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MathSciNet Indexed journals -3

MathSciNet Indexed journals

MathSciNet is a comprehensive bibliographic and review database provided by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) that covers the world of mathematical literature and papers. It is a perfect match with the database of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) such as the Zentralblatt MATH . About 70,000 new bibliographies are added each year, of which about 55,000 are reviewed.

MathSciNet is the forerunner of "Mathematical Reviews (MR)". "MathSciNet" was developed based on MR.

1201 : de Gruyter :  International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
1202 : WorldSci :  International Journal of Number Theory (IJNT)
1203 : U Alberta :  International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling. Series B
1204 : Global SP :  International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling
1205 : U Alberta :  International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling
1206 : Pushpa :  International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications
1207 : Ingenta :  International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
1208 : Emerald :  International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
1209 : Wiley :  International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields
1210 : ICSRS :  International Journal of Open Problems in Complex Analysis (IJOPCA)
1211 : ICSRS :  International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics (IJOPCM)
1212 : Inderscience :  International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR)
1213 : ORSN :  International Journal of Operational Research Nepal. IJORN
1214 : ORSTW :  International Journal of Operations Research IJOR
1215 : IJOCTA :  International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA)
1216 : Springer :  International Journal of Parallel Programming
1217 : Ingenta :  International Journal of Parallel Programming
1218 : Taylor&Francis :  International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
1219 : Hindawi :  International Journal of Partial Differential Equations
1220 : WorldSci :  International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI)
1221 : Academic :  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
1222 : Wiley :  International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
1223 : WorldSci :  International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI)
1224 : ARPA Press :  International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences
1225 : Wiley :  International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
1226 : Springer :  International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
1227 : WorldSci :  International Journal of Shape Modeling (IJSM)
1228 : Ingenta :  International Journal of Solids and Structures
1229 : ScienceDirect :  International Journal of Solids and Structures
1230 : CESER :  International Journal of Statistics & Economics
1231 : Statperson :  International Journal of Statistika and Mathematika
1232 : Hindawi :  International Journal of Stochastic Analysis
1233 : WorldSci :  International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD)
1234 : Taylor&Francis :  International Journal of Systems Science
1235 : Ingenta :  International Journal of Systems Science
1236 : WorldSci :  International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF)
1237 : Springer :  International Journal of Theoretical Physics
1238 : CESER :  International Journal of Tomography & Statistics (IJTS)
1239 : WorldSci :  International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS)
1240 : WorldSci :  International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP)
1241 : Hikari :  International Mathematical Forum
1242 : ÖMG :  International Mathematical News/ Nouvelles Mathématiques Internationales/ Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten
1243 : Ingenta :  International Statistical Review
1244 : Wiley :  International Statistical Review
1245 : Euclid :  International Statistical Review
1246 : JSTOR :  International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique
1247 : Taylor&Francis :  International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
1248 : Wiley :  International Transactions in Operational Research
1249 : ScienceDirect :  International Transactions in Operational Research
1250 : Taylor&Francis :  Internet Mathematics
1251 : Euclid :  Internet Mathematics
1252 : Springer :  Inventiones Mathematicae
1253 : DIGI :  Inventiones mathematicae
1254 : GDZ :  Inventiones mathematicae
1255 : IOP :  Inverse Problems
1256 : AIMS :  Inverse Problems and Imaging (IPI)
1257 : Taylor&Francis :  Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
1258 : Inv Oper :  Investigación Operacional
1259 : MSP :  Involve, a Journal of Mathematics
1260 : IPOL :  IPOL Journal. Image Processing Online
1261 : SID :  Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
1262 : USB :  Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
1263 : IJMSI :  Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics
1264 : Springer :  Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A. Science
1265 : Shiraz U :  Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science
1266 : IranianMS :  Iranian Mathematical Society. Bulletin
1267 : U Chicago :  Isis
1268 : JSTOR :  Isis
1269 : Springer :  Israel Journal of Mathematics
1270 : Hindawi :  ISRN Algebra
1271 : Hindawi :  ISRN Applied Mathematics
1272 : Hindawi :  ISRN Geometry
1273 : Hindawi :  ISRN Mathematical Analysis
1274 : GDZ :  Issledovanija po Prikladnoj Matematike
