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How does Text Mining Work? - Elsevier Journals

Why use scholarly articles?

Published articles and books already contain the information that you might be seeking and text mining is an ideal way of unlocking that knowledge. Articles and book chapters are also curated and are a trusted source of information and more importantly there is a lot of it across all disciplines stretching right back to the first published article!

Getting started

Text mining requires you to first access and download the content you wish to mine and then run special text mining tools over that content to find what you are looking for. Our full text article programming interface (API) is an easy and simple way for you to bulk download Elsevier content for non-commercial research text mining purposes. You can get access to the full text API via our developers portal. Our API includes open access content but you can also mine OA content using the DOI retrieval function http://api.elsevier.com/content/article/doi/[DOI] which your automated script can run on.
