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IOP Publishing

IOP Publishing provides publications through which leading-edge scientific research is distributed worldwide. IOP Publishing is central to the Institute of Physics (IOP), a not-for-profit society. Any financial surplus earned by IOP Publishing goes to support science through the activities of IOP.

Beyond our traditional journals programme, we make high-value scientific information easily accessible through an ever-evolving portfolio of community websites, magazines, conference proceedings and a multitude of electronic services. Focused on making the most of new technologies, we’re continually improving our electronic interfaces to make it easier for researchers to find exactly what they need, when they need it, in the format that suits them best.

IOP Publishing Journals
IOPscience is the online service for journal content. Journals include:

  • 2D Materials
  • Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Applied Physics Express
  • Biofabrication
  • Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
  • Biomedical Materials
  • Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express
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  • Chinese Physics C
  • Chinese Physics Letters
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  • Quantum Science and Technology
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  • Superconductor Science and Technology
  • Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
  • The Astronomical Journal
  • The Astrophysical Journal
  • The Astrophysical Journal Letters
  • The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
  • Translational Materials Research

Some of these journals are published on behalf of other societies; for example, the Astrophysical Journal group of titles are published in partnership with the American Astronomical Society.