1275 : Math-Net.Ru :  Issledovaniya po Prikladnoi Matematike i Informatike
1276 : Izmir EU :  Istatistik. Journal of the Turkish Statistical Association
1277 : U Udine :  Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
1278 : P Slaska :  ITEM: Information Technology for Economics and Management
1279 : Springer :  Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
1280 : RAS Ural CSC :  Izvestiya Chelyabinskogo Nauchnogo Tsentra. Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center
1281 : Math-Net.Ru :  Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki
1282 : Udmurt SU :  Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki
1283 : ISU :  Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika
1284 : Math-Net.Ru :  Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika
1285 : NAS RA :  Izvestiya Natsionalʹnaya Akademiya Nauk Armenii Matematika
1286 : FundSciLib :  Izvestiya Natsionalʹnoĭ Akademii Nauk Armenii. Mekhanika (Proceedings of the National academy of Armenia, Mechanics
1287 : NAS RK :  Izvestiya Natsional′noĭ Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskaya
1288 : Math-Net.Ru :  Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya
1289 : Math-Net.Ru :  Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya. Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika
1290 : SSU :  Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya. Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika
1291 : Math-Net.Ru :  Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Matematika
1292 : Kazan StU :  Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Matematika
1293 : Turpion :  Izvestiya: Mathematics
1294 : Turpion :  Izvestiya: Mathematics
1295 : IOP :  Izvestiya: Mathematics/Mathematics of the USSR - Izvestiya
1296 : Graz UT :  J.UCS, Journal of Universal Computer Science
1297 : U Jaen :  Jaen Journal on Approximation
1298 : EMIS :  Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik
1299 : DIGI :  Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
1300 : U Bielefeld :  Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
1301 : GDZ :  Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
1302 : Springer :  Jahresbericht der deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
1303 : Euclid :  Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1304 : Springer :  Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1305 : Wiley :  Japanese Economic Review
1306 : JSTAGE :  Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics (Kodo Keiryogaku)
1307 : Springer :  Japanese Journal of Mathematics
1308 : Kyoto U :  Japanese Journal of Mathematics (JJM)
1309 : JSTAGE :  Japanese journal of mathematics. New series
1310 : Springer :  Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
1311 : Springer :  JETP Letters
1312 : Acad Sinica ISS :  JISE Journal of Information Science and Engineering
1313 : JNAIAM :  JNAIAM. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1314 : Yarmouk U :  Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
1315 : Springer :  Journal d'Analyse Mathématique
1316 : CEDRAM :  Journal de l'École polytechnique. Mathématiques
1317 : NUMDAM :  Journal de la SFdS. Journal de la Socíeté Française de Statistique
1318 : SFdS :  Journal de la SFdS. Journal de la Socíeté Française de Statistique
1319 : Gallica :  Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
1320 : ScienceDirect :  Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
1321 : EDP :  Journal de Physique I
1322 : CEDRAM :  Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
1323 : EMIS :  Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
1324 : NUMDAM :  Journal de Théorie des nombres de Bordeaux
1325 : Ingenta :  Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
1326 : JEHPS :  Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique
1327 : EMS :  Journal for Analysis and its Applications/Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen (ZAA)
1328 : Springer :  Journal for General Philosophy of Science
1329 : Heldermann :  Journal for Geometry and Graphics
1330 : EMIS :  Journal for Geometry and Graphics
1331 : GDZ :  Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
1332 : DIGI :  Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
1333 : Math-res-pub :  Journal of Abstract Differential Equations and Applications (JADEA)
1334 : Fair Partners :  Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies
1335 : Modern SP :  Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology (JAST)
1336 : JSTOR :  Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
1337 : Springer :  Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (JABES)
1338 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Algebra
1339 : Ingenta :  Journal of Algebra
1340 : Ilirias :  Journal of Algebra and Computational Applications
1341 : WorldSci :  Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (JAA)
1342 : U Guilan :  Journal of Algebra and Related Topics
1343 : Yildiz TU :  Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications
1344 : Springer :  Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
1345 : AMS :  Journal of Algebraic Geometry
1346 : JAlgStat :  Journal of Algebraic Statistics
1347 : SUT :  Journal of Algebraic Systems
1348 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Algorithms
1349 : SAGE :  Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology
1350 : J Analysis :  Journal of Analysis
1351 : Paper Open :  Journal of Anhui University. Natural Science Edition
1352 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Applied Analysis
1353 : EMIS :  Journal of Applied Analysis
1354 : Shanghai NU :  Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (JAAC)
