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List of Pubmed Indexed Journals H


List of journals indexed
List of journals indexed in PubMed

PubMed is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. The United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health maintains the database as part of the Entrez system of information retrieval.

Approximately 30,000 records are included in the PubMed journal list which is updated daily and includes all MEDLINE® titles as well as other non-MEDLINE titles in PubMed. The PubMed journal list covers the entire span of MEDLINE, not just currently indexed journals. The non-MEDLINE journals include those whose content is deposited in PMC (PubMed Central).  
The following is a list of the journals covered by PubMed.

List of Updated Pubmed Indexed Journals

A few notes about the PubMed journal list:
1. The records are in alphabetical order.
2. The ISSN is a sequential identifier number for the journals that appear in various databases;  is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication.
3. Full journal title names may contain initial grammar articles (e.g., The, An, A) which may affect the use of these data for searching and filing purposes.



1592-8721 : Haematologica
1365-2516 : Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia
1541-4485 : Hallym international journal of aging : HIJA
1558-9455 : Hand (New York, N.Y.)
1558-1969 : Hand clinics
2468-1210 : Hand surgery & rehabilitation
1793-6535 : Hand surgery : an international journal devoted to hand and upper limb surgery and related research : journal of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand
1758-9991 : Hand therapy
1439-3980 : Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Handchirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Mikrochirurgie der Peripheren Nerven und Gefasse : Organ der V...
1982-5161 : Hansenologia internationalis
2050-2303 : Hard tissue
1477-7517 : Harm reduction journal
1878-1470 : Harmful algae
1945-5070 : Harvard health policy review : a student publication of the Harvard Interfaculty Initiative in Health Policy
1944-6454 : Harvard journal of Asiatic studies
1465-7309 : Harvard review of psychiatry
2049-1115 : HAU : journal of ethnographic theory
2165-8242 : Hawai'i journal of medicine & public health : a journal of Asia Pacific Medicine & Public Health
1946-4673 : Hawaii journal of public health
1746-160X : Head & face medicine
1097-0347 : Head & neck
1758-3284 : Head & neck oncology
1936-0568 : Head and neck pathology
1526-4610 : Headache
1949-5005 : Health
2194-7899 : Health & justice
1873-2054 : Health & place
1365-2524 : Health & social care in the community
1545-6854 : Health & social work
1461-7196 : Health (London, England : 1997)
1544-5208 : Health affairs (Project Hope)
2150-4113 : Health and human rights
1477-7525 : Health and quality of life outcomes
2190-7196 : Health and technology
2326-4403 : Health behavior and policy review
1573-3394 : Health care analysis : HCA : journal of health philosophy and policy
2372-7683 : Health care ethics USA : a publication of the Center for Health Care Ethics
1554-9887 : Health care financing review
1550-2422 : Health care food & nutrition focus
1096-4665 : Health care for women international
1550-5030 : Health care management review
2375-4273 : Health care. Current reviews
1532-7027 : Health communication
1099-1050 : Health economics
2471-268X : Health economics & outcome research : Open access
2191-1991 : Health economics review
1744-134X : Health economics, policy, and law
1552-6127 : Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education
1758-714X : Health education (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England)
1465-3648 : Health education research
2168-183X : Health educator : journal of Eta Sigma Gamma
1369-7625 : Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy
1943-5142 : Health facilities management
1741-2811 : Health informatics journal
1471-1842 : Health information and libraries journal
2047-2501 : Health information science and systems
1365-2532 : Health libraries review
1545-0864 : Health marketing quarterly
1877-1319 : Health outcomes research in medicine
1538-5159 : Health physics
1872-6054 : Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
1460-2237 : Health policy and planning
2211-8845 : Health policy and technology
2368-738X : Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada : research, policy and practice
1460-2245 : Health promotion international
2228-6497 : Health promotion perspectives
1930-7810 : Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association
2164-2850 : Health psychology and behavioral medicine
