1473-2262 European Cells and Materials
1018-8827 European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
0930-3847 European Coatings Journal
1574-0196 European Constitutional Law Review
1148-5493 European Cytokine Network
1551-7853 European Diabetes Nursing
1350-293X European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
1072-4133 European Eating Disorders Review
0014-2921 European Economic Review
1474-9041 European Educational Research Journal
1879-3886 European Energy and Environmental Law Review
1354-7798 European Financial Management
1438-2377 European Food Research and Technology
1878-7649 European Geriatric Medicine
0195-668X European Heart Journal
2047-2404 European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging
1520-765X European Heart Journal, Supplement
0265-6914 European History Quarterly
1755-1137 European Infectious Disease
1027-5193 European Integration - Online Papers
1879-4912 European Journal for Philosophy of Science
1613-9372 European Journal of Ageing
1161-0301 European Journal of Agronomy
1466-0407 European Journal of American Culture
0265-0215 European Journal of Anaesthesiology
1136-4890 European Journal of Anatomy
0956-7925 European Journal of Applied Mathematics
1439-6319 European Journal of Applied Physiology
1461-9571 European Journal of Archaeology
0959-8049 European Journal of Cancer
0961-5423 European Journal of Cancer Care
0959-8278 European Journal of Cancer Prevention
1359-6349 European Journal of Cancer, Supplement
1010-7940 European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery
1474-5151 European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
1741-8267 European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
0171-9335 European Journal of Cell Biology
0014-2972 European Journal of Clinical Investigation
0934-9723 European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
0954-3007 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
0031-6970 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
0195-6698 European Journal of Combinatorics
0267-3231 European Journal of Communication
1779-7179 European Journal of Computational Mechanics
1362-5187 European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care
0947-3580 European Journal of Control
0928-9569 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
1477-3708 European Journal of Criminology
1367-5494 European Journal of Cultural Studies
1396-5883 European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe
1305-7456 European Journal of Dentistry
1167-1122 European Journal of Dermatology
0957-8811 European Journal of Development Research
1740-5629 European Journal of Developmental Psychology
0378-7966 European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
1568-0584 European Journal of East Asian Studies
1450-2275 European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences
0141-8211 European Journal of Education
2103-3641 European Journal of Electrical Engineering
0969-9546 European Journal of Emergency Medicine
0804-4643 European Journal of Endocrinology
0804-4635 European Journal of Endocrinology, Supplement
0304-3797 European Journal of Engineering Education
1382-5577 European Journal of English Studies
1210-5759 European Journal of Entomology
1964-8189 European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
0393-2990 European Journal of Epidemiology
1351-847X European Journal of Finance
1612-4669 European Journal of Forest Research
0954-691X European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
1304-3889 European Journal of General Medicine
1381-4788 European Journal of General Practice
0392-2936 European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology
0902-4441 European Journal of Haematology
1618-7598 European Journal of Health Economics
0929-0273 European Journal of Health Law
1388-9842 European Journal of Heart Failure
1121-760X European Journal of Histochemistry
1611-4426 European Journal of Horticultural Science
2047-9956 European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice
1461-6718 European Journal of Housing Policy
1018-4813 European Journal of Human Genetics
0014-2980 European Journal of Immunology
1751-5254 European Journal of Industrial Engineering
0959-6801 European Journal of Industrial Relations
1721-727X European Journal of Inflammation
0960-085X European Journal of Information Systems
1460-1060 European Journal of Innovation Management
1434-1948 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
1876-3820 European Journal of Integrative Medicine
0953-6205 European Journal of Internal Medicine
0938-5428 European Journal of International Law
1751-6757 European Journal of International Management
1354-0661 European Journal of International Relations
1025-9996 European Journal of Jewish Studies
0929-1261 European Journal of Law and Economics
1438-7697 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
0778-5569 European Journal of Lymphology and Related Problems
0309-0566 European Journal of Marketing
1469-0667 European Journal of Mass Spectrometry
0997-7538 European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids
0997-7546 European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids
1769-7212 European Journal of Medical Genetics
0949-2321 European Journal of Medical Research
0223-5234 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
1788-4934 European Journal of Mental Health
1388-364X European Journal of Migration and Law
0935-1221 European Journal of Mineralogy
1351-5101 European Journal of Neurology
0953-816X European Journal of Neuroscience
1619-7070 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
1436-6207 European Journal of Nutrition
0301-2115 European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
1128-6598 European Journal of Oncology
1462-3889 European Journal of Oncology Nursing
1783-3914 European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy
0377-2217 European Journal of Operational Research
1120-6721 European Journal of Ophthalmology
1756-2406 European journal of oral implantology
0909-8836 European Journal of Oral Sciences
1434-193X European Journal of Organic Chemistry
1351-6647 European Journal of Oriental Medicine
0141-5387 European Journal of Orthodontics
0948-4817 European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
1090-3798 European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
1090-3801 European Journal of Pain
1754-3207 European Journal of Pain Supplements
1352-2779 European Journal of Palliative Care
1740-6277 European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences
1122-7672 European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology
0939-7248 European Journal of Pediatric Surgery
0340-6199 European Journal of Pediatrics
0890-2070 European Journal of Personality
0928-0987 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
0939-6411 European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
0014-2999 European Journal of Pharmacology
0966-8373 European Journal of Philosophy
0967-0262 European Journal of Phycology
1973-9087 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
0143-0807 European Journal of Physics
2167-9169 European Journal of Physiotherapy
0929-1873 European Journal of Plant Pathology
0930-343X European Journal of Plastic Surgery
0176-2680 European Journal of Political Economy
0304-4130 European Journal of Political Research
1474-8851 European Journal of Political Theory
0168-6577 European Journal of Population
0932-4739 European Journal of Protistology
0213-6163 European Journal of Psychiatry
1015-5759 European Journal of Psychological Assessment
1889-1861 European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
0256-2928 European Journal of Psychology of Education
1364-2537 European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling
1101-1262 European Journal of Public Health
0720-048X European Journal of Radiology
1571-4675 European Journal of Radiology Extra
2191-9399 European Journal of Scandinavian Studies
1841-0464 European Journal of Science and Theology
1450-202X European Journal of Scientific Research
0046-2772 European Journal of Social Psychology
1450-2267 European Journal of Social Sciences
1368-4310 European Journal of Social Theory
1369-1457 European Journal of Social Work
1164-5563 European Journal of Soil Biology
1351-0754 European Journal of Soil Science
1650-9544 European Journal of Spatial Development
0885-6257 European Journal of Special Needs Education
1746-1391 European Journal of Sport Science
0748-7983 European Journal of Surgical Oncology
0261-9768 European Journal of Teacher Education
0967-2567 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
0960-2720 European Journal of Theology
1994-7658 European Journal of Tourism Research
2046-9012 European Journal of Training and Development
1567-7141 European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
1863-9933 European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery
1078-5884 European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
1612-4642 European Journal of Wildlife Research
1350-5068 European Journal of Women's Studies
1359-432X European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
0928-1371 European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
0923-9855 European Joyce Studies
1351-5993 European Law Journal
0307-5400 European Law Review
1084-8770 European Legacy
2000-1444 European Life Science Journal
0263-2373 European Management Journal
1740-4754 European Management Review
1378-2274 European Medieval Drama
2041-8000 European Neurological Journal
1758-3837 European Neurological Review
0014-3022 European Neurology
0924-977X European Neuropsychopharmacology
2045-5275 European Oncology and Haematology
1867-4569 European Orthopaedics and Traumatology
1360-8606 European Pharmaceutical Review
1356-336X European Physical Education Review
1434-6001 European Physical Journal A
1434-6028 European Physical Journal B
1434-6044 European Physical Journal C
1434-6060 European Physical Journal D
1292-8941 European Physical Journal E
2102-6459 European Physical Journal H
2190-5444 European Physical Journal Plus
1951-6355 European Physical Journal: Special Topics
0965-4313 European Planning Studies
1680-4333 European Political Science
0014-3057 European Polymer Journal
1758-1354 European Psychiatric Review
0924-9338 European Psychiatry
1016-9040 European Psychologist
0938-7994 European Radiology
2212-764X European Research in Telemedicine
1108-2976 European Research Studies Journal
1754-5552 European Respiratory Disease
0903-1936 European Respiratory Journal
1025-448X European Respiratory Monograph
0905-9180 European Respiratory Review
1062-7987 European Review
1128-3602 European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences
0165-1587 European Review of Agricultural Economics
1361-4916 European Review of Economic History
1350-7486 European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire
1046-3283 European Review of Social Psychology
1813-7253 European Reviews of Aging and Physical Activity
1050-9585 European Romantic Review
0258-3127 European Science Editing
1461-6696 European Societies
0266-7215 European Sociological Review
0379-4067 European Space Agency (Scientific and Technical Reports) ESA STR
0376-4265 European Space Agency Bulletin
1231-1952 European Spatial Research and Policy
0940-6719 European Spine Journal
1618-4742 European Sport Management Quarterly
1682-4016 European Surgery - Acta Chirurgica Austriaca
0014-312X European Surgical Research
1124-318X European Transactions on Telecommunications
1825-3997 European Transport - Trasporti Europei
1867-0717 European Transport Research Review
1465-1165 European Union Politics
0969-7764 European Urban and Regional Studies
1758-3829 European Urological Review