1355 : Springer :  Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
1356 : U ScM Suceava :  Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics
1357 : JSTOR :  Journal of Applied Econometrics
1358 : Wiley :  Journal of Applied Econometrics
1359 : Eudoxus :  Journal of Applied Functional Analysis
1360 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Applied Logic
1361 : CollPub :  Journal of Applied Logics. The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications
1362 : Euclid :  Journal of Applied Mathematics
1363 : Hindawi :  Journal of Applied Mathematics
1364 : ScienPress :  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics
1365 : WPC :  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics
1366 : Springer :  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
1367 : JAMI :  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics(JAMI)
1368 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
1369 : Ingenta :  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
1370 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics
1371 : ASME :  Journal of Applied Mechanics
1372 : Springer :  Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics
1373 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics
1374 : L&H :  Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
1375 : Cambridge UP :  Journal of Applied Probability
1376 : JSTOR :  Journal of Applied Probability
1377 : Euclid :  Journal of Applied Probability
1378 : ISOSS :  Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics
1379 : Ingenta :  Journal of Applied Statistics
1380 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Applied Statistics
1381 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Approximation Theory
1382 : Ingenta :  Journal of Approximation Theory
1383 : JAIR :  Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
1384 : JALC :  Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics
1385 : Springer :  Journal of Automated Reasoning
1386 : BanglaJOL :  Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
1387 : Beijing IT :  Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology
1388 : CNKI :  Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology
1389 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Biological Dynamics
1390 : WorldSci :  Journal of Biological Systems (JBS)
1391 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
1392 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis
1393 : JSTOR :  Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
1394 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
1395 : OCP :  Journal of Cellular Automata
1396 : AIP :  Journal of Chemical Physics
1397 : ACS :  Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
1398 : CNKI :  Journal of Chongqing University (English Edition)
1399 : ChongQing U :  Journal of Chongqing University-English Edition (JCQU-E)
1400 : Element :  Journal of Classical Analysis
1401 : Springer :  Journal of Classification
1402 : EMS :  Journal of Combinatorial Algebra
1403 : Wiley :  Journal of Combinatorial Designs
1404 : Springer :  Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
1405 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Combinatorial Theory
1406 : Ingenta :  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
1407 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
1408 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
1409 : Ingenta :  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
1410 : IP :  Journal of Combinatorics
1411 : PPPL :  Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences (JCISS)
1412 : Euclid :  Journal of Commutative Algebra
1413 : Hindawi :  Journal of Complex Analysis
1414 : Oxford UP :  Journal of Complex Networks
1415 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Complexity
1416 : WorldSci :  Journal of Computational Acoustics (JCA)
1417 : Springer :  Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications
1418 : Eudoxus :  Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications(JoCAAA)
1419 : Ingenta :  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1420 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1421 : U Miskolc :  Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics
1422 : SUSU :  Journal of Computational and Engineering Mathematics
1423 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
1424 : ASA :  Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
1425 : JSTOR :  Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
1426 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport
1427 : Liebert :  Journal of Computational Biology
1428 : AIMS :  Journal of Computational Dynamics
1429 : Risk.net :  Journal of Computational Finance
1430 : JCompGeom :  Journal of Computational Geometry
1431 : CNKI :  Journal of Computational Mathematics
1432 : Global SP :  Journal of Computational Mathematics
1433 : IOS :  Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering
1434 : Multi-Science :  Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows
1435 : SAGE :  Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows
1436 : Springer :  Journal of Computational Neuroscience
1437 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Computational Physics
1438 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Computational Science
1439 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1440 : Ingenta :  Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1441 : Springer :  Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
1442 : Springer :  Journal of Computer Science and Technology
1443 : CNKI :  Journal of Computer Science and Technology
