The journal publishes original papers of permanent reference value in all fields of electrical systems. The coverage embraces: Power Electronics and Electric Drives; Photovoltaic conversion; generation and network planning; optimal power flow; reliability; expert systems; neural networks; object oriented systems; database and information systems; network theory, modeling and computation; protection; distribution systems; energy economics; FACTS; electrical machines; Artificial intelligence in power systems. As well as original research papers, the journal publishes short contributions, book reviews and conference reports. All papers are blind peer-reviewed by at least three referees. The journal have a policy of screening for plagiarism. The journal publishes 4 issues per year with at least 10 papers per issue.
Journal of Electrical Systems (JES)
Journal of Electrical Systems has recently been accepted for coverage in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, which is the New Edition of the Web of Science that was launched in November 2015. Beginning with content published in 2015. This means that any articles published in the journal will be indexed in the Web of Science at the time of publication.
- Abstracted/Indexed in Web Of Science of Thomson reuters
- Abstracted/Indexed in DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
- Abstracted/Indexed in: scopus since (2009) SJR Value (2012):0.14 SJR Value (2013):0.17, SJR Value (2015):0.23
- Abstracted/Indexed in: Compendex since (2009)
- Abstracted/Indexed in: EBESCO (2012)
ISSN 1112-5209
Prof. Tarek Bouktir
Electrical Engineering Department
University of Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, Algeria