0302-2838 European Urology
1569-9056 European Urology, Supplements
0966-8136 Europe-Asia Studies
1841-0413 Europe's Journal of Psychology
0295-5075 Europhysics Letters
0531-7479 Europhysics News
1025-496X Eurosurveillance
0090-4449 Evaluation
0149-7189 Evaluation and Program Planning
0950-0790 Evaluation and Research in Education
0163-2787 Evaluation and the Health Professions
0193-841X Evaluation Review
1525-9951 Event Management
1744-2648 Evidence and Policy
1715-720X Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
1530-4396 Evidence report/technology assessment
1557-6272 Evidence-Based Child Health
1748-9539 Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention
1741-427X Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
1462-0049 Evidence-based dentistry
1356-5524 Evidence-Based Medicine
1362-0347 Evidence-Based Mental Health
1367-6539 Evidence-based nursing
1555-9203 Evidence-Based Ophthalmology
1095-4120 Evidence-Based Practice
2041-9139 EvoDevo
1520-541X Evolution and Development
1090-5138 Evolution and Human Behavior
0014-3855 Evolution Psychiatrique
0014-3820 Evolution; international journal of organic evolution
1060-1538 Evolutionary Anthropology
1752-4563 Evolutionary Applications
1176-9343 Evolutionary Bioinformatics
0071-3260 Evolutionary Biology
1063-6560 Evolutionary Computation
0269-7653 Evolutionary Ecology
1522-0613 Evolutionary Ecology Research
1864-5909 Evolutionary Intelligence
1474-7049 Evolutionary Psychology
1868-6478 Evolving Systems
1994-8549 E-Water
1109-5350 Exartisis
0932-2205 Excellence in Ecology
0014-4029 Exceptional Children
0936-2835 Exceptionality
1918-5227 Exceptionality Education International
0166-2740 Exchange
1611-2156 EXCLI Journal
1041-2573 Exemplaria
1699-3225 Exemplaria Classica
0091-6331 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews
1077-5552 Exercise Immunology Review
0361-073X Experimental Aging Research
0014-4797 Experimental Agriculture
0168-8162 Experimental and Applied Acarology
1205-6626 Experimental and Clinical Cardiology
0947-7349 Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes
1734-3038 Experimental and Clinical Hepatology
1064-1297 Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
1304-0855 Experimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle EastSociety for Organ Transplantation.
1226-3613 Experimental and Molecular Medicine
0014-4800 Experimental and Molecular Pathology
1792-0981 Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
0940-2993 Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology
2040-7378 Experimental and Translational Stroke Medicine
1341-1357 Experimental Animals
0922-6435 Experimental Astronomy
1535-3702 Experimental Biology and Medicine
0014-4819 Experimental Brain Research
0014-4827 Experimental Cell Research
0906-6705 Experimental Dermatology
1687-5214 Experimental Diabetes Research
1386-4157 Experimental Economics
0014-4835 Experimental Eye Research
0531-5565 Experimental Gerontology
0891-6152 Experimental Heat Transfer
0301-472X Experimental Hematology
0190-2148 Experimental Lung Research
1058-6458 Experimental Mathematics
0014-4851 Experimental Mechanics
0014-4886 Experimental Neurology
0014-4894 Experimental Parasitology
0958-0670 Experimental Physiology
1618-3169 Experimental Psychology
0732-8818 Experimental Techniques
0894-1777 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
0723-4864 Experiments in Fluids
1471-2598 Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
1742-5247 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery
1746-0441 Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
1742-5255 Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology
1474-0338 Expert Opinion on Drug Safety
1472-8214 Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs
1354-3784 Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs
1753-0059 Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics
1465-6566 Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy
1354-3776 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents
1472-8222 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets
1473-7140 Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy
1478-7210 Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy
1477-9072 Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy
1744-666X Expert Review of Clinical Immunology
1751-2433 Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology
1746-9872 Expert Review of Dermatology
1744-6651 Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism
1747-4124 Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
1747-4086 Expert Review of Hematology
1743-4440 Expert Review of Medical Devices
1473-7159 Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics
1473-7175 Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics
1747-4108 Expert Review of Obstetrics and Gynecology
1746-9899 Expert Review of Ophthalmology
1473-7167 Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
1478-9450 Expert Review of Proteomics
1747-6348 Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine
1476-0584 Expert Review of Vaccines
1462-3994 Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
0266-4720 Expert Systems
0957-4174 Expert Systems with Applications
0014-4940 Explicator
0964-1823 Exploration and Mining Geology
0970-9231 Exploration and Research for Atomic Minerals
0071-3473 Exploration Geophysics
0014-4983 Explorations in Economic History
1550-8307 Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing
0916-801X Explosion
0723-0869 Expositiones Mathematicae
0014-5246 Expository Times
1788-618X Express Polymer Letters
1540-0085 Expressions Maghrebines
1023-294X EXS
0014-5483 Extrapolation
1386-1999 Extremes
1431-0651 Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions
0950-222X Eye
0960-779X Eye - International Review of Graphic Design
0960-779X Eye (London)
1542-2321 Eye Contact Lens