1444 : Eudoxus :  Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics
1445 : Springer :  Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis
1446 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Control and Decision
1447 : Hindawi :  Journal of Control Science and Engineering
1448 : CAS :  Journal of Control Theory and Applications
1449 : CNKI :  Journal of Control Theory and Applications
1450 : Heldermann :  Journal of Convex Analysis
1451 : EMIS :  Journal of Convex Analysis
1452 : IOP :  Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
1453 : Springer :  Journal of Cryptology
1454 : JDS :  Journal of Data Science
1455 : Hindawi :  Journal of Difference Equations
1456 : Ingenta :  Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
1457 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
1458 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Differential Equations
1459 : Ingenta :  Journal of Differential Equations
1460 : Euclid :  Journal of Differential Geometry
1461 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Discrete Algorithms
1462 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography
1463 : Connect J :  Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography
1464 : Hindawi :  Journal of Discrete Mathematics
1465 : Springer :  Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
1466 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories
1467 : Connect J :  Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories
1468 : Springer :  Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
1469 : AIMS :  Journal of Dynamics and Games (JDG)
1470 : IAS :  Journal of Earth System Science
1471 : ECNU :  Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Sciences)
1472 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Econometric Methods
1473 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Econometrics
1474 : Ingenta :  Journal of Econometrics
1475 : Ingenta :  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1476 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1477 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Economic Theory
1478 : Ingenta :  Journal of Economic Theory
1479 : Springer :  Journal of Economics
1480 : Springer :  Journal of Elasticity
1481 : Hindawi :  Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1482 : Ingenta :  Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
1483 : Springer :  Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations
1484 : Orthogonal Editions :  Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations
1485 : Springer :  Journal of Engineering Mathematics
1486 : Springer :  Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics
1487 : Springer :  Journal of Evolution Equations
1488 : Springer :  Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
1489 : JSTOR :  Journal of Finance
1490 : AFA :  Journal of Finance
1491 : Springer :  Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
1492 : Cambridge UP :  Journal of Fluid Mechanics
1493 : Wiley :  Journal of Forecasting
1494 : U Bologna :  Journal of Formalized Reasoning
1495 : Springer :  Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
1496 : GDZ :  Journal of Fourier analysis and applications [[Elektronische Ressource]]
1497 : DIGI :  Journal of Fourier analysis and applications [[Elektronische Ressource]]
1498 : EMS :  Journal of Fractal Geometry
1499 : FCAG :  Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications
1500 : Hindawi :  Journal of Function Spaces
1501 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Functional Analysis
1502 : Ingenta :  Journal of Functional Analysis
1503 : U Munster :  Journal of Functional and Logic Programming
1504 : Cambridge UP :  Journal of Functional Programming
1505 : ISPACS :  Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis
1506 : Euclid :  Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications
1507 : OMICS :  Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications
1508 : Springer :  Journal of Geometric Analysis
1509 : AIMS :  Journal of Geometric Mechanics
1510 : Springer :  Journal of Geometry
1511 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Geometry and Physics
1512 : Ingenta :  Journal of Geometry and Physics
1513 : JGSP :  Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics
1514 : Springer :  Journal of Global Optimization
1515 : EMIS :  Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
1516 : Brown U :  Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
1517 : JGL :  Journal of Graph Labeling
1518 : Wiley :  Journal of Graph Theory
1519 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Group Theory
1520 : AIAA :  Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
1521 : GGT :  Journal of Gökova Geometry Topology GGT
1522 : Harbin IT :  Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao
1523 : Springer :  Journal of Heuristics
1524 : IOP :  Journal of High Energy Physics
1525 : Springer :  Journal of High Energy Physics
1526 : Springer :  Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures
1527 : Tbilisi CMS :  Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (JHRS)
1528 : EMIS :  Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (JHRS)
1529 : S @ Claremont :  Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
1530 : CNKI :  Journal of Hydrodynamics
1531 : WorldSci :  Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (JHDE)
1532 : U Mohaghegh Ardabili :  Journal of Hyperstructures
1533 : AIMS :  Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (JIMO)
1534 : EMIS :  Journal of Inequalities and Applications
1535 : Springer :  Journal of Inequalities and Applications
1536 : Ingenta :  Journal of Inequalities and Applications