2055-1029 : Health psychology open
2353-5571 : Health psychology report
2420-8124 : Health psychology research
1743-7202 : Health psychology review
1209-1367 : Health reports
1478-4505 : Health research policy and systems
2326-5108 : Health security
1178-6329 : Health services insights
1758-1044 : Health services management research
1475-6773 : Health services research
2333-3928 : Health services research and managerial epidemiology
2040-1574 : Health statistics quarterly
2047-6973 : Health systems (Basingstoke, England)
2254-9137 : Health systems and policy research
1817-6127 : Health systems in transition
2046-4924 : Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)
1469-8331 : Health, risk & society
2213-0772 : Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2227-9032 : Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
2281-7824 : Healthcare in low-resource settings
1835-5625 : Healthcare infection
2093-369X : Healthcare informatics research
2162-2507 : Healthcare philanthropy
2053-3713 : Healthcare technology letters
1929-6339 : HealthcarePapers
1179-0601 : Healthy aging & clinical care in the elderly
2261-7434 : Healthy aging research
1878-5891 : Hearing research
2169-5725 : Hearing, balance and communication
1527-3288 : Heart & lung : the journal of critical care
1468-201X : Heart (British Cardiac Society)
1945-0567 : Heart advisor
1615-2573 : Heart and vessels
1759-1104 : Heart Asia
1533-3973 : Heart disease (Hagerstown, Md.)
1573-7322 : Heart failure reviews
2036-2579 : Heart international
1556-3871 : Heart rhythm
9765-5123 : Heart views : the official journal of the Gulf Heart Association
1444-2892 : Heart, lung & circulation
2283-3420 : Heart, lung and vessels
1424-0556 : Heartdrug : excellence in cardiovascular trials
2214-0271 : HeartRhythm case reports
1432-1181 : Heat and mass transfer = Warme- und Stoffubertragung
2162-6561 : Heat transfer research
1572-8498 : HEC forum : an interdisciplinary journal on hospitals' ethical and legal issues
2190-2100 : HeilberufeSCIENCE
2155-3017 : Hektoen international : a journal of medical humanities
1523-5378 : Helicobacter
2405-8440 : Heliyon
2241-5955 : Hellenic journal of cardiology : HJC = Hellenike kardiologike epitheorese
1868-8845 : Hellenike cheirourgike. Acta chirurgica Hellenica
1099-1069 : Hematological oncology
2398-8495 : Hematology & medical oncology
1607-8454 : Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2038-8330 : Hematology reports
1520-4383 : Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program
1558-1977 : Hematology/oncology clinics of North America
1542-4758 : Hemodialysis international. International Symposium on Home Hemodialysis
1532-432X : Hemoglobin
1179-1535 : Hepatic medicine : evidence and research
2045-0931 : Hepatic oncology
1735-3408 : Hepatitis monthly
2090-1372 : Hepatitis research and treatment
2304-389X : Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition
1527-3350 : Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
1936-0541 : Hepatology international
1872-034X : Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology
2059-5166 : Hepatology, medicine and policy
2454-2520 : Hepatoma research
2167-5112 : HERD
1897-4287 : Hereditary cancer in clinical practice
2161-1041 : Hereditary genetics : current research
1601-5223 : Hereditas
1365-2540 : Heredity
1248-9204 : Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery
1470-1537 : Herpes : the journal of the IHMF
2042-4280 : Herpesviridae
1931-7603 : Herpetological conservation and biology
1615-6692 : Herz
1435-1544 : Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie
1955-205X : HFSP journal
1557-8682 : High altitude medicine & biology
1179-1985 : High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention : the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension
1477-2299 : High pressure research
1534-5157 : High school journal (Chapel Hill, N.C.)
1472-3441 : High temperatures - high pressures
2374-3271 : Hindsight (Saint Louis, Mo.)
2287-3279 : Hip & pelvis
1724-6067 : Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy
1989-4805 : Hipertension y riesgo vascular
1098-1063 : Hippocampus
1790-8019 : Hippokratia
1988-8368 : Hispania (Madrid, Spain : 1940)
1938-8993 : Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses
1553-0639 : Hispanic review
1432-119X : Histochemistry and cell biology
2101-003X : Histoire urbaine
1699-5848 : Histology and histopathology
1365-2559 : Histopathology
2241-2816 : Historein : a review of the past and other stories
1678-4758 : Historia, ciencias, saude--Manguinhos
1469-5103 : Historical journal (Cambridge, England)
1939-182X : Historical studies in the natural sciences
