Scopus Newsletter - Mars 2016: SciVerse, ScienceDirect and Scopus Databases
Since the end of 2010, the Archives & ULB Libraries offer access to SciVerse, a platform that brings together databases ScienceDirect, Scopus and web content from Scirus. Word of explanation about this unique access to different resources.ScienceDirect
This is a platform for information search Scientific, Technical and Medical (STM). Journal Human Sciences (SHS) are also included, mainly in multidisciplinary fields (psychology, economics, social sciences ...). You will find mainly articles, but also a number of electronic books (reference works, handbooks and series). Remember, it is from this platform that you have access to Elsevier Archive encompassing over 2,200 journal titles in electronic format, starting for the oldest collections in 1823 (see our post "Archives electronic Elsevier at the Free University of Brussels ")
Tip: Science Direct on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad
Functions to find an article, share a PDF or query the database from anywhere.
Find and read magazines or chapters of books from Elsevier conference, on the go and travel ...
Free Download on iTunes
access authentication by institutional address / account SciVerse
This is a bibliographic database that provides a distributed content as follows:
- 16,500 journals 'peer reviewed'
- 1200 Open Access journals
- 350 book series
- 764 conference proceedings
- 433 million scientific web pages through Scirus
- 23 million patents from 5 different patent offices
- Multiple sources selected, including 88 institutional repositories and thematic digital archives
The peculiarity of Scopus is to offer functionality designed specifically to researchers:
Create a Bibliography
View a researcher profile in a few clicks
Follow the article citations
To review a title
Scopus also helps to provide answers to questions such as: which journals publish the most in my domain? Does such a topic is of growing interest? What other disciplines is my partner about? What other researcher was active in my field?
Warning: access to Scopus is valid for 2011 and will be evaluated in order to know the use. For now, the Archives & ULB Libraries offer access to Scopus and Web of Science. The relevance of having a subscription to both databases at the same time also will be analyzed.
This is a new platform that integrates ScienceDirect, Scopus and Scirus scientific content search engine. It also allows the integration of other content and the creation of applications developed in order to optimize the work of researchers and scientists.
A single password and hence access to ScienceDirect and Scopus
The interoperability between ScienceDirect and Scopus has improved
Integrated research between ScienceDirect, Scopus, Scirus and through SciVerse Hub beta
These resources are accessed remotely via EZ-Proxy