1537 : EMIS :  Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (JIPAM)
1538 : RGN :  Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences
1539 : MIR Labs :  Journal of Information Assurance and Security
1540 : JSTAGE :  Journal of Information Processing
1541 : Acad Sinica ISS :  Journal of Information Science and Engineering
1542 : TARU :  Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
1543 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
1544 : U Waterloo :  Journal of Integer Sequences
1545 : EMIS :  Journal of Integer Sequences
1546 : Oxford UP :  Journal of Integrable Systems
1547 : Euclid :  Journal of Integral Equations and Applications
1548 : IOS :  Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
1549 : Connect J :  Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
1550 : IMVI :  Journal of International Mathematical Virtual Institute
1551 : ISPACS :  Journal of Interpolation and Approximation in Scientific Computing
1552 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
1553 : CNKI :  Journal of Jinan University (Natural Science & Medicine Edition)
1554 : Cambridge UP :  Journal of K-Theory
1555 : WorldSci :  Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (JKTR)
1556 : Heldermann :  Journal of Lie Theory
1557 : EMIS :  Journal of Lie Theory
1558 : Islamic Azad U :  Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra. JLTA
1559 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
1560 : ASL :  Journal of Logic and Analysis
1561 : Oxford UP :  Journal of Logic and Computation
1562 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Logic Programming
1563 : Springer :  Journal of Logic, Language and Information
1564 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
1565 : JMLR :  Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
1566 : GCOE-MI :  Journal of Math-for-Industry
1567 : Ingenta :  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1568 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1569 : SCIK :  Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science
1570 : ITB :  Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences
1571 : Springer :  Journal of Mathematical Biology
1572 : Springer :  Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
1573 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
1574 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Mathematical Economics
1575 : Ingenta :  Journal of Mathematical Economics
1576 : IAU Shiraz :  Journal of Mathematical Extension
1577 : Springer :  Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
1578 : Springer :  Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
1579 : Element :  Journal of Mathematical Inequalities
1580 : WorldSci :  Journal of Mathematical Logic (JML)
1581 : U Guilan :  Journal of Mathematical Modeling
1582 : Springer :  Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research
1583 : Springer :  Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN)
1584 : AIP :  Journal of Mathematical Physics
1585 : ILTPE :  Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry
1586 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Mathematical Psychology
1587 : Ingenta :  Journal of Mathematical Psychology
1588 : Dalian U Tech :  Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications
1589 : Springer :  Journal of Mathematical Sciences
1590 : Atlas :  Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computer Applications
1591 : U Tokyo :  Journal of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo
1592 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Mathematical Sociology
1593 : Global SP :  Journal of Mathematical Study. Shuxue Yanjiu
1594 : VA Tech :  Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control
1595 : Hindawi :  Journal of Mathematics
1596 : Rzeszow UT :  Journal of Mathematics and Applications
1597 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Mathematics and Music : Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music Theory, Analysis, Composition and Performance
1598 : SciPub :  Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
1599 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
1600 : Springer :  Journal of Mathematics in Industry
1601 : CCSE :  Journal of Mathematics Research (JMR)
1602 : U Tokushima :  Journal of Mathematics, The University of Tokushima
1603 : MSP :  Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
1604 : Springer :  Journal of Membrane Computing
1605 : Wiley :  Journal of Microscopy
1606 : AIMS :  Journal of Modern Dynamics (JMD)
1607 : Medwell :  Journal of Modern Mathematics and Statistics
1608 : Modern SP :  Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics
1609 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Modern Optics
1610 : Ingenta :  Journal of Modern Optics
1611 : Wiley :  Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
1612 : OCP :  Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing
1613 : WorldSci :  Journal of Multiscale Modeling (JMM)
1614 : Ingenta :  Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1615 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1616 : Nanjing U :  Journal of Nanjing University
1617 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
1618 : EMS :  Journal of Noncommutative Geometry (JNCG)
1619 : Yokohama :  Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis
1620 : JNEEA :  Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications (JNEEA)
1621 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
1622 : WorldSci :  Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (JNMP)
1623 : Springer :  Journal of Nonlinear Science
