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American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

The ASCE Library provides online access to a high-quality collection of civil engineering content. It contains articles from ASCE journals, papers from conference proceedings, and e-books and standards.

The ASCE Library contains selected e-books from 1998 to the present, including all in-print ASCE Manuals of Practice and ASCE Press titles.

Many books are available by the chapter. All current ASCE Standards are also available, although not by the chapter. New and backlist is added throughout the year.

All journal articles, proceedings papers, e-books, and standards are available in PDF format. Many proceedings papers are also available in a format called PDF with Links which features linked references wherever possible. Some journal articles and proceedings papers have references, URLs, and email addresses with live links. Journal articles from 2006 to the present are also available in full-text HTML.

Supplemental materials are available with some articles and books in a format provided by the author. Users may need specialized software to use these files. ASCE does not provide or support specialized software.