1527-1994 : History & memory
1477-2612 : History and anthropology
1742-6316 : History and philosophy of the life sciences
1477-2620 : History and technology
1478-0542 : History compass
1464-5130 : History of education
1873-541X : History of European ideas
2190-5029 : History of geo- and space sciences
1527-1919 : History of political economy
1939-0610 : History of psychology
1753-8564 : History of science; an annual review of literature, research and teaching
1461-720X : History of the human sciences
2159-9793 : History of the present (Champaign, Ill.)
1477-4569 : History workshop journal : HWJ
2378-7880 : HIV advance research and development : open access
1945-5771 : HIV clinical trials
1468-1293 : HIV medicine
1488-3708 : HIV prevention plus!
1758-4329 : HIV therapy
1179-1373 : HIV/AIDS (Auckland, N.Z.)
1712-6266 : HIV/AIDS policy & law review
2377-8377 : HIV/AIDS research and treatment : open journal
2059-2310 : HLA
1091-1774 : Hmong studies journal
1433-0458 : HNO
1550-5138 : Holistic nursing practice
1552-6739 : Home health care management & practice
1545-0856 : Home health care services quarterly
2374-4537 : Home healthcare now
1539-0713 : Home healthcare nurse
1476-4245 : Homeopathy : the journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
1552-6720 : Homicide studies
1618-1301 : Homo : internationale Zeitschrift fur die vergleichende Forschung am Menschen
1439-4286 : Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme
1868-1891 : Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation
1423-0046 : Hormone research
1663-2826 : Hormone research in paediatrics
1868-8500 : Hormones & cancer
1095-6867 : Hormones and behavior
2052-7276 : Horticulture research
1792-9172 : Hospital chronicles = Nosokomeiaka chronika
2211-5943 : Hospital medicine clinics
2154-1671 : Hospital pediatrics
1945-1253 : Hospital pharmacy
1939-9278 : Hospital topics
2152-050X : Housing policy debate
1466-1810 : Housing studies
1477-2574 : HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association
1607-8462 : HPB surgery : a world journal of hepatic, pancreatic and biliary surgery
2378-9042 : HSOA journal of addiction & neuropharmacology
2381-1943 : HSOA journal of cell biology & cell metabolism
2378-8887 : HSOA journal of ophthalmology & clinical research
2037-0512 : HSR proceedings in intensive care & cardiovascular anesthesia
1556-3324 : HSS journal : the musculoskeletal journal of Hospital for Special Surgery
1876-5912 : Huisarts en wetenschap
1477-0903 : Human & experimental toxicology
1337-401X : Human affairs (Bratislava, Slovakia)
1549-7860 : Human and ecological risk assessment : HERA
1875-869X : Human antibodies
1534-6617 : Human biology
1097-0193 : Human brain mapping
1749-0774 : Human cell
1468-2958 : Human communication research
1423-0054 : Human development
2224-4476 : Human ethology bulletin
1824-310X : Human evolution
1547-8181 : Human factors
1520-6564 : Human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing
1742-8149 : Human fertility (Cambridge, England)
1557-7422 : Human gene therapy
1946-6544 : Human gene therapy methods
2324-8645 : Human gene therapy. Clinical development
1432-1203 : Human genetics
2161-0436 : Human genetics & embryology : current research
2054-345X : Human genome variation
1479-7364 : Human genomics
1757-4242 : Human genomics and proteomics : HGP
2067-2284 : Human geographies
1423-0062 : Human heredity
1879-1166 : Human immunology
1460-2083 : Human molecular genetics
1872-7646 : Human movement science
1098-1004 : Human mutation
1936-4776 : Human nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.)
1532-8392 : Human pathology
2214-3300 : Human pathology (New York)
1532-7043 : Human performance
1099-1077 : Human psychopharmacology
1460-2350 : Human reproduction (Oxford, England)
2043-0469 : Human reproduction and genetic ethics
1460-2369 : Human reproduction update
1478-4491 : Human resources for health
1085-794X : Human rights quarterly
2330-314X : Human service organizations, management, leadership & governance
1554-8619 : Human vaccines
2164-554X : Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics
1972-1293 : Humana.mente
1572-8501 : Husserl studies
1938-5587 : HVAC&R research
1557-8348 : Hybridoma (2005)
1435-0157 : Hydrogeology journal
1099-1085 : Hydrological processes
1527-2001 : Hypatia
1572-9540 : Hyperfine interactions
1524-4563 : Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979)
1525-6065 : Hypertension in pregnancy
1348-4214 : Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension
1710-3398 : Hypothesis (University of Toronto. Dept. of Medical Biophysics)
2324-1128 : Hypoxia (Auckland, N.Z.)