1624 : J Nonlinear Sci App :  Journal of Nonlinear Science and its Applications. (JNSA)
1625 : JNSA :  Journal of Nonlinear Systems and Applications
1626 : Ingenta :  Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
1627 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
1628 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Number Theory
1629 : Ingenta :  Journal of Number Theory
1630 : Hindawi :  Journal of Numbers
1631 : Romanian Acad :  Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory
1632 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Numerical Mathematics
1633 : JNMS :  Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Stochastics
1634 : CNKI :  Journal of Ocean University of China
1635 : mathjournals.org :  Journal of Operator Theory
1636 : Hindawi :  Journal of Operators
1637 : IOP :  Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
1638 : Hindawi :  Journal of Optimization
1639 : Springer :  Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
1640 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
1641 : Ingenta :  Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
1642 : Global SP :  Journal of Partial Differential Equations (JPDE)
1643 : Springer :  Journal of Philosophical Logic
1644 : AMetSoc :  Journal of Physical Oceanography
1645 : Vidyasagar U :  Journal of Physical Sciences
1646 : IFNU Lviv :  Journal of Physical Studies
1647 : IOP :  Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
1648 : IOP :  Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
1649 : IOP :  Journal of Physics: Conference Series
1650 : Abdus Salam SMSU :  Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics
1651 : Hindawi :  Journal of Probability
1652 : Hindawi :  Journal of Probability and Statistics
1653 : Springer :  Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications
1654 : Ingenta :  Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
1655 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
1656 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
1657 : RAOPS :  Journal of Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences
1658 : NIST :  Journal of Research of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
1659 : AIP :  Journal of Rheology
1660 : Wiley :  Journal of Scheduling
1661 : Springer :  Journal of Scheduling
1662 : JOSA :  Journal of Science and Arts
1663 : U Tehran :  Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran
1664 : Springer :  Journal of Scientific Computing
1665 : CNKI :  Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
1666 : CNKI :  Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)
1667 : CNKI :  Journal of Shanghai University
1668 : Springer :  Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition)
1669 : Sichuan U :  Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition)
1670 : Worldwide :  Journal of Singularities
1671 : JOS :  Journal of Software
1672 : MSP :  Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry
1673 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Sound and Vibration
1674 : Southeast U :  Journal of Southeast University
1675 : CNKI :  Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)
1676 : EMS :  Journal of Spectral Theory
1677 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1678 : Ingenta :  Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1679 : IOP :  Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
1680 : Springer :  Journal of Statistical Physics
1681 : Ingenta :  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1682 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1683 : Marquette U :  Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications
1684 : Atlantis :  Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications (JSTA)
1685 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
1686 : TARU :  Journal of Statistics & Management Systems
1687 : Ingenta :  Journal of Symbolic Computation
1688 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Symbolic Computation
1689 : JSTOR :  Journal of Symbolic Logic
1690 : Euclid :  Journal of Symbolic Logic
1691 : Cambridge UP :  Journal of Symbolic Logic
1692 : Euclid :  Journal of Symplectic Geometry
1693 : IP :  Journal of Symplectic Geometry
1694 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Systems and Software
1695 : Ingenta :  Journal of Systems and Software
1696 : Springer :  Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1697 : AMSS-CAS :  Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1698 : CNKI :  Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1699 : AMSS-CAS :  Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Science (Xitong Kexue yu Shuxue)
1700 : ACM :  Journal of the ACM
1701 : AIP :  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
1702 : AMS :  Journal of the American Mathematical Society
1703 : JSTOR :  Journal of the American Mathematical Society
1704 : JSTOR :  Journal of the American Statistical Association
1705 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of the American Statistical Association
1706 : AMetSoc :  Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
1707 : AustMS :  Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
1708 : Cambridge UP :  Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
1709 : Springer :  Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
1710 : KoreaScience :  Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
1711 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
1712 : EMS :  Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
1713 : Ingenta :  Journal of the Franklin Institute
1714 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of the Franklin Institute
1715 : MUSE :  Journal of the History of Ideas
1716 : JSTOR :  Journal of the History of Ideas
1717 : ISAS :  Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
1718 : IndoMS :  Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society
1719 : Cambridge UP :  Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
1720 : IranStatSoc :  Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society
1721 : JSTAGE :  Journal of the Japan Statistical Society
1722 : SCIPRESS :  Journal of the Japan Statistical Society
1723 : TERRAPUB :  Journal of the Japan Statistical Society. Japanese Issue
1724 : JSTAGE :  Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
1725 : KMS :  Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
1726 : KSIAM :  Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1727 : KSME :  Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics
1728 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
1729 : Wiley :  Journal of the London Mathematical Society
1730 : Cambridge UP :  Journal of the London Mathematical Society
1731 : Oxford UP :  Journal of the London Mathematical Society
1732 : Euclid :  Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
1733 : JSTAGE :  Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
1734 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
1735 : Ingenta :  Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
1736 : AJOL :  Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
1737 : NMS :  Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
1738 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
1739 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Operational Research Society
1740 : Palgrave M :  Journal of the Operational Research Society
1741 : Springer :  Journal of the Operations Research Society of China
1742 : ORSJ :  Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
1743 : Ingenta :  Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
1744 : OSA :  Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision)
1745 : OSA :  Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B: Optical Physics)
1746 : JSTAGE :  Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
1747 : JPS :  Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
1748 : mathjournals.org :  Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society
1749 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
1750 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General)
1751 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society)
1752 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)
1753 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology)
1754 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics)
1755 : Ingenta :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
1756 : Wiley :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
1757 : Wiley :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)
1758 : Ingenta :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)
1759 : Ingenta :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)
1760 : Wiley :  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)
1761 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1762 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis
1763 : JSTOR :  Journal of the Statistical Society of London
1764 : TUS Plovdiv :  Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv. Fundamental Sciences and Applications
1765 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
1766 : Bulgarian AS :  Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
1767 : ScienceDirect :  Journal of Theoretical Biology
1768 : Springer :  Journal of Theoretical Probability
1769 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Thermal Stresses
1770 : Wiley :  Journal of Time Series Analysis
1771 : Ingenta :  Journal of Time Series Analysis
1772 : de Gruyter :  Journal of Time Series Econometrics
1773 : Wiley :  Journal of Topology
1774 : Oxford UP :  Journal of Topology
1775 : WorldSci :  Journal of Topology and Analysis (JTA)
1776 : Taylor&Francis :  Journal of Turbulence
1777 : CNKI :  Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing
1778 : SAGE :  Journal of Vibration and Control
1779 : Yunnan U :  Journal of Yunnan University. Natural Sciences
1780 : CNKI :  Journal of Zhejiang University Science(Life Science)
1781 : CNKI :  Journal of Zhejiang University Science(Science in Engineering)
1782 : OriProbe IS :  Journal of Zhoukou Normal University
1783 : CEDRAM :  Journées Équations aux Dérivées Partielles
1784 : NUMDAM :  Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles
1785 : Pushpa :  JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications
1786 : Pushpa :  JP Journal of Biostatistics
1787 : Pushpa :  JP Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
1788 : Pushpa :  JP Journal of Geometry and Topology
1789 : Pushpa :  JP Journal of Solids and Structures
1790 : JSTAGE :  JSIAM Letters
1791 : JSTAGE :  JSME International Journal Series A Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
1792 : JSTAGE :  JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering
1793 : JSTAGE :  JSME International Journal Series C Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing
1794 : VPIndia :  Jñānābha
1795 : Portico :  K-Theory. An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Development, Application, and Influence of $K$-Theory in the Mathematical Sciences
1796 : de Gruyter :  Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science
1797 : Math-Net.Ru :  Kazanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Uchenye Zapiski
1798 : EMIS :  Khayyam Journal of Mathematics
1799 : AIMS :  Kinetic and Related Models
1800 : JSTAGE :  Kodai Mathematical Journal
